Son marries a Jew

What would you do as a responsible father?

fuck his wife and end their marriage

have removed the Jews from my country before having children

Not give a fuck unless she's religiously Judaist
>m-muh white pride
Yeah keep playing race politics instead of focusing on culture, good goy

>pic+movie related

disinherit that motherfucker
and make new kids with better hope for future

Have her introduce me to her father who will then introduce me to the elite Jewish masters who run the world who I will do their bidding and get on their good side so my half breed grandchildren can live the best life possible.

I was dating a Jewess for about 4 years. My family, who are religious Afrikaners, didn't mind at all. Quite the opposite actually. They thought it was a blessing that one of "God's chosen people" found me. The Anglos down here have more of a problem with it seems.

>jewishness passes on matrilineanly
This right here emphasizes how sneaky and deceptive they inherently are as a people/religion/culture.

Then they claim your grandchildren as theirs.

Kill them both through intermediaries.
This would hopefully send a message to my others offsprings.

You'll have to wait until thanksgiving or something.
Get some 2x4s, nail gun, and some nails to block the exits. Clean this mess up you've made.

Jews are a race though kike.

Buy them a nice convection oven for a wedding gift?

behead the filthy jew

annies boobs are nice

I'm half Palestinian but I still wouldn't care all that much. As long as they get along and love their lives and have kids I'd be perfectly accepting of a Jewish daughter in law.

Force her to tell me everything she knows.

Pay the Jew shekles and tell her to go beat it.

Kill both

Rape her on her wedding night

If she won't convert to catholicism then that she devil is not allowed anywhere near my family or home

>They thought it was a blessing that one of "God's chosen people" found me.
The absolute state of the christcucks.


Convert her to Jesus Christ

t. half Jewish Palestinian

I'd raise my son to be redpilled on the kikes. He would be more anti kike than me by the time he is of marraige age, and from then on it's his life.

get shekels

Ask my daughter-in-law to touch her growing belly and feel my grandchild growing inside of her.

*if I could touch

? Be glad your grandchildren will be smart and on the winning side.

the fuck - these captchas are being rented out to every shitty little business.

I have a jewish gf and I'm literally Amon Goeth

My son would not be a traitor.

meanwhile in user's gf's stomach...

You're really not and he would probably think you were a pussy. You're like a larping nazi.

Review the prenup she made him sign.

This is why Christianity as a whole is a fucking disease to the west

Japan is fucking based
They dont give a single shit about kike enforced political correctness

If he married Alison Brie I'd poison him with ricin and then comfort Alison as she is grieving in the hopes of getting to plow those hillsides.

When your country is 90% black, gotta take good white girls where you can get them.

I'm gonna bet they're glad you at least aren't marrying a Kaffir or Indian.