The (((Hapa))) Question

So, are Hapas good or ebil? Like, what's the consensus. Pic-Related is /ourgal/ or not? I keep getting mixed signals from you guys.

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kek, that's fake

Mixed race subhumans don't belong to any nation or continent but South America

She gets over 4500$ on patreon for repeating talking points made by men years and decades ago, let that sink in.

Both, they're just people, some are good some are evil

Fuck there's a lot of slide threads today.


No. She's able to regurgitate information that you'll sometimes agree with.

So True. We should pack them all off to Brazil instead of turn respectable nations into self-loathing and self-conflicted shitholes.

Every male youtuber repeats talking points made by other men too. Except maybe Varg.

Prove it.

she is unironically antiwhite, and has stated various times that she doesn't care what race America is as long as they have le ideals

They don't get 4500 fucking dollars for that.
Beta orbiters and their thirst for unicorns is pathetic.

You're fake news. She just appeared on Stefan Molyneux and said she doesn't want the white race to die and that people have called her a white supremacist because of her opinions on race. It's true she is a civic nat though. I mean how could she not be with her hapa-ness and all.

>it's not faaaaaair
Are you going to cry about attractive people privilege next?

I'm not talking about fairness, you dumb cunt. Ffs every single thread just must have a fucking low iq woman with impaired reading comprehension.

Have you heard of that new Critical Cocksuker Thot setting up a Patreon after just one month of spouting 'Red-Pill' talking points and 10K subscribers. Beta-Orbiters need to be gassed.

Cite your source.

LOL NO! Why do you think it's fake?

The girl on the left is korean.

You're mad about the fact that it's easier for women to make money on youtube while doing the same or worse content as men. You're mad about unfairness.

Are you sure about that?

You're fake news.

>Koreans are the only people to use plastic surgery

The hapa in OP isn't even Korean

I'm not going to watch that whole thing but even if she does say that, maybe her opinion has changed since then? The Moly interview is much more recent. No reason to get mad sweetie :3

blond hair blue eyes hapa master race when?


the gas chamber is down the hall and to the left.

Well, you shouldn't have to watch the whole thing. If it was so prevalent, then the fucker should have given you time stamps.

Frankly speaking I try not follow any of that. But I can only imagine - if pussybeggars are that thirsty to worship laci green and shoeonface or whatever, they sure as hell are going to worship another civnat boring thot who's merely waiting for overtone's window to shift even further to the right to safely say edgy shit.

No, roastie, I'm just amused how pussywhipped beta orbiters just throw money at anything that appears unicornish even though it's clearly an act to extract money from them. There isn't anything fair or unfair about it, because it's free market (something dumb women like you are incapable of grasping), not a system, through which everyone is obligated to go (like school).



oH SHIT. So Hapas are definitely not /ourgals/.

Why do you say it's an act? Roaming worked for Paul Ryan. She has clearly been right-wing for a while, if not her whole life. Oh wait, I forgot, there are no right-wing women amirite xD


It's not.

Of course she does she's not White. There are no allies.

I think some chinese guy sucessfully sued his wife cuz she had a fuckload of plastic surgery to hide her ugly genes. Looked pretty decent for a she-gook after all the operations and never told the guy she subsequently married it wasnt real.

All was fine and well until the kids, which popped out ugly and revealed her terrible genetics. (Im talking weak chin, underbite, cromagnon forehead, flat nose etc etc.)

Hubby then successfully sued her in chinese court.


You mean (((Paul Ryan)))? The globalist obamite from the establishment who's been laughingstock ever since he went publicly against Trump during the election? Are you some kind of fucking kike playing with semantics here? HE is right wing for you? In that case - absolutely there are no right-wing women just as there are no leftist women, like green proved it recently. There are only overly active gullible dumb bitches who eat any shit to be trendy and cool according to a current narrative. The moment shit changes - we get cowtits riding that ""far right"" cock.

lazy ass, watch the whole thing, it is revealing
no, ever since the debate I linked she has been getting called out as being anti-white, so she stopped talking about it and even took down some vids on her channel to save face, now she pretends like it never happened

I've watched RM take a lot of heat for raising the problem of white genocide. And she continues to raise it.

>Listen to Roaming Millennial carefully, because she is a very interesting case study. She dispays doublethink right the way through as a result of her own biracial situation. At some points she refers to herself as Asian, at others as not identifying with other Asians, at others as an individual without a group; at some points as understanding racial survival for Whites, at others as being against pure White societies. Just as multiracial societies create conflict between peoples, miscegenation creates conflict within a person.
Here's a comment that really captures Roaming Hapa's position.

I don't expect her to, I just get tired of faggots acting like a vocally anti-white hapa is "ourgal"

What sucks is that she will probably never tell the unlucky fuck that she marries that she had plastic surgery, and then their kids will come out looking ugly as shit

That's not going to change, unfortunately, the vast majority of them are thirsty simpers desperately in need of some sort of goddess.

Any white man that marries a hapa deserve what they get.

Behead those who insult the Roaming Millennial.

I would say you're the lazy one for not providing the proof of your claims. It's not my job to do your work for you.

If you told me you made a field goal from the fifty yard line and the video is an hour long and your bit only lasts a minute, I'd still ask you for the time stamp. I'm under no obligation to believe anything you have to say at face value.

Stop being a lazy fuck and do your work.

>social pressure affects people's opinions

No shit numbnuts. Men are susceptible to that too, just not as much as women (because when the enemy tribe came the men had to fight or die, there was no other option like submitting). I don't see how that means that someone is not REALLY right-wing just because you can conceive of a future where they would change their opinions.

watch the entire thing, lazy, uneducated, dumb nigger. I won't spoonfeed a lazy kike like you any further. Die.

I've been told by my parents I can marry and have kids anyone except a nigger, any kind of brown mudshit and especially asian, no matter what. For some reason my parents hate the idea of having cunt-eyed grandkids.


there is little to no original thought. We all stand on the shoulder of giants, and expound upon their ideas, as others will of us.

She doesn't want the white race to die out for the same reason she supports race-mixing. She has snow-fever.

t. slant eyed subhumans

Hapas can be good people, but they're disadvantaged because 9/10 times, white men who marry Asian women are betas not fit to raise a man. This makes sense when you look at offspring from Asian male / white females. They are much more successful and better adjusted, and the reason is because only top-tier Asians can hope to pull a white woman.

I don't blame 'em. Honestly, I think Asian women think the same way. They are self-loathing and that's just pathetic and makes me dislike them even more. If Asian women had some self-respect and weren't so self-loathing (this is how the one's I've ever met have been) maybe I wouldn't mind them as much and in fact, I do like Asian Women that stick to their own race. I respect them highly and treat them so. So yeah, be careful with Asians especially because there is an extra danger when they are self-loathing most of the time.

Tbh I think RM's civic nationalism is based more on her desire to immigrate to the US than any personal clash with white ethnonationalism. I've seen other foreigners tout civic nationalism exactly like RM because they really just want muh US citizenship.

Is she not a US citizen?

Why are the Asian men from reddit that make these threads so insane?

She's Canadian.


This place is full of them

She's a legal resident, but not a citizen.

Because they're jealous they aren't as successful as she is. She has something they lack. Also, they probably want to fuck her brains out with their tiny dicks.

Nah, unlike the rest of Sup Forums I've always considered having mixed kids barbaric, they will be white and look like me. Fuck chinks and their submissiveness or whatever we're constantly sold by them, the world full of degenerate mongrels already. Seeing elderly germans walking with their thai or philippene ladybois in my city is painful enough.

Japanese make best hapas tho

Some hapaniggers will 'raid' Sup Forums every now and then and whine about White people.

Why can't you asianmasculinity faggots be like the South Korean SEALs I worked with? They were savage, quiet professionals that didn't have to constantly feed their insecurities with gay shit posting.

>White people

How about you scroll down and read my other messages, you insufferable retarded fuck?

park bom before and after.

Male hapas are really salty and miserable and generally hate their fathers for having them. They can't fit in in Asia, nor are they truly white. From what I've seen, most of them are straight up Elliot-tier.

look at r/asianmasculinity

Jesus christ, plastic surgery to widen her eyes would probably have been fatal, her brain would leak out her nose. Fake.

not just hapas. Most asians are generally butthurt

Thank Allah i have no white ancestry, white genes make you depressed and make you feel like you're a subhuman

>that mad roach appears

All the people in this thread have also come to the conclusion that it is real. Plastic Surgery is a basic cosmetic to hapas.


more the better

I am actually sympathetic to the /r/hapa asspain.
WMAF does have an unhealthy dynamic to it, as does BMWF. I am not really all that opposed to race mixing, but when it is based on fetishization of self-hatred, it creates messed up dynamics for a child to grow up in. In the case of WMAF this is especially true for sons, though it can mess up daughters too.

I am not really attracted to asian women, but if I ever did get with one and she tried to stroke my ego by insulting asian men, or talking about how badly she wants a daughter instead of son, I would back off.

>roach talking about inferiority

reminder that latinos are hapas too

It gets better received if it's a non-white woman saying it

>I am not really all that opposed to race mixing

Would you be so kind to fuck off, degenerate?

Wait, that's her pre-face?

>Be Turk
>Bury white subhuman crusaders alive in Anatolia and Balkans
>Turn white women into rapeslaves, castrate white """men"""

feels good man

Plastic surgery yes, but op's pic would be homicide. Moot point I guess, hapas are so fucked up nothing will fix them, even miracle surgery.


how has this not been posted yet

>it always does

I blame their fathers. I mean most of the time they're beta males and can't really help themselves but it's still their fault that their son turned out as a self hating autist. `

What can a beta male teach his son in regards to woman? Absolutely nothing of value. Most asian/half asian males aren't exactly good looking by white standards and it is absolutely fundamental to build a funny and out going character for then in order to ever get with any woman. Eliot wasn't even that ugly, he was just extremely autistic because, all he did during his youth is playing video games and getting bullied at school / by his step mother. Also the fact that his sister had sex and he didn't drove him insane .

With a better dad, elliot wouldn't have to go through all this embarrassment.


>sometimes boys

When the nugget of truth slips through.

At least white homos are open and authentic about it and embrace their faggotry, as opposed to throwing gays off buildings while going home to diddle boys like you Mohammetan creepers.

>white homos
all whites are faggots. so there's no need to say homo when you say white, or white when you say homo.


I don't think that is biologically possible.

Why are you so buttblasted, roach?


They forgot to include the most beautiful AFWM mongrel of all - Milene Jampanoi

t. r/asianmasculinity

all those jew names of the right

it is, through artificial selection