This slid cause of all the modern nu/pol/ BS

This slid cause of all the modern nu/pol/ BS.

Wake up U.S.A.
Even Ex-CIA is saying its gone too far.

>In before you never leave CIA
>In before inciting Violence

Get over it fags, I'm not saying kill people. I'm saying Arm up and get ready.

Other urls found in this thread:

1000 rounds per firearm minimum.

Do you own anything that can disable armored vehicles?

No, But if it came to that I'd use other methods anyway.

I don't think it's going to come to that.

>not being armed already

I'm just curious what can stop police raids they have numbers, training, and better equipment.

This is the conspiracy nut in me coming out.
But I feel the 22LR shortage has been orchestrated for this.

With .22 you can suppress. Its silent and no recoil so people can easily suppress in a safe range with little to no experience.

Its not war ammo but you can give it to kids and they can cover from cliffs and never get singled.

Everyone should stock up and get ready. Ive never advocated for people to stock ammo or prep. But I am now. This is the first time.

Politicians are being attacked... Shit IS hitting the fan.

Guns are just phallic symbols for Americans now. Take your LARPing somewhere else faggot. 56% memeland is dead.

Anything can destroy anything if you're brave and creative enough.
Last I checked thermite is one of those other methods.

I've gotten some /k/ screencaps, I don't have any of the trap making ones though

I think .22 is a great thing to stock up on. You can use it for inexpensive target practice, and if you have to OPERATE with it you can carry more rounds.

Most people most of the time don't want to be shot at.

Sadly booby trapping entry ways and homemade grenades can easily disable the police state...

Hell its being done by savages in the middle east on the worlds most powerful Army...

>not just detonating the 500 lbs of C4 in your basement

Mantrapping is also a felony crime last I checked.

Doesn't sound like a good idea unless were' at dirt farmer in 'nam levels of happening.

>not wanting commie fucks to climb over mountains of their comrades
>not wanting dirty commies to pull your shattered body buried in brass
>not wanting to scar the commies for life as the question "Was it worth it?" tortures them forever

Come on now

Much less if you are going against average people.

The Meme is .22 is trash and child play.
But you can EASILY kill someone with a 22.

9mm and 42 is a fucking cannon. 22 will allow you to continue firing and keep your hearing, while wounding your opponent. AND as you mentioned they dont want to be fired upon.

They DON'T know what round is being fired for the most part, just hearing it ring off and pinging will make people duck and cover. That's all you need.

Guerrilla warfare.
We have the size advantage and we would use it. Just because we can't face them lined up doesn't mean we can't fight them.
Booby traps, shoot n' boot, ambushes, IED's and small unit tactics all go into a successful guerrilla warfare operation. Hell since we're citizens not soldiers we can even use chemical and biological warfare against them.

Read the USMC publication Warfighting. It breaks down how warfare is about more than routes, soldier and equipment. Until you've finished that publication you can't really discuss the finer points of warfare.

And I wouldn't recommend it till it hit that level.
Again I'm not advocating attacking people or booby trapping your own place yet...

What I'm saying is get READY to do so if it happens.

God dammit this is being slid by Varg LARP'ing posts and Burgers shitting in Walmart threads and BBC again...

Bump this it's actual political information.

My dad used his old .22 to take care of some yard vermin last year. Put down easy and nobody came to tell him that's against the law.

Those sure are some interesting pictures.

As for traps...Dig a hole, put sharp sticks in the hole, shit in the hole, cover the hole.

>Not using a Shekel for bait

Bumping to inform the USA of the coming Civil War.

>being a guncuck in 2017

Yeah, no thanks goy

I got you famalama.
Pungi sticks. If it was good enough for the boys in Vietnam it's good enough for us.

Saw some of those things and other ideas when I was in 'nam. Holy shit.

Interesting how we have fridge bombs and pressure cooker bombs and stuff like that today. rly maeks u thing

What do they call those things that turn a metal plate into a solid armor piercing projectile? I never want to ride in an armor vehicle after seeing those schematics.

Sodium Silicate.

It was an EFP actually, Explosively Formed Penetrator.

Yeah these things are wreaking havoc over in the middle east.

Anything can be a bomb if you know what you're doing.
Warfare adapts and so do our methods. I've seen IED's tucked into sections of the road. Nasty business booby traps.
Only reason we saw so many traps in nam is the prevalence of guerrilla warfare. It's pretty much the only way to win against an overwhelmingly larger or better equipped force.

Scheuer is based. True patriot.

This is actually a very elegant solution to the whole APC and tanks problem.
It would take some kind of moron to fuck up this simple of an idea.

wow explosive lenses?

I bet a bunch of inbred morons came up with that amirite

>Do you own anything that can disable armored vehicles?

If you know anything about AFVs you know there are very few of them relative to the US land mass, and all the wheeled ones are nearly roadbound and incapable of crossing most difficult terrain. You'd know in a serious fight the US military would be divided, as would the enormous pool of veterans and I don't mean the fatass fossils who show up for parades. Most AFVs can't do high angle fire and an EFP (not hard to make) can mobility kill them. A useless AFV is useless, and need not be dead to be useless.

Troops have to leave their armored boxes to fight.

Also Viet Nam, Somalia, Iraq, and A-stan called.

>I bet a bunch of inbred morons came up with that amirite
I don't know I guess thats kind of the point right? I mean any dumb ninja with a lathe could make one.

A shekel for the good Goy...

>I'm just curious what can stop police raids they have numbers, training, and better equipment.

Bombs. Noobs jerk off to their rifle collection, but serious people don't want to be in gunfights against superior forces.

Copy everything effective opponents of Western occupations did and do, there lies your answer.

Suicide bombing isn't a bad idea because you kill more enemy while taking strictly limited casualties. It's courageous, terrifying and effective at forcing the enemy to take very, very expensive countermeasures. Dead guys can't be interrogated.

Want to learn war? Study WAR, not Sup Forums. You have the internet. Study history, weapons, tactics and since there aren't any right-wing revolutionary wars study succcessful leaders like Mao. He unified fucking China.

Exactly. Yet not many people were blowing things up over the Anarchist's Cookbook.

You have to look at it from a counterintelligence background if you don't just want to be the dumbshit blowing up your own military (and why would you want to, honestly?)

Got anything about key resources to secure and/or what makes a position/location tactically valuable? Asking for a friend.

>Mantrapping is also a felony crime last I checked.

So is insurgency and treason. Know how and be prepared to die in the fight. You have zero guarantees of surviving so you'd better learn to suck Jew cock if dying earlier than otherwise offends you. Old age is way nastier than dying in battle.

If you don't live in a stone house, position things around at least the front of it that are difficult to penetrate should worst come to worst. That could be firewood, or anything else that appears to be normal for your area, for instance.

So america is going into civil war soon?



No. A key part of the neocon coup was to avoid that.

We're just talking shit like at a bar on the weekend.


>This is actually a very elegant solution to the whole APC and tanks problem.

No, dumbass, it's an AP weapon. Study seriously or shut your mongtarded shitposting teendumbfuck piehole.

>I bet a bunch of inbred morons came up with that amirite

They are an old design and easy to produce. Your post is retarded. Stop being retarded. Y u want to be retarded? The world has enough niggers already.

BTW you can make copper plates without a spinning lathe. You can also use steel.

Those only work when the enemy is unsuspicious of you.

I don't see how it could I mean yeah the country is divided for sure but men are pretty much on the same side and in any kind of coup/civil war situation how many men you have is all that matters. women. do. not. count.

They monitor threads like these far more seriously than any others. Even something non-threatening will likely get you put on a list of "possible dissent", while posts like the one in this thread will get you a personal visit as soon as something actually goes down.


It makes sense. If there is a consistent shortage of a particular product and industry hasn't switched gears to cover the demand then there's outside forces preventing them.
Usually it's somewhere in the supply chain. But there's nothing complex in 22lr ammo. We've been making it forever, so what changed?

I've never gotten a personal visit from what I post on Sup Forums and I work on DARPA contracts and others. Stop fearmongering.

We all know who should be getting personal visits. And it's not even the pedo scum to start with even though they all need to be marched out and set on fire or something.

FUCK.Will I be able to visit USA for higher studies?

How/why do/should we trust you?

I guess you came here for higher studies and found out for yourself.

>I've never gotten a personal visit from what I post on Sup Forums
What do you think "when something goes down" means? When the U.S. government finally decides to enact martial law and attack its citizens, people like the ones in this thread will already be on a list ready to be targeted with priority.

Good answer, CIA nigger

Only US citizens though, i can post whatever.

Not really. They don't have the manpower to do that even if the software could get it right.

The story of when the Soviets took Saigon for about a day and used all their files to summarily execute everybody who had snitched is a good one. But that story is effectively terrorism. USG isn't going to start liquidating people who maybe once posted something iffy on Sup Forums. They can't maintain the terrorists, and they can't even prove the Russia bullcrap.

Just don't be stupid and post something dumb enough to make them have to spend the time to investigate you.

Their has been an increase in fire arm purchases, but that's been known. and scaling should have accommodated that.
If you produce arms or ammo you keep track of these things.

Yet some reason a deadly ammo thats cheap and low recoil/quieter is on shortage and they claim its cause of plinking. They say its cause of target or competetive shooters...

I agree shooting is increasing but their entire business is to accommodate that.

For years nwo people have been saying *Maybe* insiders have been buying it before it leaves factory... I>E factory workers and CEOs.

But its been a shortage for multiple years now... so im starting to ask questions.

Why take on the Abrams when its mechanics are likely a much softer target?

Yep, it's the length of time that the shortage had gone on that makes it more than suspicious.
I don't really shoot, I own one shotgun, basically I shouldn't even know about the shortage but it's been going on so long that it has even come to my attention.

Do uou listen yo a guy named Dr Shoah

>what is MI5
You brits arguably have it worse for this kind of thing than even the U.S. You might actually be arrested for what you post before any martial law/civil war happening occurs.

Im from N.I so its probably even worse again....fuck

>don't worry goy, no one has the time to monitor this boring stuff. Just go ahead and say whatever plans you have on your mind. It'll be fine! t. (((DARPA))) employee

>arm up
>get ready
been ready for 11 years, when i first realized there's no way the two sides in the US will ever reconcile.

1. the two+ sides HATE each other
2. it's intensifying
3. political fix is long dead

get ready folks, it's coming and it's gonna be here long before anyone thinks. if civil war doesn't break out by early 2019 i will eat my desktop PC.

Key resources
>high ground
>natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc)
What makes a position STRATEGICALLY sound
>good vantage points (IE: high ground, towers, multilevel buildings, etc.)
>easily fortified or already fortified (concrete structures, walls, barbed wire, mines, etc.)
>location location location (close enough to enemy position without being danger close to potential artillery)

Sorry I don't have an infographic for it.

Don't forget to video it

I never said I worked for DARPA. I said I sometimes did contract work for them.

What I said was don't say stupid shit on the internet. Plans are easy to find, and our 17 intelligence agencies (along with the local DMV) should be the first to go on public trial.

I could tell you a little bit about some of the software but probably it's just for normies to keep them guessing about the real stuff.

Fortifications are nearly useless in a war against a first world military. It's better to keep moving or stay hidden.

the noncucks left your shitty island 400 years ago. you wouldn't understand, you'd rather bend over for ahmed.

What actually happened in the testimoney i cba to watch it all, why would it cause civil war?

>we can even use chemical and biological warfare against them

I'll hold you to it.

The flight of the earls?
There was still noncucks even after that
We will rise again

And always maintain the moral high ground. Fight with honor and utterly destroy the enemy.
I don't care what side you're on if you go after innocent women and children you're my enemy.

I can still smell the maple syrup on you.

Governments in a dire situation against their people won't be above using chemicals like sarin gas or cheap mustard gas so we shouldn't be either.
I'm not saying go cook some up in your backyard by any means but if it's war then that's a different story.
Even an amateur can throw chlorine and bleach together. Someone with a little bit of chemistry know how can teach you how to make potassium nitrate from a few things you can buy at the drug store.
In war you have to be creative. The only advantage that a civilian force would have is that they DON'T have to follow ROE or any conventions of war.
When the time comes we'll see weapons of all kinds come to be. The people will put their aggression and creativity to work at the same time.

>he thinks i'm a leaf
If a govt wants to stay in power they sure as hell won't use NBC weapons.*


never want to pull that trigger dude

But that's kind of the problem when you consider modern terroristic methods, even if you think they just came out of he Tamil Tigers. The whole notion is to upset the enement by making them think women and children present themselves as the enemy. It's fucking disgusting.

Just because you're not a leaf doesn't mean you're not a leaf.
You act like they wouldn't be the first ones to use them. If it's such a pandoras box why isn't Syria coated in a fine cloud of it?
If a government still cared to stay in power they WOULD use NBC weapons because it's a show of force. They're showing that they're not afraid to use whatever it takes. In a way it's like a preemptive attack. If your guerrilla warfare group is the one making small chemical attacks before your government then if they do use a chemical agent against someone they look like the monsters. You can easily turn anything to be in your favor if you execute it properly, circulate the right propaganda and have a little bit of luck.
Don't be such a pussy user.
I'll bet you kiss prostitutes.

>war strategy
>bomb instructions
literally trying to get this board shutdown.
this is CIA /bant/ tier shit.
Fuck off CIA.

>>war strategy
>>bomb instructions
Protected under the first amendment.

Also having numbers, training and equipment. It's not illegal to be as heavily armed, trained, and populated as the police.

>inform turns to intent
>Sup Forums is already being watched
kys, CIA

We just want the memes bro.

Tannerite and a high powered rifle.

What's the point of shitting in the hole?

If someone fell the right way they could walk away with minor injuries. If you put shit on the spikes then even minor injuries will become fatal infections.

Ah. So a bit more work than merely "shitting in the hole" but worth it in the long run.

5.56 will set it off. But that's putting you closer to the action.

have it your way, spook. BTW those reformed NEETs over at NSA are kickin your ass. so go ahead and bant all you want. saged

So what's the point of this again?
What are we doing? Going against the evil federal guberment?
Holy shit you guys are so confusing.

You can rig up a remote detonator as well, using a rifle cartridge and a firing pin.

A little but very worth it. Animal dung is best because the pathogens contained in it are different than that found in human excrement. Cat poop for instance can contain the parasite toxoplasma gondii which can create a whole slew of problems. The only limit is what the animal eats unlike humans who tend to be more "clean" about what they eat.
There's tons of books on the effectiveness of different strategies like traps and guerrilla warfare. You should look into it.
Poop covered sticks is entry level traps though.

Well that's what we would be doing had the other timeline continued. Now it's gonna be leftists fighting the federal govt. Only they won't have the same constitutional safeguards we had when getting ready for Obama 2.0. We had 90M legal gun owners plus the majority of police and military. They have a minority of the military and police and nothing to speak of really in a heavily armed and trained civilian population unless you count those larp faggots in that John brown gun club or whatever commie airshit club that pops up next.

We're exchanging some ideas, confirming that we're on the same side, and making suggestions about how we might unleash holy hell if push comes to shove.

I don't think it will come down to boots on the ground, but there's literally nothing wrong a friendly discussion about possible obvioius preparations.

Now that's thinking outside the box. I like you.

Just helping anons get knowledge so they can be ready.
Knowing is half the battle user.