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Really milks my marbles
Sure, we will start by building a wall around ourselves with you on the other side, and that will be the end of that.
>dismantle society
just leave our countries then
You can pry it from my cold dead hands
What the fuck does that even mean?
The word is "whoa" you faggot leaf
thats all nice
now just substantiate it all and there might be a case in those statements
More nonsense we all live in the same world, it is a wealth issue not race
But why should we? Even if they existed, they only advantage us because our fathers fought, starved, and bled to give us those opportunities. I hope they realize just how insulting that is.
the vague "systems"
how do you dismatle something that doesnt exist?
If I benefit from it, why would I, in my rational self interest dismantle something?
We would just prefer that you leave, and escape the oppression. If the environment is not favorable for your species, it needs to migrate to a more suitable area. You can then build yourself a society free of white oppression.
>Dear white people,
>Please give up everything you have
>We have proven incapable of any valid societal development or contribution
>So we require many gibs
>It's only fair
>You gots too much stuff, you stingy
>But we wuz kangs and sheeit
>So we superior
>Even tho we kill each other at an amazing pace
>Over funny looks or someone's shoes we want
>Black power, yo
Really titillates the tangerines
>dismantle the systems of oppression they build that you
>not built
so it was a a nigger that wrote it
slide thread sage
They mean the laws don't apply to them. THey'll get everything, for free, with absolutely no repercussions. They want whites to be the untouchable, a servant race while they live it up large and without punishment no matter what crimes they commit. THAT's what they mean.
Funny how all the places free of white """""oppression""""" are shitholes in which they don't wanna live, innit
Fuckin... M A K E ME.
>Oh you are stronger than us, so you built society
>Can you pls dismantle your society for us?
>Please willingly give up shit for us gibmedats
What oppression
Dear niggers:
>Dear, white people
Why would I want to put myself on par with people who can't even write two proper sentences about the "systems of oppression" they claim are holding them down?
A fucking leaf.
>we're not asking you to apologize for your ancestors just pay reparations and let me rape/steal/assault with impunity
reminder about Gimmedats
Worth the read.
>they build
That should say "they built" but niggers are too stupid and flunked out of grade school English.
>dismantle the systems you benefit from
Yeah just stop doing things that benefit you, what a great persuasive argument
What systems of oppression? Non-whites enjoy legal privileges that whites do not. People not trusting niggers because they are untrustworthy violent niggers is not a "system of oppression."
Dear, whoever created this image...
I you don't like the white system, then GTFO of it.
And go KYS. You won't be missed.
>We are asking you to dismantle the systems of oppression
We don't have any. All of our systems make life better for blacks.
>They build (nice spelling) that you maintain and benefit from
Why in the fuck would I want to regress? That's the dumbest request I've ever read.
big if true
Some gay ass nigger made this in the comfort of his own house infront of his computer screen.
A proper cottonpicker would never bitch like this little faggot. A good negroe would just work the fucking fields
Get the fuck out if you don't like it. We don't need you here, we are way better off without you.
If I benefit from it, so do you, you fucking retards. Way to show how smart you are by literally shooting yourself in the foot in your attempt to make white people equal.
These idiots always act so enlightened when they offer nothing but word salad. What the fuck needs to be dismantled and why? Its not that complicated. The indirectness shows that they don't actually want anything changed, they just want to glorify themselves as a victim.
Nobody benefits from our system more than non-whites.
Maybe we should dismantle it...
white raised you mud people from huts
be thankful we dont exterminate you
we should unhook you from welfare and let you experience your regularly scheduled existance of extreme poverty
>dismantle the systems
so you mean science, law, government, and civilization in general?
They mean "civilization."
>tfw South Africa's white population is now below 10% and RAPIDLY approaching 5%
>tfw over 60% of South Africa is unemployed and on welfare
>tfw nearly the entire welfare fund is supported by less than 5% of whites
Zimbabwe 2.0 Boogaloo incoming.
Past tense you fucking retards.
Dear niggers,
Please board the cattle cars in an orderly manner and move to the back to make room for those yet to board. You'll be given showers on arrival at the camp.
Liberals during elections
>Why do white Republicans vote against their own interests!?!?!?!?1
Liberals any other time
>Why don't white Republicans do things against their own self-interest?!?!?!?
Why the fuck would a white person want to dismantle a system that benefits them and that was inherited from their ancestors? Fucking non-white scum expect whites to kowtow and disadvantage themselves. We aren't as altruistic as faggots on the left believe.
This is the truth. Decolonization is going to be glorious.
They had a recent controversy regarding speakers at a GitHub conference all being male.
When it was revealed they were chosen based on code and not based on whom the speakers were.
They had to scrap it. The reasoning?
Science and math were invented by white males. Therefore science and math, as we know them, are biased to favor white males. The only way to fix this is to dismantle science and math and start again from a non-white, female perspective.
Alright, sure. Lets ship them back to Africa then.
how about you lazy fucks dismantle it yourself by not being losers and getting successful
Meaning... our civilization?
Also known as civilization itself.
>no one is asking you to apologize for your ancestors
What are reparations for 200, Alex?
It's the same mentality behind estate taxes etc.
It's the same mentality (an American mentality that has rapidly spread) that advocates extreme individualism - You are not a product of your father and his grandfather. You have no nation. There is no understanding of lineage and no desire to allow accumulation of wealth and assests. You must always start from scratch...
Because that's "fair" and "even".
Ironically it's something Jews oppose vehmently being applied to them - They are obsessed with lineage and nation.
It's almost like they want to be a basketball team playing against 5 individuals rather than another cohesive team.
oh please get rid of welfare. my tax dollars should go to infrastructure and such not supporting degenerates.
>destroy what your ancestors have built for you
>comma after dear
they also want to dismantle English I guess
I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>Ayo break down those systems that benefit you
autism is a hell of a disorder
>My ancestors owned slavea
>Every white persons family was part of the 1% that could afford slaves
Why do Niggers lack logic
It sure is. Too bad your mom had to have you vaccinated or you'd be normal.
in other words future science is going to be based on twerking competitions
>benefit from
Then why is it me and my wife have decent jobs and a house we struggle to mantain every month.
Meanwhile this black weed dealer iv known for years pays $30 a month in rent for his 2 bedroom nice apartment.
>Dismantle the systems of oppression... that you maintain and benefit from.
Name one.
there is an entire fucked up continent filled with dismantled systems, we call it africa
I eliminated my white privilege when I moved to Japan, so I'm doing my part
Holy shit, can we get rid of the shills.
Dear niggers. Fuck off back to Africa and spend another million years evolving you useless monkey cunts.
I like this guy's idea. Or just let them have a state like Mississippi all to themselves. Then sit back and watch them destroy themselves.
You know, leafs were just starting to get decent again before these selectable flags came back. Now every leaf that decides to keep his flag shown makes such abhorrent posts as this. I am convinced that this "fucking leaf" thing was always just a false flag committed by non-leafs on proxies.
Either define what these mystical "systems" are or fuck off.
Posting on Sup Forums from a proxy is against the rules.
Ask all the white self haters who say things like this: "Why have you not already given your own wealth and privileges up to a darker skinned person? Are you waiting for everyone else to do it first? If you won't lead by example don't expect anyone to listen to your orders."
If a non white person tells you this, say "Fuck off, nigger!"
you really don't know?
Please no.
Let's put them where's there no risk of water pollution, in their dearly loved South-Saharan Africa, or in an environment similar to it: a desertic spot with no current population to speak of.
Please don't put people that live in Toronto with the rest of Canada.
>dismantle your bridges CRACKER they oppress me!
>Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!
... but I benefit. Why would I dismantle it?
Fucking illiterate apes.
>"fucking leaf" thing was always just a false flag committed by non-leafs on proxies
It is true that we have a shitload of free anonymous high bandwidth proxies. Every university has at least one or two dedicated shitposting servers, they got popular during the napster days
Less than 5% of southerners owned slaves. Take into account the huge number of whites that immigrated to the US after the civil war and you can see that most white people have nothing to do with slavery. Also there is no systemic racism accept for anti-white and anti-asian affirmative action for blacks. All other systemic racism was made illegal with Jim Crow.
Why is it always A FUCKING LEAF that posts pointless shit like this.
If the jigaboos don't like how their being treated, maybe they should act like civilised people instead of muh guns n shieet.
Really rotates my bagels
What about the poor whites? Are we privileged? I wasn't handed anything in my life. Worked for everything I have, still not much. Being white did not open any doors, infact it closed them. Everyone wants to hire "diversely". Fuck this gay earth
holy fuk
This is what they really want.
Lets start with the educational system. So, blacks arent procluded from going to good, predominantly white public schools. They often go to ghetto, shit tier schools because instead of their parents waiting until they could move out of the ghetto, and were financially stable, they have kids at 16 with a drug dealer who is in and out of jail, then expect the taxpayers to pickup the tab for their kids expenses, and never make it out of the hood, then complain that ots oppression keeping them down.
This is how they really feel.
Ulitmately they just want the "right" to commit crimes with no consequences.
Dear Niggers,
White people
Oh! So totally avoid them at all cost, eh?
>S E G R E G A T I O N ¤ N O W !
Absolute lies.
>recognize that youre still racist no matter what
Seems like the last one is saying even of you do all the other stuff on this list it doesnt matter. So, why bother? Niggers are so fucking dumb.
haha why would I dismantle any "system" if it benefits? THey sure as hell dont exist but if they did I would strengthen them, not tear em down.
>1 post by this ID
Whites should have privilege in the societies they created.