Reddit Cringe Thread


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>cringe thread
>Sup Forums

he;s right though

If this policy was implimented there would no women on campus. Pretty much all women are whores at college

Were all Full Paco

Women shouldn't be able to attend university period. There's no reason for them to go. There's nothing they can do that any reasonably intelligent man can't, and they're taking up spots that would be better given to young men.

Besides, they should remain in the custody of their father until they've found a suitable husband.

Women in university is a Jewish meme to lower wages.
>double the workforce overnight
>suddenly wages drop due to too many workers and not enough jobs
The best part? Since universities are run by Jews, they profit from this and now have even figured out how to get women to enter endless debt to go to (((university))) for a useless (((women's studies))) degree. And we know that the Bible says the borrower is slave to the lender.




I used to check r/the_donald once a day or so to see what was happening there. But I checked it one day and one of the top posts was a shitty Sup Forums post I made that made fun of bernie that got no (you)s, but rebbit loved it.
I haven't been back since.

>fuck your bride
I almost threw up when I realized a dude posted this

Here's something really cringeworthy.

That makes it too easy, desu. Pretty sure everything there's cringe.

I refuse to believe these are real. Just some shitty fetish for mentally depraved men.

He isn't weong though. Just said it in a retarded way. You must only commit your self to ONE person.

I doubt he ever talked to a woman at uni.

I don't see any cringe here desu, user.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

There's nothing wrong with the first image, think you might be a fag OP. Women in higher-education and full time work should be banned, and voting rights revoked.

>who have had more than one sexual partners
this part is unnecessary

>pretty much

either they are or aren't
from my experience ALL women are whores and sluts.

tl;dr - never trust women

That was to the fiance.

A woman posted it.

I still nearly threw up.

Women invade all male spaces because instinctively they know they will die without men.

Fuck that is cringey, but you know what they say about the red-pill? It's a suppository - has to be taken up the ass painfully to really get it. (no homo)

did someone post /r9k/ pasta to reddit or something?

Yeah poor choice of words. It's all. And like the ops pic says, can't study cause they won't STFU