Hey guys, I think this board has been super compromised.
My post will be janitored very quickly.
Spread the news before I am silenced.
Hey guys, I think this board has been super compromised.
My post will be janitored very quickly.
Spread the news before I am silenced.
bump to prove the leaf wrong.
someone post the "phrase in quotation".
Prove me wrong.
faggot mods delete every thread now that doesn't have to do with an MSM article or "muh Trump"
post a thread about alternative history, hollow earth, or antarctica, or anything interesting whatsoever and they prune it
We recognize you, Shlomo Goldstein
wtf--are you denying white genocide isn't happening?
You just said white genocide, so what are you bitching about?
U just want to weaken Sup Forums
they don't let us talk about the origins of man and how this effects politics?
To /x/!
bump because I don't believe it
white genocide
white genocide
I tried posting a thread that started off as asking "what can we do to raise awareness and prevent white genocide--everyone pretends that they are ok with it, but they truly aren't and they are too afraid to say so".
But for the life of me I couldn't get the thread to post.
Can you post a version of that that I can read please?
What's there to discuss? It's real.
White genocide 2017
There faggots, now see if I get a ban.
And we are letting it happen--to are great detriment.
I wanna say it's jews, but I also think it's rich treacherous whites that are responsible as well.
In the later Roman Empire--the rich aristocracy kept fucking the plebs harder and harder--filling Roman lands with vaster and vaster amounts of slaves to feed their greed and power.
We know what happened--but I really really don't want society to tumble over with arabs and gross ass shit skins running all over the place.
Going to need to shut this post down...
make it work, only niggers desire the universe shape to their desires.
jewish mods have been increasing moderation to control this website.
its much more obvious on the other boards.
Only niggers post infographics that aren't legible
I have seen this also, you aren't crazy
You guys are just realizing this? It has been known for years. Its as compromised as reddit.
Bullshit. Janitors just delete shit post sounding OPs occasionally. If you don't want your thread pulled be more articulate with how you start it.
I'm happy to help test this theory.
>I've been looking around b/c of the whole Devon Arthurs thing, and there's a lot of censorship going on.
>Everyone associated with him talks big, but they purge anything coming too close to white genocide or white sharia.
Considering the sand-mulis are already waging a cultural/"religious" war, this seems relevant to our interests.
>If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,
Hi there dumb shit. Seems you are confused and most likely drooling retarded and probably have sex with your left and right hand on a regular basis. Should you want to shit post, feel free but keep in mind it will get crushed and shat on because your stupid topics have no home here.
I have a ball sack you can suck on should you feel upset and that Sup Forums is unfair and muh freedumb of speesh
Is this a joke, this board talks about 'muh white race' all the fucking time while creating race bait threads.
I am. You are free to have kids. White genocide is a myth. You just want to force white women to fuck you
>ITT: everyone will be back tomorrow and bitch for FREE kek
Is it liberal and democrat free?
White Genocide is real and I love it
we dont want plebbit
In the latter Roman Empire it was Jews too. Or rather an elitist group of occultists, a priesthood who have been parasites on the back of various cultures for thousands of years that manipulate and dismantle civilisations for the greater glory of their master.
white genocide
White genocide with your ham and eggs.
Did I do it rite?
New mods were hired not long ago, what have they been told to do? Is anyone noticing anything??
The cutting of heroin with fentanyl by Mexican cartels is definitely a form of white genocide.
inb4 pruning
dnt do it yt
There are literally tonnes of white genocide threads on Sup Forums every day.
The fuck are you on?
You're an idiot, and also outed yourself as a phoneposter and a newfag. Mobile devices load large images in a smaller, mobile format by default, you have to remove the "m" at the end of the file name to see the full res.
"white genocide"
/bant/ was used to take the fun out of Sup Forums, no one goes there. people want a mixture of both, not one or the other.
regular posts are different from opening ones, for example you can search through the OP ones in the catalog
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
more proof we cannot tolerate weebs
>Spread the news before I am silenced.
You aren't gonna be silenced, at least not until we collect enough evidence to lock you up for the rest of your life for islamaphobia, anti semitism, homophobia and transphobia. We're still missing a check box on you.
>Or rather an elitist group of occultists
All races have those who server evil, the jews are just really good at it. If you're inept, the evil causes your own destruction before you accomplish anything, e.g. niggers.
pisslam is a backwards religion of inbred fucktards
kikes are responsible for every evil in the world and the holocaust never happened
gays should be thrown off rooftops, the only humane thing to do is purge them to free the innocents of our society from their influence
transsexuals are mentally ill freaks who should be killed as well
anything else u need?
No everyone is user but you can vote people off
>we have to make white babies to stop the genocide of our people!
Yeah well it's simply not going to happen.
/bant/, /r9k/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums is where these off topic threads will now be relocated
Persist and I hope you have that airplane mode ready. It's funny how a touch of a button can clean up so much shit here.
I want to fuck asuka!
i want you to get better taste!
>being a reitard
why am I not surprised its a fucking leaf
I prefer misato but I would absolutely fuck rei or asuka
>not misato
That's the real measure. Take everything they say about white people, then replace white with black and if you don't have the same consistent response then you're an anti-white racist out for revenge.
mod genocide when?