Any Minnesotans here? What did this gentleman mean by this?
This is Africa, Minnesota is Africa. We are Moorish Americans, We own this
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holy fucking kek.
I can't tell. I don't speak chimp.
ywn reach this level of wokeness
I think the purpose of men like this is to remind you Hitler dindu nuffin wring, that sometimes genocide is the answer.
Just imagine what life would be like if we could make all non-whites disappear in a week. We'd have plenty of jobs, cheap houses and safe neighborhoods, we'd have space stations and ships and bases on the Moon and Mars in 20 years.
The clapping thing makes me want to punch a wall
Just because you clap doesn't make what you said true
Fucking annoying
Black people came from the stars. Literally.
Wee need to find a way to convince blacks to take a rocket trip straight to the closest sun or supernova. Only then will blacks will finally find salvation and peace.
Hey let's merge threads. I'm trying to get some traction for tonights potential nigger riot
He meant he is high as fuck on meth.
Used to live in the Twin Cities. North Minneapolis and the nearby areas are essentially little Somalia.
who would be working in the corn fields then?
I'm more and more convinced they're a different specie, not just a different race, another specie altogether.
For every smart one, there is like a million of the dumbest motherfuckers. I'm baffled they managed to survive and thrive this far.
thumbnail was too good
I think that gubament programs make each successive generation of them dumber. Affirmative action takes away any pride or incentive when it comes to intelligence, welfare literally pays the dumbest of them to breed, and the war on drugs gives the young males a violent career path as a gangbanger and also makes sure that fathers are in prison rather than taking care of their kids.
We don't just pay them to be this way, we pay them to BREED this way.
Like Barack Obama could only ever lead in a white majority country.
Someone like him would get deemed a witch and cannibalized in his native Kenya before being able to climb the political ladder.
are they going again tonight?
Genetic engineering is the answer, but we still aren't there yet.
Not Minnesota, but French Midwest here. No one cares about this shit. The nonames mama even made an video making it all about her.
Mexicans. Not the shitty face-tattood cholo salvadorians but the plump, flat-footed 75 IQ child rapers.
>"know the laws of the land"
if only niggers actually did
Black people are stellar nucleosynthesis.
good thing those nice cops didnt just shoot the super tough black guy who runs that shit
Exactly my thoughts. I also enjoy how bantu niggers imported from Angola consider themselves Moors.
Trust me on this: You want the skinny ones who have a family that they value, though the wife can be a bit of a plumper if she's a good cook. You can add 15pts to the IQ right off the bat, the heavily family oriented ones tend to be more trustworthy, and the skinny ones can work in the sun all the goddamned day.
Adrian Peterson looks like he's gone to shit this off season. Glad we dumped his ass.
why are they all so short
Bow to the master race americunts
you arent perfect , you made 1 mistake that makes you a regular country
I guarantee this nigger has a history of sexual assault.
He meant Minnesota is officially no longer American clay
All humanity came from the stars you fucking mong
Celled life literally got here from an astroid that collided with the planet making the moon in the process
lot of crack babies in st. paul/mpls
>I don't know anything about biology
The sheer force of the impact and the fact the planet was a literal ball of molten rock at the time makes your hypothesis highly suspect.
Mankato, MN reporting in
This was the only time I've legitimately asked what someone meant by this
i hate this meme. you're literally relying on something that has no guarantee of even coming to fruition or any current precedent. we won't even be able to develop genetic engineering if our societies are being crushed under the weight of social turmoil and low social capital.
Get some riots kicked off up there so i have something to watch
This. That whole area needs a wall around it, and the people contained. Then Minnesota would be great again.
How can a people be crushed under a standard low social capital, when communities could always revert back to fair trade? We do not need American money to survive. We could always invoke our constitutional rights to live freely on our lands.
I did my undergrad at the univeristy and it was a shit show. People from North Minneapolis would wander across 35W and commit all sorts of assaults, robberies, and rapes. They would then slink back across the bridge and never get caught.
There was one time where a group dressed up as police officers, offered a woman a lift and then proceeded to kidnap and rape her.
Yeah I live north of Maple Grove, used to live in St. Cloud. That shit was going on all the time. Weirdly never saw any of it, aside from a rock going through my window there.
>believing this
the true redpill is realizing that God is significantly more likely that any other possibility
I never saw it either. I definitely saw suspicious characters loitering about, but common sense was enough to avoid any altercations. Most of the time they seemed to just pick off drunk people in dinky town or just wandering off frat row back to Como at night.
I keked.
All-the-way woke?
Unchaining Django was a mistake
I dont like this niggers tone
Most moors were native converts or or their mixed (with Berbers) children. Niggers in Andalusia were either slaves or the minority tuareg
>be half nig
>literally 120% of niggers are insane retards
they made us as a joke.
Pretty much same thing in St Cloud, glad to be out of that shithole.
"I just did a lot of crack, im basically the black version of white trash methheads but black people wont condemn me like white people condemn their own peoples degenerates
THAS RITE white boy
>they cut out the beginning where UR reporter was summarizing the situation
>psycho walked up to him and simply said "STOP TALKING", proceeds to hijack feed
minneapolis is hell
sad thinking of how nice is probably was
His name is Moorish Kangbino.
Oh shut the fuck up you queer faggot, i should fucking bash you for your smug comment and using that stale woke meme on this nigger
It's how most blacks are in Minnesota. Mixture of hipster and hood. My friend would say some shit like this. He's not fully woke. I don't think any full black man can be tho. How can you be woke as a black man, I'm part black by the way but so light I look Italian or Cuban
The young pyramid-American was informing the white invaders that this land that we think is America, is actually Africa. The young gentlekang then asked the white invaders to procure some valid identification.
Use to live in White Bear Lake/Lino Lakes whith me ex before she dumped me. Now I'm in PA. I always thought Minnesota was the most beautiful state I've ever seen, but the Hmongs and Somalis kinda killed the vibe.
This is such a retarded theory and I guarantee that you heard it from le black science reddit guy.
kek this is meme tier
Whoops, some spelling mistakes there. A little drunk. FYI to those not in the know - don't waste your time on Minnesotan women. They're fucked up in the head. All of them. There's some kind of passive aggressive, weakling, ultra liberal, mega-cunt thing that they all have going on.
Why are black people so disgusting to look at?
god damn that song is so good
The most funny is that, the moors (from north-africa) were caucasoids - semite-muslims, but caucasoids.
he doesn't realize the moon is just the Egg of the Adams
North Mpls is bligity black. Cedar riverside is lil Mogadishu. Lern into da hoods.
>We are Moorish Americans
When the fuck were tribal West African Bantu nogs related to Moors?
What if this guy is just a master troll? Like the whole fucking thing is a joke.
Take a good look at this, Europeans and Aussies.
This is what the folly of some southern plantation owners blessed us with. Hundreds of years later and we still have this 13% minority that is utterly worthless, drives the crime rate up and every single worthwhile metric of good living down.
Why the FUCK would you want to do this to Europe?
Learn from us. Turn the clock back. It's not too late for you yet.
Blacks don't work the fields in the US anyway
Dude he got arrested
So he's either _extremely_ dedicated, or he's legitimate.
What does that even mean? Did the pope even say this?
What are they trying to hide?
@realAlexJones please investigate!
don't hold back mate, blacks don't work period for the most part
200 years later, they're going to claim themselves as pure blooded Nords
lol every nig treats Unicorn Riot like fucking chumps. They don't respect them and they know it.
Four or five times people told Nico to get his fucking microphone out of his face.
>Just imagine what life would be like if we could make all non-whites disappear in a week. We'd have plenty of jobs, cheap houses and safe neighborhoods, we'd have space stations and ships and bases on the Moon and Mars in 20 years.
Dey non-huwhites done stoleded cibilizations from us!
you might have the occasional serial killer but it would definitely be a fantastic world if this were to happen. instead, I guess I'll keep stepping on anchor babies strewn about my yard squalling and eating grass on the way to my car when I head into work in the morning.
>Dey non-huwhites done stoleded cibilizations from us!
Basically, yes. When I have to order Taco Bell through a speaker and two inches of bulletproof glass, I no longer consider myself living in civilization.
Something I've noticed with black people, and there is a near direct correlation between the stupidity of the person and this phenomenon, is they 100% believe what they believe.
Most rational people have beliefs, but they always maintain the notion that they might be wrong. Almost everything is open to reasonable debate.
Not niggers.
What they believe is what they believe 100% and they will fight and kill to defend that belief, no matter how completely irrational it is.
Racism aside, bigotry aside, they are, purely objectively, the dumbest race on the planet, by a fairly wide margin.
They should be eradicated.
Another side thread to derail Scalise/Pizza gate exposure.
Thanks CIA shill. You are doing god's job.
Wow. Aussies get triggered easily these days.
>We are moorish americans
Moors weren't fucking niggers, is this what americoons actually believe?
t. Moor expert
When will you finally start killing them?
I am tired of them
>we own this place
>doesn't even own the house he lives in or the clothes on his back.
>large enough asteroid/small planet collides with Earth to create the moon
>7.35 x 10^22 kg of earth is ejected
>enough energy to cause entire planet to go molten
>but muh microbes survived inside molten lava for millennia
Isn't there a photo of this nigger getting arrested? I also might as well post my experience in a neighborhood in MN.
>Car bumper falls off
>Drive into street to check on it
>Notice something
>Everyone seems to be black, not a single white or hispanic, just nigs
>See flags of Somalia in cars, and another African nation
>Realize this neighborhood is full of nigs that came right out of Africa. Not afro americans, actual african niggers.