The establishmnet loves him but he is the one who played working class people
Do we need to loudly and publicly rethink William F Buckly Jr?
Yeah he was kind of a tool with the whole "I piloted my yacht into international waters to try marijuana" routine...but then again I tend towards lolbergtarianism myself so who am I kidding?
Fucking weird I'm a big believer in synchronicity and I just watched the doc about him and gore Vidal last night and now boom here this is, wack bruh.
DC establishment sucks his cock a lot
alt right should build a case against him
Buckley virtually coined the phrase "White Supremacist" as a pejorative. He was eloquent. But attacked White racial consciousness when we started needing it most.
They all give him lip service now, but they don't practice what he preached. It's safer to praise him now that he's no longer around. National Review went to hell real quick after he was gone.
we need another public intillectual inside DC
otherwise the DC establishmnet is going to work against our interests
Dinesh is bretty smart, but...
>despised birchers
he was the death of conservativism.
I love his smile though
No Buckley, & Friedman were right, just look at the debt the USA has to support the social systems we create. The Earth is not flat!!
Of course, that's what roman catholics are for, to come in as """""christians""""" under an ecumenical umbrella, so they can divide and conquer racial aryans and split the booty with their masters the jews.
it's becoming clear that Conservatism has been a dead end. An effete bunch whose values "lag the liberal intelligentsia by 8 to 10 years"
Both the NR and WSJ came out vehemently against Trump, and still are. This means that the future of their jewgold means more to them than the future of the country. so be it
conservativism only offers loss.
Think Tanks need to be rethought as well
He was an undercover faggot. Glad he's dead
When the USA Gov. collapes under debt and the welfare checks stop. That is when the war begins, the Great American Chimp Out, they finally realize everything is not free, it comes from someones work! No other way to discribe it Sup Forums!
Ecumenism is a protestant trick to weaken the Catholic church
Cuckley literally wrote an entire book called "In Search of Anti-Semitism." He fired National Review writers like Joe Sobran for criticizing the role of the Israel lobby in American politics.
He was the ultimate "good goy."