Thoughts on shitaly and the shitalian People Sup Forums? Here they are celebrating refugee invaders into Thier country
Thoughts on shitaly and the shitalian People Sup Forums? Here they are celebrating refugee invaders into Thier country
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For starters, Italians are pieces of shit, even gook Attila would have sacked Rome, if not for some stupid slave whore that poisoned him. They are the original cucks, letting niggers into the Roman Empire, and crash it. Let a foreign religion take over, and let it form a state inside your capitol. Let jewish maffia run all your businesses and industries, killing the competition freely. They lost more lands even than we did, being the stinky loud midgets they are, and now they are bracing their anuses for another nigger invasion. They are fishing drowning niggers out of the sea to fill their womens wombs, they should not have a country.
Here's the archive
>edition cnn com/2014/04/02/world/europe/italy-migrants-rescue
>aljazeera com/news/2016/08/italy-rescues-6500-refugees-mediterranean-160830091606146.html
>aljazeera com/news/2016/09/italy-rescues-13000-refugees-libya-peak-season-160901104807783.html
Your preaching to the choir shitalians are giant cuckolds, here's a shitalian woman with her Black bull
Birds of the feather
Here's another Italian coal burner, lil dick Italiano Bois have to fish for BBC so their women have access to it
Doesn't change facts shrimp dick shitalian boi
funny stuff
Only funny thing is your love of BBC
mmh really gets the neurons firing up
what did they mean by this?
Mmh really gets the neuron's firin up
why in the motherfuck would you do this
I am laughing out loud
whoah so progress
Your ignoring the current state of your country and mocking mine. Pic related is the product of a morrocan man having sex with an Italian woman. Your women have historcally spread Thier legs for foregin invaders
italians are okay. I only ran into a few shitheads while I was there and it turned out they were from belguim. Oh and the gypsies at the train station, they need to be gassed.
We've been over this
my sides!
dude got cucked by a petri dish
I'm surprised you weren't killed by the African and Indian street venders
Your Senate is set to pass lus soli which is basically our anchor baby laws, enjoy being 60% white like us retards
Google was a mistake.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Daily reminder that Italians are NOT white.
It's 3 in the fucking morning you fucks
go to bed
Shitalians are subservient to Thier African and Muslim overlords like all of Europe. Pic related some Invaders in Rome
Why do we banter the euros so? Shouldn't we all be legitimately concerned? Given Italians aren't northern European white they share the majority of genetics, white features and have been influential in developing the west.
I legitimately feel sympathy for europe , except Sweden and Germany. Everytime I see this shit, it pains me because the vast majority of the nations these things are opposed on staunchly disagree with their government, Italy included besides a few major cities they are extremely proud of their heritage and shouldn't be dealing with Ahmed's flooding them.
Brits are cücks too yes
[loud gangsta rap]
If they received didn't want amheds dick they would sink the boats as they come but they don't. Everyone has a choice
I've seen some fairly disgusting things on here but this is one where I've actually had to stop looking because I felt physically ill. For fuck's sake man.
You shitalian cuckolds condone it
this man was the president of the united states of america for two terms, can you imagine? LOL!
I'm Irish
Irish do as well
oh sweetie see :)
Yes it seems the world will submit to BBC
these people need to be hanged
That literally means nothing. Italy is being swarmed by refugees
what did Italians mean by this?
I don't know about the shitalians over in Europe, but the pieces of shit we get over here make me want to fucking genocide all of italy for ever sending them over here.
mmmmmh statistics yay!
That's Ireland you amerisubhuman
Well, at least we're not scraping the remains of our compatriots out of trucks hoods, like the rest of you """""white""""" europeans...
and this man supported the current president!
So you hate them, yet they are 3.7% of your country?
>54 / 30 / 16 / 1
>[Update] [Auto] 4 new posts
Ok Italy won
Give I up Merilard
Sicilians and terroni not even once
Better than cucked padanians, Milan is 70% white while southern Italy is 98% Italian
I fucking hate Sweden so much you have no idea..
who was in the wrong here?
Sorrentino is one of the best directors alive
Who spoke of Padania? Sardinia and Central Italy, rural Piedmonte. That's it
Central Italy is full of commies, bologna is there
I like their disco.
>Naples and down under is a cuck free zone
Look amerinigger, I've spent last month in Italy and frequent it. If you know where to be - you'll be. Shitskin scum selling bags and other useless shit on the streets is all over Southern Europe, no exceptions
I know. Eastern Europe is the only uncucked Europe
stupid spaghetti niggers
And praise.
Praise be upon Him.
Lmao at kekistanis
that lonely nigga on the side.
He needs some pussy
op is a jew
lol u have a small dick jew kid. italians have been known to have bigger cocks that everyone else for thousands of years. fucking loser.
t. projecting jew
>tell us why supposed manlets have world renowned massive dicks?
shut the fuck up kike
it's just a jew thread, brother. same shit every hour every day on this shit jew site.
daily reminder that threads like this are why jews will have their throats slashed and their heads bashed in, again soon.
just because you have no familia in southern italy and don't have hot pussy to hang out with doesn't mean you get to compare them with fucking greece. southern italy is shitskin free. north is jewed. always been that way fag.
>so fucking hairy he looks turkish
Here's how it works
South: they got some Arab blood already from invasions / migrations over the millennia. Currently the mafia is kicking all refugees out of the South and sending them to Milan where the rob, collect welfare, and sell drugs and stupid shit for the mob.
Oh, and Italy is controlled by the mafia.
Don't forget free mason is extremely prevelant here and some mob bosses take part. Berlusconi got off because the judge and himself were both masons.
The mindset is nice for vacation but don't expend to change much around here or make any waves.
On mobile, excuse typos.
This coming from an American living in Italy.
I miss the US for its business environment, law and order, and work ethic.
Can't beat the food, coffee, or quality of life here. It's heaven if you're a lazy fuck, hell with a pleasant dish of tiramisù if you actually want to do something with your life.
>when you lose to Ethiopian spear chucking niggers
Top kek, Italians are a pathetic embarrassment
Here's some other random shit you should know about this country
Ton of potential but no one gives a shit
Govt sucks
Law and order weak at best
People hate each other but love the nation they make up
Govt is an illusionary shit show
Italians don't care to change a thing
Girls are mostly gold diggers since money is a lot tighter here
Girls are easier and more simple to take home. Formula is money + charm = sex
But kind of sleazy cause they fuck around a lot
Yeah, free mason and mafia runs the show
Even they do a shitty job
Mafia is selfish and only care about their tiny local region and their family
Northerners: my daddy's a lawyer pussy who loves to provoke and act tough but will never fight
Southerners: retards who can't use their brain and fight for fun. Work shitty job if work at all
Yeah, stay home till late 20s doing stupid shit wasting their life away