What are our rapebabies doing these days?
You're very silent these days.
Are your irrelevant and artifical countries still fighting against each other?
Balkan politics thread
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Where are you Balkanigger white subhumans?
don't worry i'm not here to rape your white subhuman kind, just here to talk about our former colonies.
Go away smelly t*rk
Albanians are the most subhuman things among other balkan things
why? low iq or?
by the way, i say "things" instead of "people" because i do not consider Balkanites as humans.
Roach repellent
Go away smelly t*rk
here's a pity bump, Onur
I am not that guy.
Try harder.
some of them are here
>Turkish banter
Discuss politics itt
I'm expecting a civil war in Albania or Macedonia
Not really up for it
Won't happen here, things are calming down
So after the referendum, which makes erdogan basically the absolutist monarch, will the ottoman slave trade be revived?
If yes i claim all the cute traps
Hi daddy
*absolutist sultan i meant of course
show us your flag first
>rapebabies doing these days?
don't you mean
>what are my balkan grandpas doing these days
t. pure blooded balkan and sandnigger child
push this meme all you want, you at least should know the truth.
inb4 posts cigans
inb4 empties his "serbshit"folder
inb4 posts his "my eye_1234" image where he looks like a trap
inb4 doesn't know what a vassal state is
we obliterated you in 17 out of 26 wars, but since your education is based on memes let me post a counter meme, roach balkan bro.
also, i hope you only gave the finest of women to my balkan grandads. :^)
also, why are you posting bulgarian art?
just check it, serb bro. :^)
Balkans can't into anything, except conflict. Top world-class irrelevance.
>we obliterated you in 17 out of 26 wars
It took only 800 brave Turks to destroy your shitty ""empire"", turn you animals into domesticated animals and your women into sex slaves.
Want us to build Kele Kulas in your shithole again?
tfw turks are actually greek rape babies which is why greece is gray in the OPs image
>he knows
Oy vey gavurs know!
What does that change actually?
I'm too tired can we sling shit at each other tomorrow
>20 posts
>12 posts by this ID
Bair maor roach
it's pretty cute that you are posting wikipedia.
70k men against a sneak attack of 800 ottomans is legit as it could be.
but maaaaybe it had something to do with certain neighboring propaganda that involved images like .
dream on, my balkan bro.
also, if you think you are a bit related to us, keep in mind that we are 10cm taller at average and more light skined than you sandnigger faggots.
we never raped you, you just gave your women willingly to our jannies, serb bro. :^)
>that pic
Literally based on haplogroups
>hmm if he's J2 then it means he's Greek an shiet!!!!
not really
also for proofs
the study based on Autosomal dna is kind of bad but it's OK
>3249872349238749234792384 ottoman soldiers versus 300 christians
nice try
sure thing serb bro, why not post some more to deny the fact that you are a balkan sandnigger hybrid. :^)
also, wow serbia is prety not part of your image.
really makes my nogging joggin
>be turkmen+native anatolian
>subhuman dares to call you a s*rb
you're our animals, lad. nothing else. your men were used as dogs and your women were used as harem slaves.
poor attempt at forcing a balkan shitstorm thread
that's because haplogroups are shit and it does not tell anything about your ancestry
however that doesn't change the fact that you're rapebaby
>be turk
>kidnap little boys
>boys grow up
>give them literally anything their heart desires because they are the best we have, including women
accept the fact that you are more balkan and sandnigger blood than otto blood.
>Dickless boy that was not even allowed to marry we wuzes about us
>Turkish arguments
Heh, face it roach, You've already lost....
>Dickless boys that were massacred by Sipahis en masse whenever chimped out managed to"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""bleach""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" entire population of Anatolia
>Number of dickless boys never exceeded 55.000
Keep we wuzzing it's funny :DDDDDDD
>one test
>from one person
When we came into Anatolia we raped the fuck out of whoever was there. Now we aren't even Turkic and our leader is Georgian. I love Turkey!
So what percentage of Europeans in the Balkans could actually be considered "rape babies"? I always that the Turks got more European dna than the other way around.
Anyone from the Balkans can fill me in?
Oh shit
Thanks roach for reminding me to daily-hate balkans
Fock yo hungary and fock you bulgary
Thanks again user-turk ,ur my best friend
Nice retarded chart, subhuman :D
>east and south asian
also read ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
post that eye of yours that looks like fucking anzu.
your glorious leaders lost the majority of the wars they fought against us.
learn what a vassal state is, and learn what happened.
if it wasn't for our neighboring countries you would've never even set a foot on this land.
and that is what it was like back then.
we are the ones that stopped you from from entering europe, dream about your history all you want but being proud attacking a small country while it was fighting against all of his neighbors isn't something to be proud of.
you didn't even manage to capture us, just a vassal state.
how pathetic can the biggest empire be if it didn't even manage to capture a small territory like ours while being the biggest empire in the world at that time.
>Anyone getting massacred except for turks
Nice try
Oh ye,almost forgot,fuck you Tatars,Fuck you Avars,fuck you Mongols,fuck you Zergs,fuck you Vl*chs,fuck kebabs.
>selfbumping your own thread this many times because no one gives a shit what some literal arab insect thinks of the west
Bulgary dindu nuffin
Oh so we are 80% Armenian? Why are you calling your Turkish brother a subhuman, we raped the balkans so hard that somehow the Asian input became so enormous it wasn't even measurable in any country.
>Autosomal studies with recent methodology estimate the Central Asian contribution in Turkish people at 13-15%
>turkz wuz 100% mongol when they came to anatolia
my favorite meme of all time :D
>80% Armenian
now fuck off from my thread, white subhuman. Or else i'll wipe the floor with you.
hey roachnigger
stop slide threading you proxyfag
we know its you and if you don't stop your family will be RAIDed
PS: burn in hell
post your eye anzu
I'm not a subhuman! I am a Turk and as you can see my genetic knowledge is on par with or even greater than yours! Why do you post man from Turkmenistan brother? Why do you only post studies comparing Turks to Asians and not multiple populations we raped and massacred like the Caucasus and Balkans! Post Turkish people, we must prove that we are still Turkic and not Graeco-Slavo-Armenian rapebabies!
>Other studies revealed that the peoples of the Caucasus (Georgians, Circassians, Armenians) are the closest to the Turkish population among sampled European (French, Italian), Middle Eastern (Druze, Palestinian), and Central (Kyrgyz, Hazara, Uygur), South (Pakistani), and East Asian (Mongolian, Han) populations.
>why do you post turkmenistan
we descended from Turkmens.
also, your writing style greatly triggers me. either change your writing style or get blocked.
oh and by the way, read your links before you post them
I read most of them, the one on Jews I didn't read for example. Also why do you say I don't know what I'm talking about in , brother? The site you most likely pulled it from says it it itself. We are 100% Turkic, the 0.000001% Armenian/Caucasus is nothing to worry about brother!
>The highest Caucasian admixture for a Uyghur seems to be 68% where as the highest for a Turk ( Turkey) is 91%
>The highest Mongoloid admixture for a Uyghur seems to be 45% where as the highest for a Turk ( Turkey) is 25%
again we descended from Turkmens. then mixed with local anatolians. that's all, it's not complicated to understand. Also i'm not fully claiming to be Turkic even though i look Mongolian. as shown here , what i'm saying is i'm not a fucking balkanigger or wh*te.
Hey Suleima Pasha Al Abd Alch Bdul Achemn Al Abdudb Achemd The Goatfucker, do you learn about this is your terrorist training caps aka turkish schools?
you realise albanians are your tools, right? its a reason they're the most subhuman along with bosniaks. My God, you are so retarded, but no surprise there, you're a Turd.
No such country.
Turds really are as subhuman as saudi arabs, basically the same fucking thing.
Yes, and if you looked at the graphs you posted you would notice that both Turks and Turkmens are 80%+ just Caucasus people. Also, before you reply to and call him a Turkish rape baby attach a study for proof (Outside of Thrace) would love to see the mental gymnastics (brother). :^)
No trouble there, We can even claim Mycaenean period, we can go that far back :) but not for long, since our population declines/emigrates and gypsies,albanian population rises while shitskins get here every day. But turdish bs? meh, that's cheap shots to us.
If Mainland Greece ever became non-Greek it was after 1821. So many Georgians, Pakis, worst of the Albanians and other insects entering the country without deportation or extermination. Greek glory
belongs to the Greeks, no amount of name calling, propaganda, and insecure wewuzzing will change that, 2500 years ago it was μολὼν λαβέ, today: Ελευθερία ή θάνατος.
> it was after 1821
More like after 1990, when Albania fell and our politicians allowed them and their mafia to enter.