"The arms are based on those of the former Borough of Ellesmere Port. The black horizontal line between silver borders symbolizes the oil pipes of the petroleum industry and the blue vertical line between similar borders represents the Manchester Ship Canal on which Ellesmere Port is the first inward Port of call. The Beaver refers to industry, while the Mercian Cross is representative of the Neston area of the Borough. The golden sheath has since the thirteenth century been traditionally associated with the Earldom and County of Chester, while the Cornucopia suggests prosperity. The blue and white wavy lines symbolise the River Mersey, and the ancient ship denotes the Borough's status as a Port and its ancient maritime associations. The cogwheel is another symbolic reference to industry. The Sea Horse is a further reference to the Borough's connection with the sea, while the symbolism of the tabby cat with its "Cheshire Grin" is self-evident."
I thought it's a safe area from that pony shit. Can someone make a normal thread
Connor Morales
Nice. Shall we team up with Russia again to kick germany's ass?
Cameron Clark
Jackson Brooks
Piss off you wank, keep it brit/pol/ related.
Levi Hughes
No point running from it mate. It'll run its course then fade away, just ignore it for now.
Eli Walker
/karen/ against degeneracy and pone
Landon Reyes
Greggs Karen a cute!
Levi Evans
Twilight Sparkle bit my daughters hand.
Jace Roberts
yeah sure why not.
Matthew Evans
Lads, I was trying to be ironic as a laugh, I hot the picture from the old thread, I didn't expect this to trigger the ponytards into posting here
Dominic Walker
No worries lad, it'll die down soon enough.
Evan Wood
>I...it's just a joke bro
If it scares off the /r/the_donald faggots I'm all for it, reddit is a horrid place
Wyatt Campbell
This blog belongs to me now.
Tyler Davis
Post quality has actually gone up, because the swarms of redditors got scared and fucked off home. Maybe we can just segregate and stay like this.
Nathan Adams
Brody Rogers
Zachary Russell
It's alright pumpkin, you do you, we're an inclusive G L O B A L board.
I've noticed this actually, brony fags are quite effective at rooting our the normies.
Christopher Perez
It looks like it's just the one false flagging/bait poster.
He's not ours. Carry on without giving him (you)'s.
The choice of OP pic is actually top notch.
Kevin Rivera
Do you get a lot of Redditors?
Ryan Wood
Get the fuck out. >Portillo's Choo Choo Thread.
Caleb Cox
>open up shit/pol/ >see all these redditors getting mad over pastel ponies
Liam Gray
You are not ironic, you are a faggot moron. Make a new thread
Nolan Brooks
>board multiculturalism I for one welcome the horsefuckers if they keep to their own generals but otherwise they can fuck off
Leo Sullivan
We're mad at the porn, not the ponies you stupid yank
Camden Davis
The only Thread on /pol who "Gets," the joke.
>British Humour is the BASEST.
Henry Jones
Pony's love railway journeys.
Carter Evans
Nah it;s fine it;s Self Deprecating and funny.
Colton Williams
Brexit and Trump made being far-right cool. Its the second mass immigration by unwashed retards so far.
Jack Wright
I actually adore how you call everyone pumpkin
Daniel Wilson
Do Pony's historically fear a >B Ching?
He axed Pony routes.
Easton Bennett
No, they can't stay in the EU, sorry John, pick the jewmonkeys and the skirt guys with you when you leave
Ryan Scott
I knew most of Brit/pol/ were degenerates.
Love you all anyway
Luis Lee
It's you who wants the Rock, so stick your finger back in your arsehole and go for another nap.
Love you too poppet!
Christopher Scott
>Brexit and Trump made being far-right cool.
>>B Ching? A name cursed throughout Equestria.
Jack Cooper
Austin Jones
Jason Martinez
Me? I just want them out. Andalucia? is a fucking tax haven, some retarded want that sure, you can keep it, but out of the EU
Jayden Rivera
Shut up and the welfare cheque might come through soon.
Jackson Powell
We're more than happy to oblige, so long as you lot stop being so fucking autistic. You're about to overtake Argentina in autism levels, it brings shame on you.
Jacob Perez
So Palestinians a re more of an Immigrant despite have lived there for hundreds of years but Ashkenazi and Caucasus derived "Jews" deserve to live there even though they have no direct ancestry to the land but because of
>Muh Torah. Muh 1880s Migration.
You are a right bell-end.
>Palestinians are in fact a bunch of immigrants. No they are not. Ask Edward Said.
> I don't support or oppose Israel, but we need the dam n place to repatriate the Jews from Europe there
See now you talk sense; Be real, Israel was given by the British due to the Zionist lobby as somewhere even Hitler preferred them to be.
really, are we any better than ponyfags? is mlp really that much worse than anime?
moatposters ignore this post
Christopher Wright
Requesting a Bowden pony photoshop.
Michael Lewis
We'll just support ETA and the Basque Independence.
Noah Cooper
Imagine not having the notion of a fortnight, lads.
Imagine having to say "every two weeks" instead of "fortnightly".
Adam Thompson
Me? Some retarded in the goberment want that, the average spaniard don't give a fuck, but they can't stay in the EU after the Brexit, just like Scotland can't, isn't that hard, they can't be part of both, I'm ok if they want to stay with you, ofc out of the European Union
Kayden Jackson
Of course not you, all my statements and questions are directed at "you" meaning Spain. It's us that want to bring Gibraltar with us out of the EU but Spain and the EU are desperately clamoring to keep Gibraltar for themselves. It's a fucking joke, makes Spain look absolutely pathetic. Used to think you guys were half decent, lost absolutely all respect now though.
Zachary Edwards
Jordan niggers literally were crossing "the border" in droves attracted to the Israeli success. Same shit happened in South Africa . Niggers wanted to come over and enjoy Dutch and German built shit
Brayden Morgan
Brony culture is a mindfuck of absolutely shocking proportions. Not only that but they fuck up every board they ever touch. They are honestly worse than the shit we normally have to deal with. This will become apparent if they stay. We had to put up with them for a bit before they were quarantined, if you remember. Absolute cancer. You don't want them anywhere near you if you can help it. One day is fine but imagine a year of this shit.
Evan Ramirez
Spain don't give a fuck about Gibraltar. They want to be anglos, they can't get independence because they come back to Spain so I'm ok with that. You want to be part of England ok, England don't want to be in the EU and you want to, you are fucked in that matter, isn't that hard. they'll leave with you
Dominic Watson
>a mindfuck of absolutely shocking proportions. Not only that but they fuck up every board they ever touch. I now realise why they merged Sup Forums with them.
Joshua Reed
just like Scotland
Grayson Nguyen
Cameron Ortiz
First world problems.
Grow up you poof.
Josiah Lewis
desu Sup Forums is no better. Sup Forums newfags have been ruining other boards
Camden Baker
Anime and pony shit are disgusting both. At least anime shit portrays humans. Never heard of pony before today. My eyes are burning now.
Easton Allen
Hey there colonial masters? Sad yet that you've left the UE, literally your biggest trade partner which you will never get back? Don't go complaining afterwards you've got no job. Truly this time the continental blocus will get to you.
Adam Ortiz
Wait we can post porn?
Parker Cox
I'm not Scottish or Gibraltarian, I'm English. So what on Earth are you talking about with "you want to be part of England"? I think one too many siestas has given you heat stroke. But Spain does give a fuck about Gibraltar you soggy sock, they're trying to reclaim Gibraltar as their own land. Maybe you as an individual don't give a fuck, but your country does. Do keep up my little sugar sweet pastry.
Jaxson Garcia
>tfw the north south line goes straight though the middle of your county
Having a identity crisis here
Anthony Turner
Greco-British flag.
Jaxson Nelson
Shut up faggot.
Isaiah Reyes
Pit pone is best chubby england horse
Joseph Jackson
>genetically dead race deserves recognition by the British You pretty much desecrated the flag
Ian Sanders
Joshua Richardson
Christian Bell
Funny, seeing as PornHub analytics show Russians have a taste for pony porn.
I also remember seeing all those images of Russian "men" going into the woods with cheap beer and taking lots of pony porn with them. Hilarious.
Asher Ward
What a great argument young lad! You've got nothing to say after your biggest trading partner is gone? Oh, maybe, I don't know, wave goodbye to your special status as a Great Power? Even India and China will beat you now kek. Britons will be slaves.
Ian Robinson
I actually like it
Easton Davis
Shut up faggot.
Dylan Thompson
alright i'll admit it's pretty autistic to watch anime but what the fuck is this shit
Kayden Green
The fuck? It was Hans who made this possible, we didn't ask for this. Also, Gibraltar can be yours but they have to fuck off from the EU too. Also, no one gives a shit about a fucking rock
Angel Mitchell
Can't bear to hear the sound of your nation failing? Oh right, better become a populist swamp with no jobs and listen to fake news. You'll sink while the UE propers.
Nathan Scott
Oh, look! A faggot.
Grayson Kelly
Jaxson Baker
Benjamin Clark
I don't visit deddit. Anime is disgusting, pony shit is vomit inducing. That's not art or anything. It's pure degenerate shit I don't watch porn. Looking at pornhub stats now and fail to see pony shit anywhere in the top
Charles Perry
>UE shitposting takes many forms, I see. Also who gives a fuck about how much money this nation has. None of us would see any of it either way.
Isaiah Thomas
>they're trying to reclaim Gibraltar Daily reminder that you were glassed by the nazis and we didn't try to get that shit
Kayden Jenkins
That actually counts as child porn in the US and Britain.
Lincoln Campbell
NO WE DON'T YOU STUPID FAGGOT PAKI THAT'S THE GOVERNMENT, NOT THE PEOPLE. When will fucking imbeciles in Sup Forums realize a government doesn't represent the fucking population?
Hunter Carter
Which is stupid, by the way. Drawings of any sort should not be illegal.
Joshua Torres
I'm so sorry poppet, I can't in good faith keep talking to a heat stroke victim. It's only going to damage your health.
Mason Reed
Oh, look a failing nation! You go on thinking the commonwealth will help you, but nope. Canada has already chosen the best side, the UE. You'll try and make bilateral deals, but your nation is so weak, India, China and other big thriving nations will have the advantage on you during the negotiations. Fake news won't help you against real nations who actually know how the economy functions. Nigel memes won't help you get your jobs back.
Blake Reyes
Who votes your Government in?
Jack Diaz
It is what it is. He asked the question. I answered honestly.
Nothing to do with us, I wouldn't have thought. Depends when it was. If it was something to do with Trump then it could have been any of about half of the people that go on the internet. This is the only board here that I ever go on these days.
Michael Peterson
>Canada calling anyone else a failed nation
Your clay is rightfully ours, leaf.
Ryan Murphy
I did just tell you that I was referring to your country, not necessarily the people. Once again, do keep up. Let me refer you to another post of mine I didn't have a job in the first place, check mate.
Luke Jackson
You'll give a fuck when you won't have a job because your nation doesn't trade anymore with the EU. You lost your biggest trading partner, which means you lost a huge chunk of your economy. Entrepreneurs won't go on exporting there anymore, which means less profits and less jobs. Economy 101. You can spew lies and fake news, but the reality is that you'll lose jobs.
Christian Lopez
>Implying we had a choice >Implying we don't know that every single political party was fucking garbage and we had to pick the less shitty one
John Russell
> A fucking leaf and Mohammed José shitting up our thread