Who here watched the interviews in their entirety? I personally thought of it as a breath of fresh air from mainstream rhetoric. Hell, i'll even go as far as to say i like the man.
The Putin Interviews
Other urls found in this thread:
Putin was always based.
I thought so, He seems to be a strong statesman compared to US politicians.
Working through them now. Anything is better than Russia is our enemy. Where is the proof. Hacked election? I would have never voted Hillry, Backed trump from day 1........ So was I hacked or just being lied to?
Voted for him too; was a Bernie supporter but then all the scandals let loose and i voted Trump. I'm pretty red pilled now.
Parts 2 and 4 are the best imo.
Berns were the only part of the Russian narrative i could slightly understand, but still saw the way the DNC treated Berns supporters. I wondered while watching the DNC convention why they thought it was good to silence Bern supporters. Why would they vote for loyalty when wanting true change.
So my conclusion was they shit on Bernie supporters.
Put a power hungry criminal loaded with true scandals that started years back up for a fight.
Got beat by a guy that was being smeared by the MSM with false scandals.
Russia had to have hacked the election!
post link
Thx for telling is how to think, Russian shills!
Yes listening to the source directly is a bad thing goy
I'm sure Vladimir Putin has America's best interests at heart
looking forward to the rote, repeated responses we've seen all week about "putin is russian" , "putin is evil" "putin is kgb"
Watched it
Best interview I've ever saw
>Top tier bantz
>10\01 redpills about Russia and it's recent past
>Awesome insight into Putin's worldview and his mind
>Stone is the first ever interviewer to make him visibly uncomfortable
Love I'm or hate I'm. It you need to watch this for current political context
Flaming asshole about muh Russia won't stomach it of course, since Putin's visible high IQ will asbulutely incinerate their rectum within the first 20mins
WE know he has Russias best interest at heart. Wouldn’t a strong US Russia alliance Be very beneficial to the US? Even more so with the Brexit UK?
OMG that would be horrible........ Racist even.
fuaak I wanna watch it now!, Torrent?
Nah, Putin is SMART and stupid people and autists confuse intelligence with honesty. Any honest leader is a childish moron.
I like Putin over Trump because he's a very smart shark instead of a barely literate goldfish only skilled at showmanship, but the Russian remains the enemy of the West no matter how much it's proxies shill the chumps of Sup Forums.
Nothing turns young men stupid more than naive idealism.
its on YT
No he has russia's best interests at heart. A strong US-Russia alliance would be extremely beneficial for both russia and the US. geopolitics isn't a zero sum game.
Pic related
No, he doesn't need to.
He has to have Russia's best interests in mind not Amerilards, because yknow he's the president of Russia., you utter cretin
No, because his goal is to diminish the power of the United States. Putin is not seeking out stronger ties to benefit both countries, he's seeking to undermine the U.S. while improving Russia. Russia cannot be trusted. You Putin lovers are legitimately brainwashed.
Look at all these same, "he has Russia's best interests at heart" posts. Tell me this board isn't full of organized Russian shilling.
It depends. I'm sure he'd love to undermine the (((USA))), but he'd love to have better diplomatic relations with the USA.
Hi senator McCain
Only if he was an idiot. China is far more of an erratic and dangerous actor than the US, they will need the alliance in the future to survive.
Nice deflection. Was I incorrect that there were at least 3 of those posts in a row?
You're replacing a set of lies by another. Truth is Russia is even more cucked than the US and the rest of Europe. And he showed it.
Russian-US cooperation would be fantastic, and could finally break the globalist pedo networks apart. Can't wait.
He is the leader of the free world
>Diminish the power of JewSA neocon led military, islamist financing, bad goy toppling cancer upon this world
Sit down kike
So infinitely more based than Donald Zog Trump. I understand why (((he))) wont meet him in person. Putin would make him look like an innocent little school girl.
Right, the real threat is some imaginary new world order run by some scary Jews who make up 1% of the U.S. population. Inb4 some fake news info graph showing how much Jews "controls"
Your American is showing
One of the best moments
Don't spill it though entirely
It's truly kekworthy
Where can I pirate the interview? Or watch it free. Poor fag here.
Ok Ant walks up to a cow and bites its leg... Does it diminish the cows strength? No russian here and dont know any. But i know bullshit when i see hear or read it. I know what end of the cow you come from
You're so right, Vladimir Putin has done so much good for this world, he is such a just and honorable man just looking out for the betterment of mankind and not himself
Great counter-argument
Look 4 posts earlier, your lazy blind rat
seriously this
Hmm, interesting analogy. Care to expand further?
Moshe, one can better the world and oneself, in fact that is how most leaders function. The problem is when they act like your tribe and harm the world to benefit oneself.
I'm thoroughly confounded by how one can actually be a former bernout. I smelled lying jew the first time he opened his mouth.
Don't like Putin's regime, but he is smart enough not to attack NATO countries, so i don't see Russia as a threat. Now there is the Islamic State that did multiple attacks on Nato countries, with little retaliation from us, sadly.
Who said it was the Jews? What is the shadow government?
Putin: "USA does not have allies only vassals"
Putin: any member of NATO essentially signs over their sovereignty to USA
Putin: USA created alqeida and empowered Osama binladen
But you can't seriously believe Vladimir Putin gives a single fuck about improving the rest of the world. What has he ever done that wasn't simply an act of self-preservation/solely aimed at helping Russia? Russia has NOTHINH of value to offer the world.
Thanks for proving im right.
>Bombed ISIS to shit
>Didn't let amrikikes let Syria to convert into another Afghanistan/Iraq/lybia islamist hellhole with massacred Christians and general lawless hell
More than any other contemporary world leader
U mad kike?
Yes u mad
Your shadow parentheses or are you going to now pretend that's not what you meant?
Bernie drank his own kool aid and broke his NAP with Hillary.
A sinking world harms russia. He's the only world leader even considering sanity in Syria for example. He got assad to promise to step down and hold elections if the US stopped funding terrorists and obongo told them to fuck off. Look how well that's turned out.
Im just wondering how you think Russia can diminish the US in any way........ The only threat Russia really has that I know would be a nuclear attack. Well they sure know how to screw a Clinton.....
Interesting. Rather than counter and contribute to the discussion, you would rather resort to ad hominems and assume Americans aren't allowed to make arguments?
And so, at the DNC he was brought into line.
And he was made to kiss the ring, after it struck him.
>manlet KGB
fuck this turd
>its all true
I almost consider this common knowledge by now, but I'm still continually surprised by how many people don't know it.
I'm not here defending actions of the U.S. I'm here suggesting this hero worshipping of a selfish, manipulator is being pushed by a coordinated Russian effort. Look at the different flags all attacking and all using similar talking points (and also, btw, not really contributing any meaningful discussion). Vladimir Putin is bad for America.
By manipulating it's populace into thinking Putin is a "good guy" or an "ally" when he's proven to be the exact opposite. Don't become complacent, friend. Russians do not have Americans beat interest at heart. They are actively attempting to sow discord within our borders.
disqualified t b h
Then their allies must be
Yes, yes, Russia is very interested in a "liberated" and "democratic" Syria. I'm sure they would never influence a "democratic" election in Syria. They certainly have no ulterior motives in Syria. There's definitely not a pipeline running through Syria.
How what?
Probably a student that doesn't really give a shit about much and wanted free stuff.
lol that was breddy funny. Although I thought it was weird watching a movie with a head of state like that.
CNN, MSNBC, and BLM are pushing a Putin "good guy" narrative?
>Le ebil Putin maymay
Even if...whatcha gun do?
Expose your fmaling asshole to the world.
If Putin is bad for America the whole world should rally behind him because America is cancer upon this world, run. Literally by le Zog
You account for 20% of the posts in this thread, you made some nice shekels today, get some rest.
he can talk all he wants it's not like it would matter, he knows he is a loser. you either win or you whine and that applies to every aspect of life.
He goes onto basically say how the US supports ISIS as well. Plus the bits about Ukraine and Georgia, the Chechnyans and stuff. Interesting interviews.
link for unedited full length interview you fucking monkeys
Russia Russia Russia......... all to blame for the DNC's problems. well white guys are evil too
My god man just look on youtube
No one here has even talked about the DNC and Russia? Why are you trying to change the subject and narrative, Russia friend?
Look we admire him because he is a strong leader for his country, unlike obama, but hes a piece of shit and poisons his political enemies and is sponsored by one of the oligarch jews
I've never seen this much Trumpaganda in one place. Should I report it to the FBI?
What exactly has Russia done to undermine us? We're the ones putting economic sanctions on them.
And you contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion because you aren't providing alternative points. Yes, anyone disagreeing with Emperor Putin is doing it for shekels. He is truly infallible
Being head of the KGB in East Germany will give you skills
russia might not be the best country but putin is definitely an intellectual monster balanced by an elegant tongue. who knows if you can trust the man but still good shit.
Mmmhmmm and I'm sure if Putin were the leader of the world he'd bring about great improvements for all?
"Religion was the only thing that could destroy communism rule"
I got hard
Hey retards, weak america is good for the european races
He's extremely intelligent and refined in his views. Having watched them in their entirety, I can't say I disagree with anything he said.
There is a unanimous agreement between United States Intelligence Agencies (including Trump appointees) that Russian entities attempted to influence our elections via online misinformation.
There is so much d&c itt, I don't know who is jewing who?
You must be drunk.... The only people i can truly see sewing discord in US borders are US media outlets. US politicians... all crying russia and putin are our enemy. Why?????????
Did russians bring down the WTC?
Name same key things you agreed with from the interview?
This is a crock of shit answer. I'm supposed to care that Pedosta got phished? What have they done to actually undermine us?
Putin is by far the most moderate major political figure in Russia. Hell after United Russia the next biggest party in the Duma is the literal USSR 2.0 communist party
The best part is the Redpill about American """"democracy"""". I don't remember the exact quote, but essentially:
>With all of your "democratic" elections, it's funny how nothing ever changes, innit?
>Clinton says Russia could join NATO
>no change
>Bush says the missile shield is not about Russia
>no change
>Obama gets a peace prize
>no change
>Trump wants to fix relations with Russia
>no change
No, but there's UNANIMOUS agreement between U.S. Intelligence agencies (including Trump appointees verifying this) that Russia has attempted and is continually attempting to influence our elections via online misinformation. Do you care about free and fair elections? Do you want Americans to be able to think for themselves and come up with opinions that aren't manipulated to favor Russian interests?