WTF I Love Pedophilia Now

Other urls found in this thread:

>2020: "Straightness is causing global warming!"
>2025: "cisgendered gays are problematic and racist!
>2030: "All Non-POC/trans/childsexual others are subject to mandatory imprisonment. Comply or be terminated"
>2035: Western civilization bursts asunder by the weight of it's own folly, and the vestiges of yore are buried beneath the wake as all of society returns to the loam
>2100: Third world explorers resettle the ruins of Europe and the Americas.

BBC hiring pedos noting new

prepare the gas brothers

digits confirm it rains zyklon b

if this isn't proof of the slippery slope i don't know what is
lol even gays think the extra letters are stupid

>5 years ago: MUH SLIPPERY SLOPE!!! That's no excuze to reject gay marriage!
>Now: well shit looks like.pedophilia, trannies, and general degeneracy are not only accepted in society but also taught in our schools to our children... H-How beautiful...
We can't reverse it without the total condemnation of the western world. We are stuck unless we truly have leaders who dont give a fuck.

Hail Lucifer, lord of light.

I'm genuinely more disturbed by 'transgender' people than I am by people who have sex with teenagers. Biology and all that jazz.

Zyklon B is an insecticide. It was never used to kill anyone.
>Just so you know.

this among all the other degenerate bullshit is now going to become more and more acceptable.


And here we are in the fucking slippery slope

It's been less than a decade since the gay marriage debate and we're already giving hormones to toddlers and slowly building sympathy for pedos.

Thanks for normalizing degeneracy, faggots.

What if we just kill pedophiles instead?

that art looks so damn familiar

The only good paedophile is a dead paedophile. That's how you help them. Help end their suffering before they start abusing children.

>We are stuck unless we truly have leaders who dont give a fuck.

>UK has like 2 or 3 dozen huge pedo rings busted in the last 5 years
>all ran by pakistanis, iranians, and afghans
>guess letting muslims into your country creats organized child sex gangs and assorted huge increase in pedophilia related crime
>suddenly left is pro-pedo

You cant tell me there isnt a connection here. UK has been quietley suffering from a huuuuge influx of refugee related pedo cases and suddenly the left goes "WHOA GUYS! SLOW DOWN THERE! maybe its not such a big deal!"

Yup. All those dumb, stupid, backwards, christfags were actually right all along. All we had to do was listen. But noooo. We had to learn the hard way.

Its like hmmm I wonder why somebody took the time out of his day to write "Don't do faggot shit" in the Bible and he Koran multiple times. They must have had all the same problems we are having now.

>all these replies

I'm guessing none of you bothered to read the article. It's a guy saying he went to some clinic and cured his pedophilia, so we should have more clinics to turn other pedos into non-pedos. It literally has the exact opposite message that you're all attributing to it--"let's do this thing so fewer people are pedophiles."

Christ Sup Forums has the biggest concentration of dumbshits on all of Sup Forums I swear to god.

Pedophilia is misunderstood though. It's a mental illness. We obviously shouldn't allow them to act on their urges (just like we shouldn't let trannies and schizophrenics indulge in their fantasies) but that doesn't mean we should cast them out to the edges of society and vilify them for existing. That's how you get the weirdos who lock kids in their basements for decades. If we encouraged these people to be open about their urges (not actually fuck kids, but be honest about their desire to fuck kids) and seek professional help it would probably reduce the amount of child rape, kidnapping etc.

No other mental illness has become less of a problem for society by demonizing those who have it and isolating them from support, so why would this be any different?

Did they cure him by throwing him off the roof the clinic?

There is an argument to be had but there approach is not just wrong but is the path to normalize pedophiles.
Allow me to elaborate. The vast majority of statutory rapists are not pedophiles (mentally ill), if you've ever seen the NAMBLA documentary you can see that. Not just are their mannerisms and speach patterns completely clear signs of someone who is mentally deficit but how they explain their attraction and the idea that they the children (specificly prepubescent) as fully aware and sexually active.
Do these people need help? Yes. Do they need our sympathy, understanding, and tolerance? Absolutely not.
This is the same tactic that they used to normalize those who are suffering from body dysphoria into a protected class. Pedophiles should be seen no different as we do potential serial killers, should be apprehend and mentally evaluated immediately.

But that opens the door to acting on their desires
Transgenderism is now a regular occurrence that is just accepted because "progressives" take them in with open arms

Not to mention, guys being attracted to 14-18 year old girls (post puberty) is looked down upon in society despite being perfectly natural and healthy. If conversations about pedophilia open up the public's mind about this age group, and men stop getting called pedophiles for finding 15 year olds with D-cup tits attractive, I think that's a step in the right direction

Leave this website and take your logical arguments out of here, this is home of rhetoric arguments only sorry buddy.

They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
>They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
>They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
>They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
They said it wasn't a slippery slope!
>They said it wasn't a slippery slope!

Yeah, you're making just a little too much sense for this board.

Even though liberals are insane I have a hard time believing they're THAT insane. They're big supporters of consent, which helps explain why they view trannies as acceptable; they're only (directly) affecting their own bodies. Pedophilia would require another person (a child) to be involved, and since it's pretty well accepted that children can't consent, I don't really believe liberals would be ok with it.

Liberals have surprised me in the past though so maybe I'm just being naive


Why you gotta spoil the fun with facts?

>potential serial killers, should be apprehend

But this doesn't happen. How would it happen without some Minority Report shit?

Our society doesn't work based on ideals like "this guy has ideas that we don't like, let's fuck him up". So of course you have the right to dislike them, but when that emotion crosses the line into action YOU'RE now the one doing damage to society.


>I should know

>I'm guessing none of you bothered to read the article.
I'm guessing you think they're talking about the article

> Robbery is misunderstood though. It's a mental illness.
> Rape is misunderstood though. It's a mental illness.
> Murder is misunderstood though. It's a mental illness.

Don't you even try to ask for compassion for criminals, because there should not be. Crimes should be condemned and criminals, ostracized.


Liberal parents allow their children to act on their own in public with no repercussions because they want their child to make their own decisions
What's to stop some adult to talk to a child and fill their head with the idea that a physically intimate relationship would be what the child wants?
The child tells their parents that's what they want

It's absurd as hell, but I wouldn't put it past a progressive

>actually reading the article

You would fucking like that, wouldnt you?
Fucking shitcunts

>Sup Forums

probably most of these mouthbreathers still pronounce the words they read

Why don't we encourage trannyfags to get help to not be trannyfags instead of HRT and genital mutilation?

Spotted the newfag
Who the fuck actually reads articles?
Fuck off back to /lit/ you fucking retarded nerd.

The problem is that theres a difference between liberals and "progressives." Progressives chief interest in anything is that it is disruptive and detrimental to the conservatives.

I agree that there is not likely going to be a serious "pedo pride" movement any time soon. But, if you peruse the ranks of the progressives you could undoubtedly find atleast a handful who would support it mereley because its wildly offensive and loathed by their opposition.

Generally speaking though the liberals love using the "protect the children" thought terminating cliche too much to ever seriously reccomend that pedos are okay.

>bbc three: National Socialists are not understood. They need help, not condemnation - I should know


fucking fags
fucking liberals
cannibalism is next

Your picture is really terrifying
gayness is disgusting gore
very evil

Pedophiles must be monitored. However most of the people raping children are not pedofiles. The vast majority are people that get off on domjnting others... They have masochistic traits. This group needs to be monitored too...

why dont the jews just cut to the chase and make having white children illegal?

>WTF I Love Pedophilia Now

I hope u posted that there.
Best way to ridicule them.

#theirbodymychoice #eatwhoiwant #favabeans

>to turn other pedos into non-pedos
Is that even possible though?

kill all this pedo scum

Can you cure homosexuality?

there is no slippery slope they said

This is just the beginning. (((They))) are starting the pro-pedo push gently.

Did you even read his fucking post?

I don't know the answer to that question. And it's two different things anyway.

Yes, it can be cured. Watch the following:


No cure or treatment has been proven effective so far.

You can isolate them, you can perform constant supervision over them, you can give counseling to help manage urges or redirect it into other activities, but so far there has not been any proven method that can permanantly remove a persons sexually deviant tendencies.

You can bully, harass, and abuse them into professing to be cured and to not act on urges, but you cannot remove those urges.

Even pedos who have been castrated or had their libido removed chemically have been known to commit further child abuse. Scientists and shrinks dont really understand how it works, but the sexuality of it is only a smaller part of a more intricate complex involving power fantasies and an obsession with corrupting innocence plus a lot of other shit. Even if you cut a pedos junk off its not a garuntee they wont continue messin with kids, cuz you only removed part of the overall deal.

Fucking hell. Tbh we anticipated this. So what's next?

No. We should just castrate or kill them.

That Mathew Sims guy going full pedo defense on all the replies is 100% a pedophile.

Psychologically speaking, you cannot cure pedophilia.

Sorry user.

(((They))) will not stop until there is mandatory circumcision and anal penetration immediately after birth.

Even if we could, we should still condemn pedophiles.

>there is not ... going to be a serious "pedo pride" movement any time soon

what is nambla

BBC fell on their head.

A group lefties and righties hate universally?

Who /hypedforlegalolis/ here

You know who else was a pedophile?

Jesus Christ

Fuck I never thought about it before but you just made pedophilia even worse to me

>Getting off on corrupting innocence

Just awful

>facilitating pedos needs in special centers and allowing them to have meetups
I rather stick to condemn, persecute, punish

>b-but criminals are victims of their nurtured desires
that's why they need to be corrected, not facilitated


Fucking gas them

Gas them all

Yeah, most rape and pedophilia isnt JUST sex. Its power, corruption, and sadism. The sexual aspect is just an outlet to express such obsession.

Of course it could just be that you a fucking idiot



Yes, pedophilia is a disease, just like transgender and necrophilia.
They do need treatment, and I don't mind them if they realize they are sick and needs to be cured.

Not cool