Just Another Day in America

>go for a bike ride
>get tackled by two policemen
>wrestled to the floor
>shot five times in the chest
>get bearhugged until you bleed out


Bootlickers and Americunts WILL defend this, when are you dumb faggots going to realise that guns were a mistake?

Other urls found in this thread:


Policeman did nothing wrong

Your daily reminder to sage slide threads.

>talk about problems with your country

Your butthurt is showing.

>fat cops
>(accidentally) shoot your partner and act like it was the guy you're sitting on
>psycho assholes with a license to kill will use it
>shoot a handcuffed man 5 times in the back

This is beyond gay. I'm all for killing criminals, but this guy legit never had a chance. Also, why the fuck do lardasses become policemen? There should be regulations against obese motherfuckers being paid tax dollars to just exist.

No, (((Britbong))), it's a slide thread.
>Greentext bait story
>Bait "X will defend this" spiel
>Bait photo of attractive woman
Fuck off Ahmed.

I'd be willing to discuss it with you if you could link iyt to un underlying political issue here, but this really is just material.

>resisting arrest.
>It's a gun.
>Probably in a gang.
I'm supposed to feel bad?

>police should have the right to deliver execution without trial

You couldn't handle LA for five minutes, Nigel Cottonbottom.

>Mexican guy

I don't believe it for a sec. RIP spic, shouldn't have resisted arrest I guess eh.

what a shame, he was going to become a brain surgeon and save lives

why are proud of living in a third world shit hole?

nothing of value was lost

When the police tell you to not move, you better fucking not move, holy shit they just wanted a reason to shot him and he gave it to them.
Better yet, never do stupid shit that would get you on that situation in the first place

so why exactly is this outstanding citizen trying to fight off the police when they are arresting him?

Chloe Moretz looking T H I C C asf


>Long Beach

They can't shoot enough people in that cesspit to make me happy.

I favor killing spics, niggers and OP.

The only thing wrong with police violence is they lack flamethrowers and WP grenades.

>you can get fined for talking shit.

Codi Vore, btw


As a Mexican in California I think that piece of shit had it coming. Dumb motherfucker. Where is the outrage? Better to get rid of the trash before it starts spreading desease. The second amendment is needed in Mexico asap.

So what does it take for a nigger to comply? Next time cops should just make head shots to avoid rolling around in the dirt with shitskins

Fuck off I only care about them titties

As a Mexican in California I think that piece of shit had it coming. Dumb motherfucker. Where is the outrage? Better to get rid of the trash before it starts spreading desease. The second amendment is needed in Mexico asap so the ppl can defend themselves without give interference

Video is a year old?

>nigger who was killed

Unless a cop is raping you you have zero reason to resist
I'd rather be brought in on false charges, and then let go because they got the wrong guy or just a misunderstanding than resist like a nigger and either get charged for resisting or shot

I am a spic and 100% ok with this. A rational man would not resist arrest knowing he has a weapon and to the point of being tackled to the ground... If you're a piece of shit who has made poor life choices and you got caught by the cops just let them do their fucking job, be a man and know you were fucking caught. You will not get away specially in the US

I see no obesity. You do know they wear bulletproof vest right?

>Mexican intellectual


>BTW I'm a spic that is in L.E.


Good for the cops.

We'd do it ourselves but laws and shit, so yeah I'm fine with it.
How-about this, we agree police aren't allowed to, but citizens are allowed to kill gang members.
If you cant agree to that, then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

La policia nos hizo el favor de sacar la basura. De que te quejas?

>How are those muslim no-go zones doing for ya?
>How are those muslim migrants going for ya?
>How are the decaying/injured bodies of Manchester children going for ya?
>How are the muslims that killed people in your country in the name of allah going for ya?

But let's get real here.
>In a country that banned all guns, why tf do you still have gun crimes?

>sez the british prisoner with spider bites and hot beer

I third this

Will care about non whites when they care about us.

>After a few days deliberation the Jury finds the officers not guilty on all charges

Just another day in America, Land of the Slaves.

>one more illegal/anchor baby cleansed from US soil


This. Niggers lack the ability to to think ahead, and so they get shot. Good.

This is super old. And the bitch shouldn't have tried to resist . Thats how you get shot.

So wait, one pig shot the other pig by accident instead of shotting the spic and then he shot the spic becasue the other pig was saying he got shot even though the other cop was the one that shot him and so he shot the spic to cover his ass? why didn't the cameraman call the cops?

>be pom
>go to souphouse
>take out spoon
>wrestled to the ground
>cops hit me with baton 5 times as i try to gouge their eyes out
>mudslimes come crashing through the front window panes in their SUV of peace
>they get out and start beheading everyone
>mayor walks in and says "if you want to live here you have to accept this"

britbong cuck faggots will defend this

That happened recently in my neighborhood.

The stupid ass police arrested a jogger because I l guess she looked suspicious and she flipped out because she was being arrested for nothing. Later she is released with no charges and there is a giant shitstorm because she's one of the richest people in county kek.





they also have the right to protect their own person with deadly force if they feel they are in a potentially lethal situation

just like everyone else

Yeah, when they got you, they got you. Only way to get away is if you're on foot and they pull up in their car in at night in a neighborhood you know.

They aren't going to shoot if you try to run, but if you act retarded and try to fight them they have the "right" to shoot you. While I agree that's retarded too, I realize they need that protection. I just wish I had that protection too, but not in my state. Some states allow it though.


Always with the ad hominems instead of refuting the argument or discussing the topic at hand.

>If you resist you can be executed

I have to live near these bootlicker fucks

"Bootlickers". Licking boots of whom? The police? The police are Americans too. Why do you hate them or think they're some part of a conspiratorial control scheme? They're typically former military and most of them (see: most, not all) are decent-ish people.

Why do you think a disarmed public is better?
Why do you think disarming everyone somehow creates equity or fairness, or even safety? It doesn't.

North America is glorious. European "women" BTFO. How can a straight man even be attracted to a flat chick. Might as well start sucking cock at that point.

Well I pay taxes, dont do drugs, and buy things with my own money so i don't have to worry about these things

You shouldn't bother pointing fingers at "Ad Hominem" when your posts are literally calling anyone and everyone who disagrees with you "Boot Lickers" and "Americunts". You are literally ad hominem from the gate.


>fat cop shoots his buddy
>they pretend you did it
>dump half a mag into you so you can't say what happened
Anyone who defends this is an enemy of freedom

>be dumb spic
>resist arrest
>get shot
Why do I care?


Not fat just wearing a vest


When are you going to realize that people who disagree with you can be smart, too?

God I love our police.
I can't wait to become a police officer myself some day.

I came to this, twice :-)

>country that gave up all its weapons and have been strong-armed into becoming the country equivalent of a mentally broken tranny calling anyone a bootlicker

You literally perform fellatio on boots daily.

>Always with the ad hominems instead of refuting the argument

he was a known perp dealing drugs and he tried to assault the officers

there is no situation in which you attack cops who approach you and emerge victorious, that's just it

sage this slide thread though

Actually my bong, you know that every citizen, even cops, have the RIGHT to shoot an assailant until he stops.

Not just cops, and it's not "execution" it's lawful self defense.

But as a peasant serf I would never expect you to understand.

redneck murca. garbage 3rd world cunt-ry. i'm so happy i don't live in such a medieval shit hole.

wouldn't have happened if the suspect had simply cooperated instead of struggling against the officers.

You're already under arrest when they're on fucking top of you trying to put handcuffs on just let them do their jobs at that point why put yourself in a position where they have reason to kill you for fighting back?

Low IQ thugs. Wanna live your life on the "streets"? You're gonna die laid out on the fucking street.

guns? cops u faggot cuck

Where you thinking of her getting BLACKED by an african stud? HOT.

Look at dem two scoops. Oh boy …

>This is what happens when law enforcement commands 0 respect

That was some embarrassing shit. Both officers should be thrown in prison for a decade

>be beaner
>be part of 90 million man invasion force
>get shot

LASD is know for being brutal same with LAPD, You dont fuck with either of those departments

>t. am Native from LA and applicant with LASD

If we had guns, we'd be better off, you fucking nonce.

Glad he's dead

wtf did you change

added a bit of degeneracy

I live here and agree, the town has nice areas but minorities make it a crime riddled shitfest.

Also sauce on OPs pic pls.


At least I finally got a hug from someone

fucking sauce please....


Her name is Codi vore

Really? For some 5/10 fatass?

Codi Vore.Just cranked one out hope she does a blacked soon

Police did nothing wrong.

She thicc. Low test beta detected.Go fuck a boy; she is easily an 8/10

Thanks user, i remember looking up this bushpig a long time ago and she didn't have hardcore

All this coming from the top boot licking country

Her face is ass ugly and she's fat. Literally the only thing she has is big tits. Big, sloppy tits.

damn the veins required to feed those things...

At around the 2:20 mark you can see the suspect's gun on the floor in the bottom left.
The gun he said he didn't have.
Different color than the officer's guns.