Im Worried Sup Forums

Pic related is the root of my worry. Are they really starting to push pedophilia as normal? Are they really trying to mainstream kiddie fiddling?

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Indeed they are.

It's the next great social crusade.

The gay rights and pedo rights movement have been one and the same since the 60s.

Straight from the state. They are finally bringing it to the front now. I expect to see more of this in the coming days

There has always been a pact between them to work together, it was obvious enough to be documented as such in Germany when the pedos allied the gays and got them to help their legal battles

That may be, but pedophilia hasnt been out like faggots have. This shit is popping up every few months now.

It's called ephebophilia, OP, and it's completely natural. Look at how many societies throughout history engaged in it. It's taboo but every single male finds young girls hot and wants to fuck them. Only gay men don't see young females as hot. It's going to become mainstream because we can all finally say that we are not ashamed to have young girls (in Florida a Christian church even married a 20 something guy to a 11 year old girl recently)

(((They))) are. But I think this is one bridge too far. I don't believe it will ever be normalized. The left and progressives may act like being gay and trans are normal but the vast majority of people still understand that it's not normal at all, even if they accept them. But I seriously doubt pedophilia will ever be anything but condemned to the highest degree. But who knows, 40 years ago maybe my grandpa said that about being gay or trans.

How else will our new exotic friends ever feel at home?

Well now days even youtube is full of CP, so I think it's already starting to be normalized

If you've ever wondered what the Q in LGBQ stood for, well, now you know. Queer is basically anyone who doesn't fit into the sexual norm. It's a placeholder for all of this shit, so expect it to be promoted as part of an ongoing subversion of normal sexual behavior.

In fairness, pedophilia is clearly a mental illness. People with mental illness deserve medical support and help, not punishment. There's no justice punishing someone because they were born with a mental defect.

Maybe, but with pedophilia you take away the idea of consent, something you'd hope the west would fight for.

Impossible to say when the SJW hordes change right and wrong depending on the time of day.

oh believe me this will be normalized just like everything else just give it time its the logical next step and we did not stop until now have we? give it 30 years or so sweden young party wanted incest and necrophilia

>That may be, but pedophilia hasnt been out like faggots have. This shit is popping up every few months now.
You'll be seeing a lot more of this in coming years. Homosexuality came out of the closet as an acceptable identity in a relatively short space of time. Pedosexuality will be next.

No, I am not attracted to young girls, stop lumping me in with the likes of you. I'd rather be with a MILF any day.

And being gay, a trap, bisexual can all be called the same yet the fuckers can marry now.

something about a slippery slope.

>trying to de-stigmatize pedophilia
>letting pedophiles anywhere a 6400 km radius near kids
pick one friendo

Of cours m8. Remember Foucalt and Sartre with the pedo charter in the 60's. Remember PIE, with it's links to the Labour party. The goal has ALWAYS been to get kid fiddling made legal, they're just trying to find out how best to do it.

True. But many people with mental disorders also spend their days away from society receiving treatment.

Being mentally ill does not give you free reign to be a danger to society, something pedophiles absolutely are.

>And being gay, a trap, bisexual can all be called the same yet the fuckers can marry now.
Exactly. As society learns how to cope with these individuals, they are integrated more with the norms of society. Think how terrified people would have been only 20 years ago to allow their kids to be alone with a gay man. Nowadays they'd probably trust the gay man more than a straight man. A similar revolution, born partly out of right but also partly out of guilt, will probably happen for pedosexuals.

That's just the way society works. Not much to be done about it.

Yes. It's rope time. Though I do think the distinction between pedo, hebe, and ebe needs to be distinguished.

Guess im moving to the antarctic.

It's not a fallacy if you can find a logical continuance of ideas there.
If sexual liberation isn't a slippery slope, then neither is equality.

Why? Are you an Islamophobe?
>when the slippery slope fallacy is suddenly a reality and the Liberals quietly abandon the fallacy or screech hypocritically at people who are more liberal than they are

They made their bed, let them lie in it.

This, actually. It's a placeholder for the inevitable P.

They'll just get their pet scientists on to say that, IN THIS BRAND NEW STUDY (sample size - 12 damaged kids from an orpange), 96% OF KIDS CAN CONSENT TO SEX (n.b. "consent" for the purposes of this paper, was defined as not screaming during coitus). See? Science 1 - God 0, you fucking bigots.

>Are they really trying to mainstream kiddie fiddling?
What do you think. The organisation that hid Jimmy Saville for his entire life surely can't be suspected.

>True. But many people with mental disorders also spend their days away from society receiving treatment.
Many people with severe, disabling mental disorders do. The vast majority with low-grade mental disorders that allow them to function normally, work, pay taxes, own a home and so forth are treated in their societies.

>something pedophiles absolutely are.
I don't accept that they are intrinsically a danger to society by virtue of being pedosexual. I believe that if they are denied the help they need to manage their distressing condition, then we become complicit in any harm that results. Mental disorders can be managed, and it is our responsibility as a just and fair society to do so.

I wonder if the BBC interviewed Jimmy Saville for this report?


Take a look at Disney, both the consistent history of the actresses and the artistic decisions made in children's programming, and there's absolutely no way to escape the conclusion that they are trying to normalize pedophilia.

You know it's too late when the government would rather silence its own employees and destroy evidence than investigate the crimes committed.

But that picture is literally not wrong at all. Pedophilia is a mental disorder that needs treatment and help. And unless you actually rape a kid, you shouldn't be condemned you should get help.

>The organisation that hid Jimmy Saville for his entire life surely can't be suspected.
Is there evidence that the BBC were aware of Jimmy Saville's crimes, and actively sought to conceal them from the police?
>you shouldn't be condemned you should get help.

>Is there evidence that the BBC were aware of Jimmy Saville's crimes, and actively sought to conceal them from the police?

They really are panicking now that Sessions has made the FBI actually go after the kid-fuckers they know about. We went from one or two arrests per month to several every day, and it happened fucking overnight.

>When things become so fucking bad that being proven right worries you more than being wrong.

So, hearsay from the trashiest, sleaziest tabloid in Europe? Do you have any actual reliable evidence from reputable sources?

Hail Lucifer, lord of light.

its the same in sweden. they still keep pedos from the 70s and 80s working in their organisations

You forgot to archive that

Thanks archivebot, very much appreciated.

Didn't you know?
They're pushing for it.
First was homosexuality and transsexualism. Next up is pedophilia, incest and necrophilia. In that order.
The last two are already being pushed for by small youth parties in the progressive hellhole that is sweden. Other western countries will experience this in a few years aswell.
I saw a post/infopic on this here on Sup Forums a while ago but I didn't save it.

Did you read the fucking article?

Internal emails documenting the act of covering up were not released for legal reasons.

That isn't hearsay that is documentary evidence shit for brains.

Thanks, good article. Disgraceful behaviour from BBC higher-ups. Good thing the BBC reporters broke the story though.

there is a global pedo ring,its in your govt and ours and europes......they all protect each other and big people are invovlved in it

saville was small fry but was protected...they all knew and it goes on in americas hollywood also

I concur. Pedophilia is feelings. Molestation or rape is acting out on *feelings*

If they start doing that liberals are going to be lynched very soon.

This. Also, degenerates are always looking for the next thrill. Look at far we've degregated as a society by appealing to these sickos.
100 years ago it was unacceptable to marry other races, but the black fetishists and civil rights activists pressured us into giving that right. Then came the sexual revolution, because women wanted the freedom to be sluts, then came the porn, then homosexuality.

It's like ppl who get addicted to more and more porn until next thing you know they're into necrophilia. It stops bein exciting after a while.
So if we continue down this path for a hundred years what can possibly be taboo and exciting?

Our society will continue to degrade until it's mainstream to be walking around naked in public and eating each other's feces.
Then comes cannibalism and open human sacrifices (with consent of course).
Fetishes never stop.
This is the final redpill.

Don't forget that the age of consent, and other social constructs regarding sexual interaction among ages, varies between culture and country.

Who will do the lynching? The media are in their pockets, the government will silence you, the public is too enamoured by the smokes and mirrors.

There will be no lynching, only the muffled whimpers of children being violated.

>That's just the way society works. Not much to be done about it.

Wrong. Society has only begun shifting perpetually to the left for the past 100 years. It was done rapidly first in Weimar Germany to the greater disgust of the general public which contributed to the National Socialist victory (see degeneracy in Berlin as an example). Weimar Germany was used as a the test-bed for these new ideas. Once those responsible realised that it could not be achieved rapidly they decided it must be done gradually.

That is what we see today. Why does this happen? To break up the people's of a nation into the tiniest of groups and communities so that they are more easily controlled and conquered, much in the same way they divided society between Men and Women following female suffrage. It is the oldest trick in the book, and I am continuously exasperated at how people cannot see the obvious strategy being used.

Spotted the Muslim.

Unless you want to be a filthy dirty barbarian ape like the Afghans who keep a little boy as a fuck toy, you wouldn't in good conscience put up with this kind of filth.

99% of guys find well developed 14 year olds hot. But 11, 12, even 13 is kinda pushing it.

Also, that doesn't mean it's ok. It's disgusting to act out on those ages.

"Shit! People might connect the Clintons to child pornography and pedophilia. Okay, fellow Leftwing-Media, here's the Plan:

Team One! See if you can distract the public with some story about 'Drumpf' or brave muslims or some shit.

Team Two! Try normalizing pedophilia in the eyes of the general public just in case that Team One isn't successful. But do it slowly. You might want to ask the BBC for help."

Not that i care about pedophiles as long as they keep their hands off actual children (one thing is the thought, the other an actual action causing harm to unrelated 3rd parties).

>Society has only begun shifting perpetually to the left for the past 100 years.
That's wrong and you know it. Society is in a constant state of flux. Thousands of years ago sexual relations with children were commonplace and acceptable in places as diverse as Greece and Arabia. There is nothing new under the sun, and everything that has happened before will happen again.

Regardless of your personal views on sex and sexuality, I think we can all agree that people who are sexually attracted to children are not welcome in this society. That puts the onus on us to help them manage the basic desires they feel through no fault whatsoever of their own.

I don't put up with this filth. For example, if a child is sexually abused, they don't know it isn't "normal" until growing up. So someone who IS from another culture that is more lenient towards age in sexual interaction won't actually understand why it's frowned upon.

Also, consider history when women were frequently married once they'd flowered.

>no fault whatsoever of their own

Imagine being as retarded as this liberal right here

How is the onus on the society and not the misfit to figure out a compatible way forward?

The misfits will cease to be present if they don't adapt, a net positive from the society's POV.

The problem is once one sexual fetish has been normalised, they'll move onto the next degenerate fetish.
It will never stop unless the people say enough is enough.

kek that fucking pic

>There's no justice punishing someone because they were born with a mental defect.

implying punitive measures are the same thing as justice.


just remember how they all mocked the republicans who said gay marriage would lead to pedo shit.

>Imagine being as retarded as this liberal right here
I don't understand how I'm being retarded. Maybe you could explain to me why a man should be punished for being born with a mental illness?
>The misfits will cease to be present if they don't adapt
But that is clearly false. Pedosexuals have been present in society since before the time of the Ancient Greeks, no matter how much they've been loathed and hated.

>How is the onus on the society and not the misfit to figure out a compatible way forward?
Society is the one criminalizing the pedosexual for being born the wrong way. That is wrong, and injust. If society is to punish him for being born the wrong way, it must help him heal himself.

dont forget beastiality, user

>why a man should be punished for being born with a mental illness

Because their mental illness does harm to both individuals and society. They should be sterilized and if they offend, killed.

>That is wrong, and injust. If society is to punish him for being born the wrong way, it must help him heal himself.

Take your relative morals and fuck off back to communist land. Pic related is the cure for pedo niggers.

>consider history
That's irrelevant. You know what is abhorrent we're not barbarians if they want to come to our culture they should be learning our culture not the other way around.

>Because their mental illness does harm to both individuals and society.
How does a man sitting at home, cooking dinner or reading a book, harm other individuals? How does a man going to work and paying taxes harm society? Please, think with your brain, and not with your feelings.

>They should be sterilized and if they offend, killed.
Why should they be sterilized? Do you believe that sexuality is inherited? Why should they be subject to the death penalty just because of the way they were born?

>Pic related is the cure for pedo niggers.
How edgy of you.

Remember when you faggots thought Milo's pedo catastrophe was going to stop leftist from pushing pedophilia?

>Because their mental illness does harm to both individuals and society

The research that's out there says the vast majority of people who rape children aren't even pedos. Additionally, the vast majority of pedos don't have any sexual contact with children. So you're justifying the general suppression of a group based on the actions of a small percentage of that group's members, even though most of the people who take said actions aren't even members of that group. How is that just?

Idk man. Canada legalized bestiality and I would never have imagined the zie zir xie xir pronoun bullshit would have ever caught on until Gamer Gate happened. Shit moved FAST after that and I'm still shocked to my core how much they managed to push into normalcy in such a short period of time.
I mean if you're not aware that GG lost, just look at this year's E3. That's important because it's the first time (and ready the only time) people pushed back hard and they still rolled over us.
Trump is a signal that people are getting tired of this shit but everyone is still too afraid to try fighting back again like they did with GG. The msm destroyed it and ultimately it allowed a lot of sites to ban and purge and consolidate control so that many sites are now firmly under the control of the left.

>Society is in a constant state of flux.

Never before in the history of Western civilisation have we seen this continuous push to leftist social polices over the course of 100 years. Views on homosexuality in Western society were by and large static for centuries. Sex with pre-pubescent children was always frowned upon. Twelve years old was the lowest age for marriage in Western civilisation. And even in these examples it was never to men drastically older than the girl being married.

>There is nothing new under the sun, and everything that has happened before will happen again.

Stop worshiping the past like it's some infallible crystal ball that allows you to gaze into our own future. Just because Ancient Civilisations succumbed to this nonsense and then dissolved after does not mean that we are destined to do the same. Throw caution and morals to the wind if you wish, there are those of us who would prefer to fight this crap before it takes root.

Pedos create demand for the sexual exploitation of children.

found the pedos!

Is there a book on the overton window?
How do I prevent this shit.

>>consider history
> our culture

Oh! You mean like Kylie and Tyga

Nope. They are still fucking children. girls 14-16 might have hit puberty but they have no idea what they want and still rely on their parents.
Grown ass men should not be trying to date girls this age. They are mentally ill

>your taxes are paying for this

Omfg I just heard (Watters World) we need to rehabilitate, love, and accept terrorists.

First step, pedoceptance

>Never before in the history of Western civilisation have we seen this continuous push to leftist social polices over the course of 100 years.
The timescale of changes is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that this is nothing new. We are not in a new position with new liberties that has never occurred before. Humanity has been here before. We're getting to a place where we don't scream and hop up and down and throw feces at people just because we don't like the way they were born. We recognize that they are human beings just like us, with just as much of a right to exist as us, and seek to help them. It's right, it's just.

>we are destined to do the same.
We are. History is cyclical. All that has been will be again, and there is nothing new under the sun.

>those of us who would prefer to fight this crap before it takes root.
It took root thousands of years ago. It is the human condition.

That's the same reasoning as saying "Pirates create the demand for Hollywood to create movies".

People who fuck kids and film it, or get kids to undress and take pictures, do it because they themselves are attracted. Very few people are going to go through that process just to make a minor (lol) amount of money. There are much less risky ways of making money on the DL.

Mark my words: the narrative won't spread from the perspective of pedophilia. I think they'll start with the legal parameters of minors, consent, and nefarious attempts to redefine "child" within the law.

Thing is, I'm not sure this really makes much of a difference. Sure there are some random pedos jerkin it in their basement to some nasty cp. Sure there are those creepy relatives who molest their own family members. But, this isn't going to affect those things all that much. Creepers ganna creep still, they just won't get as much punishment for it (which is already very little if you ask me).

the really problem is the existence of these pedo rings. I don't have stats on this (since they hide it), but I'd reckon that these high-level rings are most of the cases of child sexual abuse. Not only are these the things we actually CAN stop (we're not going to be able to check every creepy relative to see if they're a pedo), but they're the ones that do the most damage.
I'd like to see child molesters paying for their crimes as much as anyone, but I care a lot less about the isolated criminal than I do about the huge gang.

get a load of these sick fucks trying to justify their attraction to kids!

You seem upset, my man

Calm down, leftie, and use logic.

The past is cyclical only because of mass failure to properly identify/rectify the problems caused by former generations, then adding to them causing similar states of peril. That does not imply the exact same things must always happen. It's not fucking magic you defeatist liberal.

You need to kill yourself asap.


Nothing out of the ordinary here

No they aren't.
Pedophilia is a sacred cow that only ((they)) can practice.
The goyim and plebs will never be allowed to practice it.

well, there's your problem

>The past is cyclical only because of mass failure to properly identify/rectify the problems caused by former generations, then adding to them causing similar states of peril.
That's because humans are unable to learn the lessons of the past which need to be remembered at a societal level. When the cause and effect are decades if not generations apart, what is there to learn? Society moves as it will, and it cannot be stopped. Take your favourite example, Weimar Germany. The Nazis tried to stop what they viewed as degeneracy, but modern Germany only a few decades later looks upon even the Weimar republic as a time of homophobia, racism, and social oppression. Social changes are inevitable and absolutely cannot be stopped.

Stop wasting energy on a futile cause. Or go outside and shout at the sun. You're as likely to cause as significant or as long-lasting effect in doing so as you are trying to stop society changing.

they can try and push it all they want. once people "come out" as pedos, they'll be strung up on an overpass with a "child fucker" sign around their neck. The vast majority of the population will be just fine with it as they hate pedos too. Especially anyone who has kids and cares about them in the slightest.

>doesn't deny they like kids

you're first on day of the rope my man

>Paedophiles need help not condemnation
But that's right you retard. They are mentally ill and they need help do you disagree?

I don't have sexual fantasies for kids. Now, you deny you like kids.