Those Libshits putting on a Trump version of Julius Caesar: Have they forgotten who comes after Julius?
Those Libshits putting on a Trump version of Julius Caesar: Have they forgotten who comes after Julius?
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Augustus was still a totalitarian jerk who was the first proper user of propoganda to manipulate the public
I mean, he DID Make Rome Great Again, but it also became more autocratic, with more restrictions on what people could write/sell than before
It's funny how they don't outright say that it's a "Trump-version" of Julius Caesar.
Yep, Caesar definitely had blonde hair and a Slavic wife, fucking retards.
Either someone's historically illiterate, or these faggots are getting away with staging a presidential assassination and covering it up under the banner of "entertainment".
They certainly forgot that Sulla was the one that allowed the political climate for Julius, and what comes with it.
What was weird is that Julius Caesar was the Pontifex Maximus of Rome, yet when the Spears of Mars started rattling he didn't interpret the Omen correctly. THE PONTIFEX MAXIMUS failed to interpret the omen of his own death.
the problem being?
Finally someone who knows about history other than Shakespeare. Julius was never after revolution and genuinely believed he was restoring the republic because Pompey was taking too much power and declared war.
the problem being Tiberius and Caligula followed right after and things didn't get better
>When you use well researched, historically based analogies instead of Harry Potter analogies
Your problem with Tiberius? Continued to strenghten empire and expand it.
People's freedom of press will be suppressed, the non-political will be ignored, and the future will have a harder time understanding what actually happened, as dissent has been mostly wiped out
Besides, no matter how good the current autocrat is, there's no indication that the next one will be half as good, just like the other guy pointed out.
Examples are Lenin-stalin. I'm no communist, but i think Lenin believed he made things better for people, and his successor gave up on all that.
Same goes with Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, The koreans liked the first guy, but feared Jong Il.
There's probably loads other examples, but the short story is that autocracy tends to work best for only one generation.
>the republic wasn't an authoritarian oligarchy before Augustus
Okay, that was kind'a dumb of me to imply.
Point is that things might get worse for the people, even if the nation itself flourishes.
>63 BC
Spengler was right.
Roman Empire II
Obama had a version too, they do it for every leader.
Pride goeth before the fall
I just want to see Democrats' hands nailed to the door of Congress. Is that too much to ask for?
Orange came before Julius, right?
Baron memes are top tier.