Why are you not an catholic and why don't you come back to the one true faith, you protestant jews?
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Because I'm Orthodox.
Aesthetics bro
that's is alright
are you a praticant?
Already am Portubro
Do you go to church?
im a traditionalist catholic mange.
Of course. Latin Mass attendee
Last apparition of the Virgin Mary on Earth makes 100 years. Here in Fátima. Amén. Made prophecies about the future of the world and it came into reality (USSR and the next war)
Obey me, your lord has returned.
> Posts Catholicism thread
> Orthodox icon
Greek Orthodox you faggot
I am a true Catholic, an Orthodox Christian. The Roman West are heretics.
The latins have been stealing from the greeks for millennia, nothing new
lol, this angry paddy again. Please go learn from Luther
>Orthodox Patriarch praises Luther on freedom
Good we need to make our faith stronger and come united and stronger to defend our race under Gods protection. DEUS VULT
Look at your liturgy, Catholics. You surrendered your rich history for modernism and called the council that gutted your church "ecumenical." You LARP as Latin-speaking crusaders, but your church is doing everything it can to distance itself from your own history. Stop being cucked and join the Orthodox Church.
What good does it do to listen to someone recite a liturgy that you can't understand. I'm sure that was a totally effective way to teach illiterate peasant farmers about Christ in the middle ages.
Reminder if you're not a Distributist you're not following Catholic social teaching and have probably been misled by Jews
Hows the ol union holding up queer lover?
The Orthodox literally let circuses perform IN their churches
Because I'm buddhist.
All Christians are jewed, you just argue amongst yourselves about who is jewier.
Thoughts on Greve Hans?
Why don't you come back to the Church Papist
The Orthodox created the fucking churches you pedophile
But you understand fuck all... I've been thinking about going to church, lately should I?
Im not really a believer but I do understand the importance of Catholicism on society.
Don't believe the jewish lies. We need to unite under our roman church!
Ireland is catholic.
the only reason why god hasnt burned down sweden yet is because of him
i guess that is true
We should go to church to become stronger as a people.
To erradicate all signs of degeneracy, the disease tha the jews use to destabilize the white race.
Im an immigrant
Title is literally about how acrobats 'Sparked fury" for doing their degenerate shit in a Russian church. Look at all the liturgical dancing, feminist garbage, and outright heresy that goes on in the Roman Church without so much as a peep. Fuck off. Rome is dead. I wish it wasn't. I have a lot of respect for old Roman traditions, but they are gone.
I remember the
>Peter you are the rock on which I will build my Church. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven.
But I can't remember the
>But remember, if other disciples disagree with you, you must obey because the Church is definitely a democracy.
Christ created the Church & explicitly gave primacy to Peter
You do understand it. The churches have latin to English translation sheets. It's vital that a universal Church has a universal language.
My nigga-in-christ.
White Christian Patriarchy is the solution to the degenerate thot problem.
You have to understand that latins and eastern europeans have diferent culture. Catholicism made great empires. When they started to lose faith in the lord and believing in the power of materialismit all crumbled down.
Pope is a Jesuit.
Today you learn the Blood oath of the Man enthroned in a temple filled with the gold and idols of pagans.
Read the Bible. When it says bad stuff is bad, it's bad. When it says to not do stuff, don't do it. When your membership declines, do you evangelize amongst all nations... or do you say that abominations and enemies of The Lord are ok to join now and are totally getting into heaven?
So what if Peter says "Let's abandon our old liturgy in favor of Protestant style feelings-based worship and utterly destroy our own faith traditions?"
We are. And our state and church officials formally announced Christ the King of the country last year.
stealing that phrase
>southerner joining a schismatic sect of smelly Arabs and gypsies
Hi Heimbach
I don't know what churches you are talking about. Here it doesn't happen none of that. Maybe you are refering to the baptist churches that are runned by niggers there in the US
id rather be a smelly arab than wrong tbhfam
Is that why the Catholic church limited the translation of the bible to latin and greek? Because when the greeks wanted to translate it to slavic the cathloics werent very happy, hence croatia and slovenia. (Cyrillic vs Latin characters) are still a major dispute in the balkans.
Universal language my ass
Catholics are not Christians they are Pagans who pray to false gods and dont follow Jesus teachings, No one in the old testament or new testament prayed to anyone other than the father, Catholics reject this and pray to Mary, The Disciples and various other saints even though Jesus very clearly instructed Christians on how to pray in Matthew 6:5-15. Cathlocis still dont listen to him though.....
Jesus on how to pray Matthew 6:5-15
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
9 “This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
but deliver us from the evil one.[b]’
14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Ah, I see you're one of those who enjoy criticising the Church without knowing much about it.
A) The Pope cannot go against doctrine. If he did, he'd invalidate his appointment & cease to be Pope
B) Catholics can disagree with the Pope on liturgy, & every other topic for that matter, unless he speaks ex Cathedra on faith & morals
ah yes
join the church that is the successor of the empire that crucified Christ
sounds great
No. Catholicism as a heavy hand. Heresy is not tolerated. This Pope is the greatest disaster to ever happen to the papacy.
>being an antisemite
>espousing Christian values
Just stop LARPing.
Ok so explain why he allowed the utter destruction of your liturgical history.
I like the nice touch on the end
because if they wanted to learn the bible they should learn an more civilized language.
Amen , inherently the pope should not exist, biggest heresy to drag down Christianity
>Alexandria is Coptic
>there's two patriarchs in Antioch
>Antioch and Jerusalem hate each other
>everyone hates Ecumenical Patriarch and nobody showed up for his council
>"the 4 patriarchs are still in communion with each other"
Nice maymay
you can't become a catholic, you have to be born one. catholicism is a way of life and culture. that's the beauty of our religion, it involves everyone in our lives and it's all we know from birth.
It's almost like it's the same church...
>He thinks he has a right post in Sup Forums's Catholicism generals and yet:
>he attends the sacrement of reconciliation less than once a month
>he doesn't attend adoration and benediction when he can
>he make no effort to attend weekday mass at least occasionally
>he recieves communion in the hands
>he prays the rosary less than twice a week
>he doesn't observe an act of penance on fridays
>he hasn't recently asked for the intercession of a saint that wasn't St Anthony
>he doesn't frequently (or better yet, exclusively) attend extraordinary form mass if possible
>he needs the little mass card in order to recite the apostles creed
If any of the above apply to you, repent and come back
Protestanism is heresy and everybody knows it. Also, nothing pagan about the holy passages that you displayed here. Jew
How can a part of the body of christ be heretical and corrupt?
Granted, but the catholics are still anything but universal, ironic once you realise that the word Catholic itself is a synonym to universal
Same reason Orthodox allow circuses I assume: because nobody can police every church.
Jesus tried to convert the Jews so God could help them be saved, but they refused and killed him, therefore, the Jews are not the chosen ones anymore and JC is a revel among them. Am I getting this right?
>being Catholic
Unless you're from Louisiana Catholicism would be just as foreign to the south as Orthodoxy. So are you recommending Anglicanism?
protestantism is paganism
the norse believed that the runes had magical properties
protestants believe that the letters of the bible have magical properties
Anglicanism is gay
>utter destruction
This literally happened last week. I suggest you watch & enjoy
Nonsense. You post pictures of traditional masses that take place in less than 1% of Catholic churches in the world. Everywhere you go, Catholics celebrate liturgy like Protestants. Your churches are iconoclastic meeting halls.
benedictus XVI was based. We need based popes.
You are not baptized?
Come home to the one true, holy, apostolic, Catholic, Anglican Church of England you potato nigger.
Your pope is a commie cuck who likes toes
We dont need popes, we need genuine patriarchs that dont claim to be holy or saints
There's Anglican Use Roman Catholicism if familiarity means that much to you. But just because you live in an area where the norm is Rev Billy Bob preaches in tents and tool sheds doesn't mean it should stay that way.
true, shameful and totally heretic
The Episcopal Church is pretty big in Alabama/Louisiana
Come home to the true Anglican Church
>protestants believe that the letters of the bible have magical properties
Im not even a Protestants but according to the Bible.....
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Beware gents. There are a lot of protestants and gbostics who larp as orthodox to try to destroy the church. Question their theology and they soon reveal themselves through fallacies like muh personal relationship and sola ego.
Obvious signs of larpers:
Calling catholics pedos
Calling catholics just hungry for your money
Muh indulgences
Hurr you added heresy and lies to dogma
Hurr vatican 2
Hurr pope nigger foot sucker
Ignore all protestants/satanists
Even at small Orthodox churches in America, the liturgical traditions of the church are preserved:
The Roman church is ashamed of her own traditions and has utterly abandoned the beauty of true Roman worship.
But the believers have not!!
Paisley wasn't Anglican. He founded his own Presbyterian church
>Church of England chief backs 're-christenings' after sex changes: Officials risk furious backlash by introducing 'services of welcome'
I'm aware he wasn't Anglican but he held back Catholic potato niggers so I love him.
Good for them. Will they bring back the traditions against the will of their bishops? Learn from the Church that has never abandoned the Apostolic Faith and never apologizes for practicing true Christian worship!
Then from that argument there's nothing wrong with southerners becoming Orthodox. Especially when the Orthodox have western rites for former Anglicans and Latin mass Catholics. What makes the Catholic Church any less foreign to the anglo/scotch irsh south?
Alabama doesn't surprise me but Lousiana slightly does.
catholics in the west are mostly cucked desu senpai. on the other hand catholics in the east like poland, croatia or hungary are pretty much based.
Enough of this heresy. You are all heretics, you look like niggers in a baptist church in texas
I am sure that those who have been enslaved by shitty Protestant worship for decades, true liturgy would look odd. I will forgive you for that.
>in b4 "He meant the opposite of he said."
16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
>Great defenders of Christendom
Please user,be serious
>"You probably felt what remarkable, good relations have developed between the Orthodox people and Muslims in Russia. WE ARE VERY GLAD that finally this big mosque has been built in the city of Moscow to become a place of prayer for many Muslims who live in Moscow and visit Moscow," Patriarch Kirill said.
>texas baptist
I'm from Sunderland m8. Proud Anglican even if Welby is allowing cucks to take power. We'll push back.
Protestantism is jews disguised as christians
Still waiting for an excuse as to why your liturgy looks like an evangelical concert. By all means though, keep ignoring the world-wide apostasy of your church and pointing out individual remarks of certain Orthodox bishops.
And those Jews have taught your people how to worship.....and you have lapped it up like dogs.
Russians are niggers but at least they dont get attacked as much as u fekin
On the other hand Greek Orthodox held away the Turks for centuries before they crumbled under papic betrayal and muslim widespread.