so this girl that i'm talking to is fairly open minded, and i've just told her I'm a nazi. She's not entirely closed to the idea but needs facts to show that jews are indeed destructive to a civilized society. It's been a few years since i've done my research and come to this conclusion, so help remind me.
Converting a girl to Naziism
Other urls found in this thread:
Any reply is an effort towards th cause
Here are some principles to follow as a good National Socialist in the year 2017:
- Do everything that benefits the White race and avoid everything that harms it
- Find a decent White woman and have as many children with her as possible (at least ten)
- Raise your children well
- Develop your body, mind and soul to the fullest extent
- Exercise regularly and prepare for war
- Have a healthy lifestyle, do not drink any alcohol, smoke or take any other drugs
- Be a decent person, do not get tattoos, piercings or other degenerate things
- Dress conservatively, thus no t-shirt, jeans or sneakers (you may wear robust clothing if the situation demands it though)
- Expose yourself to valuable culture, google ‚Gottbegnadeten list’
- Do not listen to degenerate music, listen to classic music and National Socialist songs (for example ‚Die Fahne hoch’)
- Build networks with other like-minded people
- Learn folk dances, but also classic ballroom dances
- Educate yourself about National Socialism by reading original literature, then educate others
- Try to live a simple life, get rid of luxury
- Be active on the Internet, for example make comments, like, dislike, subscribe
This is a fight for life or death of the White race, always remember this every day.
If you preach it to her she will think you are an autist. Just live your life in a way that she will become interested in it herself.
You don't have to be a square to not be a degenerate.
Also have her watch some right wing women.
Can't any of you idiots just lead by example?
You don't "convert" a woman to a political ideology. It's not their place. Just do you. She'll follow, assuming you actually have a set of balls between your legs.
Ovadia Yosef was one of the highest authorities in Israel. He was called the wisest of all Jews by the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his funeral was visited by hundreds of thousands of Jews.
Ovadia Yosef said:
>Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."
>In Israel, death has no dominion over them...With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but (God) will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one's donkey would die, they'd lose their money. This is his servant...That's why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[
>not National Socialism
What's up Shlomo?
This is a nicer way of putting it.
I'm not interested in preaching, just debating as any normal politically concerned person would.
I know what it means to be a nazi, I want to convince someone else that it is the right way though.
>Language policing
>on "politically incorrect"
Show this video to her:
Then make love to her with this song in the background:
I'm a national socialist but Nazi draws more attention
Thank you
Get access to thousands of National Socialist books that Jews do not want you to read before they (((shut it down))) once again.
Read about National Socialism, history, philosophy, race science, faith, threat of judaism, economy, exercising, as well as art and culture. This is for German-speaking /politicans only though, but feel free to link to related English speaking literature.
You can start with "Wofür kämpfen wir?", "Nationalsozialistische Fremdvolkpolitik", "Ewige Front", "Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes", "SS-Liederbuch“, "Kunst der Führung" and “Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts“.
There does not exist one single National Socialist message board in German language. Germans who tried to create one were persecuted, put into prison and the domain was expropriated just for expressing their political views or questioning the official version of history.
There are some controlled opposition message boards in English language which reflect the view of "Neonazis/White supremacists" who have nothing to do with National Socialism at all, they were invented after WW2 to portray NS in a negative way.
good luck, goy
Hahaha, sorry wrong picture, DDR was not meant to be portrayed like this. However, the depiction of BRD is very accurate.
without all >DER JUDEN
a classic
THis makes a lot of sense t.b.h.
Would translate and post on Facebook to friends to see it but fuck, as soon this gets linked to Sup Forumsack activities, ppl will just ignore it.
Just show her "the money masters" on youtube. It's 3 hours long but you need just about one hour, then you say you believe it and that the banking system have brought about so much suffering to the world, missled so many people of all kinds, and to finish it off say that you dislike feminism too.
"Woman should foremost do the job they do best and the most important occupation in the world, raising lots of children, that's how I believe they feel best and that's what I believe is best for our people".
Proceed to touch her legs and kiss her, then say you will die defending that belief and our people in order to establish your spirit in her mind.
I want a girlfriend
How do I get one?
Don't be a LGBTUWXYZ123 for starters.
Be Chad and don't weigh 300 lbs
>I'm a Nazi, but I can't articulate or understand why I hate the Jew.
>I used to understand, but now I forgot.
Fuck off you degenerate, illiterate piece of shit.
>show her a 3 hour long youtube video
>proceed to grope her while muttering nationalistic maxims
Oh yah nothing gets a woman going like hours of conspiracy theories and Mussolini quotes.
calling yourself anything but American. go jump off a cliff
Read this, its a detailed pastebin about arguing for National Socialism, particularly with Adolf Hitler and NatSoc germany.
Redpills of Zion, Full pastebin which is sourced and talks about Jewish Influence
Jews advocating for nonwhite immigration is literally destroying the social cohesion of society
>Jewish Stake in American Immigration
>The problems with ethnic diversity
Jewish Influence in the United States
I said you needed about one hour, maybe just half an hour for the point to be made. The presenter is calm and the whole thing feels like a school movie, albeit somewhat advanced especially for a blue pilled woman.
You could add that this clip and many others gets banned from youtube all the time but keeps being uploaded due to the movement not giving up. It could literally be watched over a nice meal while talking inbetween and playing with her hair or something. I believe the presenter is just comfy enough to lull you in and it's not as serious as The greatest story never told or infographics about nogs or jews.
All in all, begone kike.
for heaven's sake, don't show her a jewtube video
>There is no other nationality other than American
Why are you burgers so fucking self centered and retarded?
This jew prefers ti try to push away older party members in order to stifle recruitment
Nice try, Solomon
this is a remarkably shill-free night, reminds me of Sup Forums before the election, pretty comfy desu