Brit/pol/ - The Republic of Ireland will go down edition

Previous thread: >The republic's pajeet PM is afraid the Tory-DUP deal could compromise the GFA

>The future is Orange, declares Ian Paisley Jr of DUP as Tory deal edges closer

>DUP asked SNP to stop Northern Ireland gay couples marrying in Scotland

>DUP supporters want PM to sanction banned Orange march

>May cancels 2018 Queen’s Speech, announced that a two-year parliamentary session will be launched on Wed

FUCK the leftist republicans and FUCK the leftist papists.

Reminder that a white person could be again in charge of Ireland very soon.

Other urls found in this thread:

Start buying Hijabs

Unionists pls go.

What's it like in Britain right now?

Start reading your history.

>Reminder that a white person could be again in charge of Ireland very soon.

FF will bring the Gov down soon.
And we're back to square 1.

shit OP

fuck off burger. we're busy

Reminder that Rightly So is a faggot who doesn't keep to his word

Ulster Protestant Orangeman kills girl for no reason, going to prison.

Reminder not to go outside in this hot weather unless you want lots of bad feels of no gf

I hope that's true.

Stop apologising.

All the crazies are ruling now. SHTRUNK UNT SHTAYBULL

Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.

You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.

you know you want it

Go on, take a bite
Join us

I heard Varadkar was redpilled on Islam though desu...

If you could push a button that instantly exported all the Communists and other races from the British Isles, and that we would be protected by a barrier forever, but in return it killed every other white person in the world, and left everyone else to fend off the vampires, would you do it? I would.

Man i love burgers

He did nothing wrong.

I hope Ireland doesn't capitulate to the refugee stuff hard.. Irish guys are the cutest I hope they don't breed out

>a pajeet hates Islam
Wow, who would've thought!

Yeah I like brit/pol/ anons, so I guess I will stay. It's literally all I use Sup Forums for now anyway.


God said "thou shalt not kill"

All Muslims do in the West is Taqiyya; lying to make islam look good

Is that list just containing tripfags or some anons too?
I am not new I just never really bothered to read into such things.

>He doesn't have a girlfriend

What are you lad, scared of talking to girls? Are you a pansy, son?

They look so out of place. It really is embarrassing.

GO to the National Gallery. It's free.

ip range ban test

is I free?

Brits are cute too

yessss yessss

The transformation process has begun

And yet, do we not kill animals for prime matter, nourishment and protection?

Obviously, the commandment only applies to human beings.

>continually makes bets without ever fulfilling them
>rants about mental health problems
>emotionally entirely dependent on a Sup Forums general

he's going the way of YKTD

You're dead Hitler

T-They are...

>tfw pawg right wing waifu
>inb4 show pics
>only for me lads

Meanwhile in Grenfell

Making bets is never good. But the rest applies to me, too.

And you're too frightened to talk to females!

I hope those burgers don't violate the NAP.

Kek, this is just too absurd for me to even get triggered over

>t. YKTD

then turn on your tripcode that i may filter you

Of coursh.

Ask a brit anything, my flag confirms it

"Zoom in and enhance."

1 2 3 4 5 6


I'm not a tripfag.

Would you?

Well yeah, killing animals is throughout the book, it means people.

Stop being an edgelord and accept that what this man did was wrong.

I meant the guys
: )


It's uncomfortably hot and we're bored, awaiting new happenings.

I was under the impression parliamentary sessions were 5 years long due to the fixed term parliament act.

What have I not understood?

Nope. No anons here.

Only Tripcodes to add to the filter list.
Soon they will all be gone.
We are entering the Tripcuntpocalypse of 2017. This is the year they die for good.


>Shalom Shalom

Y-you are a brit...

>mfw I have a 24 hour McDonalds less than 5 minutes drive away from where I live.

>Implying I haven't already become a Beady eyed ANGLO BLOODPIRE.

>tfw the hottest days are still to come

Why do the English hate the Irish so much? What the hell did they ever do?

They are good people

Leave the Irish the hell alone
I am judging you so hard right now

Well well, a fellow Martha fan.

>Theresa May cuts back on Police spending by taking officers off streets
>2 terrorist attacks on streets since

>Theresa May cuts spending on local authorities
> Grenfell tower fire


parliament voted for the election, are required by the act.

A random one posted his weenis on here this one time. Imgur is being hetero right now. It was so nice. Much fiveskin

You are understanding it correctly.
However, an election can still happen early if the MPs vote for it (like they did this time) or if there is a vote of no confidence or they fail to pass a queens speech/budget vote.

So when are you guys leaving the EU eh

>>Theresa May cuts spending on local authorities
Kensington has 274m in the bank from savings they've made in previous years

>when yanks don't understand the reference

So they do a new Queen's Speech each year? I wasn't aware of that or of its significance.

Source pls xx


s.s..soon lad

0, 2025 to be a pixelfag but mug some EU cucks off.

Checked. Clickbaiters into archive:

The worst feel, compounded by the sweat dripping into your eyes, hayfever and sunburn.


britpol meet up when?


>shit backwater non-white pagan non-country gets colonised
>colonisers bring civilization
>place becomes an actual country, and a good one at that
>natives tell white people to leave
>white people leave
>former colony goes to shit

Every time.

Me in the shades.


Just had a real fucking wierdo come up my culdesac.

Skinny white bald guy in a white Vest, walked up the hill and shouted "Blarrk" twice, looking intensely at my neighbour's house, the did some funny things with his hands, then left.

> pretending the Irish-Anglo discord wasn't sown by Americans.

sameface... it's true lads.. sameface is real

>he come up me culdesac
you dirty rotter

are you sure he wasn't saying yarp?

The Irish have never been people. They are a subhuman degenerated race that since the very first days of the ANGLO HEGEMONY have been repurposed to lick our boots. They had untold tracts of rich grassland, beautiful forest, deep bountiful mines and acre upon acre of peat bog - and they did nothing with it. They were content to sit about, farming their cabbages and turnips, milking their cows and singing folk songs.

When the Anglo came along - he saw so much untapped wealth and power being underutilised by the Irish, they were worshipping heathen gods and were prone to violent outbursts, senseless raids and other assorted barbarities.
It took many years, but we were able to grant them a modicum of civilisation - we gifted them the potato and set them about on a lofty course to rule as gods in the court of the British Empire - but they spurned us, they denied us and they rebelled against our good graceful hand.

They let the Papists into their nation to commit untold cruelties against their people and allied themselves with many undesirable elements - they rallied causes to destroy their betters and 'free' their precious Ireland.

When they were finally granted freedom and independence - they immediately sold it all out to get gibs from the European Union - becoming a vassal as they once were but a few decades prior, they allied with Muslims and other assorted terrorists and assisted in their training. They allowed the most devious and conniving communists into their political systems.

As of now, the EIREYAN is busy destroying his own country - in his deep hatred and fervour he is trying to remove the English from the clay he assumes is his - so he can flood it with Nigerians - denying Ireland to both themselves and their masters.

Take pity upon the EIREYAN, for he tries to punch above his station and has consumed himself in the process. Soon they will be gone - we tried to save them.

Perhaps the FARC rebels kicking off again.

my chest hurts senpais... is this the end? i'm getting scared desu

swallowing cum will do that lad

Yes, they normally do a Queens speech every year but there have been exceptions. This time they are saying it will cover two years (to make sure the tories stay in power until after Brexit).

What is wrong with her?

The Munchy Box meme strikes again.

RIP user

Why does Lily Allen have to be such a degenerate lefty? I want her so much. She has such a beautiful voice.

Type 1 diabetes makes you crooked.

>Being this salty