I will be fighting with the right wing eugenicists, whoever that might be.
Who will you side with in the Second American Civil War?
I'm siding with whichever side is keeping women's rights. Call me a faggot all you want, but I saw what happened to Iran and I'm not gonna let some politician take my waifu away from me just because he can declare me a public enemy.
The side fighting for the preservation of the Constitution.
whatever side the bogdanovs take. i want to live.
unlike Iran we dont have muslims so that would not happen
Only white men over 21 will be able to decide the future
the winnin side
Why not 18? I wanna be able to side our future
whichever advocates for reviving white america
You are too stupid for that. You cannot even decide your own future, much less that of a nation.
i'll just hang out on Sup Forums
whenever it finally happens, whoever more openly supports and fights for individualism over collectivism
i'm not siding with you natsoc larping faggots, to answer your question more directly. you'll all be toast long before i start in on lefties' and antifa's political successors. you're probably safer just becoming sjw fags and feigning victimhood if you want the easier/quicker death, in all honesty
real talk, though- soros isn't getting his civil war in the US. worst case scenario? skirmishes for a month or two in major cities before people who actually grow/produce food cut them off for their own safety/financial interest. in any case, it will be quite ephemeral if anything happens at all
I thought it was a white and black fighting over the black's dick.
What's your team name. I want in
Multi-racial handjobs for all, no matter what the std you have??
you're a sick fuck op.
Who says I have to fight? I'm going to do my job until I cannot, then I'm going to live off of my land. So long as the war doesn't come to my land, I'll take no side. Whoever comes to my land will be driven off with overwhelming firepower...though the calculus might change when my sons start to graduate.
Im inclined to side with whoever commits the most violence against Jews.
>Le ebin lolbetarian gunnin down all tha ebil statists and gommies XDDDDD
You faggots are ideology wise not even that bad but jesus your fucking edge is too cringeworthy.
Depends on which side looks favored to win. I'm not interested in going down for a losing cause.
Whoever leaves their grubby fingers the fuck off my property.
The next civil war will be a secession of the last few white states trying to keep their heritage and culture
It's not?
Go away FBI
It looks like two hands reaching for an AIDS-ridden cock but then again maybe it's just my own brain
The side that the military is backing, so the right wing
that picture looks like a liberia county flag
>Promising to fight for a side before you even know what the sides stand for or what they have in resources
Seems pretty fucking stupid to me bruh
The enemies to the Constitution are simple:
1. Hollywood
2. Academia
3. The media
The targets have already been identified.
a us civil war nowadays would look a lot like the one in syria but on a larger scale
the us economy failing for even a few months would also be catastrophic on many levels and cause a shift in the balance of world power not seen since the fall of rome
Physically remove leftists = ending fascists
Brothers of Moonman
Specifically an originalist interpretation.
Ill be in Canada waiting with my sks.
Now its a white guy and a black guy fighting over weed
>individualists collectivize to fight statists and realize they were being fucking dick sucking faggots the whole time and become statists
Either that or become a mountain man the rest of your life.
Hear hear! Although I would recommend going to an earlier version, maybe even going so far as to make the United States a confederation instead of a federation.
Whichever faction dislikes faggots the most, probably some sort of theocratic nationalism or some shit, just tumblr my politics up.
Seriously though if civil war actually happens I'll probably just shoot my neighbor for playing coon tunes 24/7, grab my back stock of pickles and live out the rest of my days in the sewers like a humble Romanian.