I'm surprised this isn't in the international news yet. Big fires in Leiria region in central Portugal around the town of Pedrógão Grande; 19 confirmed dead but could be dozens; many structures lost. People roasted alive in their cars trying to flee:


This is going to be a rough season for fires across Iberia due to the drought and heat-waves.

Other urls found in this thread:


this happens every year. big whoop

feel like Nando's now

Just a gas leak, goy.
Go to sleep

Wildfires do happen but not with 19 people dying.

please tell all where refugees

Nope they were all native portuguese whites,for sure, Leiria area is pretty native.

And it's fucking hot in Portugal. Today, we had fucking thunderstorms with heavy rain with 40ºC in some regions.

wtf is going on. Portugal is not a tropical country.

I think central south Spain is worse than us (more hot), i image seville.


Bad ass

Send Canadairs, m8!


Welcome to iberian summers. Last year there was a fuckton of wildfires because of heat. Here where I live, in the Pyrenees mountains in the north we reached fucking 47C in June. (That's 116-117F for you, Americans.) I'm posting at 3AM because is so fucking hot I can't sleep.
I don't want to be that guy, but I think global warming have something to do with this, we are almost breaking records each year.
I wish good luck to the firefighters and sorry for the victims.

Photo taken today in Lisbon.

When you have big fires we usually send you help:


I always astounds me how many euros don't have AC. At least the oppressive humidity here on the east coast prevents wildfires.

Why are so many niggers dieing in gires recently

i'd kys myself desu

How common is air conditioning for homes in Spain/Portugal? I was in Arizona during a heat-wave a few years ago that hit 50C, but it wasn't a problem, since my hotel and all the buildings set the air conditioning to 20C or so. It was very refreshing actually.

>No such thing as global warming

>i'd kill yourself myself

This happens like all the time.
I went to portugal once and guess what? Massive forest fire right next to where i was staying (Algarve).

Many euros don't have AC because they live in an old houses that can't be equipped with AC. My house is from the 13th century and I'm not able to put an AC, so i have to resist 38°C nights, just like I'm doing now.


fires pretty cool

Most of Europe doesn't really have AC in housing desu.

exploding fridge?

We always help each other in these situations.

Couldn't you use something like pic related? It's not ideal but certainly preferable to trying to sleep at 38C. I used something like that in my dorm one year in college, which was a older building (by American standards) and didn't have central cooling.


I remember that, it was in the news. Locals were very grateful for that.

Oh noo
What will we do without the portugeese

The wildfires just seem to be getting worse and worse every year.

Kind of freaky desu.

Yeah, that's what most people use. Sincerely, I've never bought one of those because I just never remember to buy it. I'm pretty cool with everything below 40°C, so I also never really NEEDED it.

okay Jamal...

Archangel Lucifer/Micheal and great KEKUS himself want this world bathed in inferno.

y'all need Jesus

ask yur mum :DDD

I have a 10yo fan that does the job well enough.

its almost as if the globe is warming, huh wierd

Only city folk and people who lives in modern houses use AC, as others said. The rest or adapt or use classical methods as pic related.

>the eternal anglo and the moortuguese together again

How sweet.

>portuguese white


Tell us more

but then again it's portugal, so.... who cares?

>nation sets itself on fire
>borders the ocean

Ehhh they'll be fine.

>oh nooo the eternal complexed mudzilian
the moors had a great fate in iberian lands, worse than fire

yes, you are not. portuguese are

guys stop replying to bait.

Natural climate change, nothing to worry about

so true motherfucker , people use fans or buy portable ac

Only houses post 2005 have ac by default .
Not even central heating and some times we get minus zero during night

Sorry for remembering Portugal was and will always be The Eternal Anglo's most loyal bitch.
I just wonder in how many centuries will you iberians learn a little self-respect and honour.

here the first moor nog i got in my net, got my first bacalhau

24 confirmed dead by now..

Yes, we will take notes on uhehueh's know-how, LEL thanks. But we were never bitch of anyone, of course if we were invaded by France and other's we had alliances, don´t be sad

probably never but , i will try to hold like the 0.000000000000000000001% of my self respect to not become a favelado

Calm down our president is already there with the firefighters

Kek. Marcelo is like God: he's everywhere.

thank god we have such a hiveminded useful president

he is probably just another globalist like all our poltcl "elite"

i was born in leiria.

20 odd people is alot to die in fires in portugal.

Marcelo might be a populist globalist retard but you know the cunt won't sleep today

To the Hue of this thread that will escape to Portugal in coming times to escape the violence like this new wave of Brazilian immigrants coming now.

1822-1826 is gone. Even the Africans and Goans Indians don't feel the same high level of resentment as you do.

We must close the borders to all non-europeans... tomorrow is already late.

the fact that any country in Africa is colored green makes me really distrust the accuracy of this map.
Are they going exclusively by government figures?

>but you know the cunt won't sleep today
I'm a cunt that won't sleep today either, but all that means is it's too fucking hot to sleep.

I have that exact unit. It keeps my 800 sqf shop 68 F like a champ.

There are a lot of indicators - take a look.


Full report.