This is what dutch taxmoney is

This is what dutch taxmoney is
spent on

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wh*te """""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""" BTFO

Oh geez. I've seen their fucking youtube channel. They try a bunch of different drugs? Absolute reprobates.Is that the chick from the show getting fucked?

Honestly these people should be lynched.

When will God smite this world?

Jesus fucking christ

>watch dutch "art" "movie"
>it's actually porn where they fuck all benis in bangina style for 20 minutes straight
>but somehow it's classified as "art" because dutchies are fucking retarded

Day of the global warming to flood your shithole when?

Its disgustingly degenerate, what have we
turned into...

Absolutley disgusting but I need someone to post a link of the video in OPs picture so I can warn others you know for a friend


in the past i was like: " yeah i wanna visit western europe"
no, never

Host looks like Ellen Degeneres.

What's taxes?

This. Even Poland is fucking off.

Yup. It's legit.

they also take illegal drugs live on air and shit
it's pretty messed up, just a remnant of the late 90's when the netherlands was really focused on youth culture

I rarely say this but back to redd*t with you

Theo & Thea was a dutch children program in the 80s funded by tax payers
This episode teaches kids about prostitution
I used to watch this show on sunday morning when i was a kid
Dutch public tv is pure degeneracy

can i get some sauce?

Trudaeu gives money to refugee shit skins and money for whores to kill their babies
That's why I'm a NEET

>This is what dutch taxmoney is
>spent on
You guys are fucking nuts, please nuke yourselves. The degeneracy will keep increasing till everyone will think that "it's normal".

Damn, something surpassed Beige Horizon in terms of cuckery. Thank you for taking that dishonour away from us.

Theo & Thea was a dutch children program in the 80s funded by tax payers
This episode teaches kids about prostitution
I used to watch this show on sunday morning when i was a kid
Dutch public tv is pure degeneracy

The cheese niggers were always the most degenerate of the Germanic race
Even in the middle ages t some of their rulers were open homosexuals

HIVland needs to be nuked

Did they help the Nazis at all in WW2 or were they next to useless?

Even Brazil would call this degenerate.


Dutch children's TV shows in the 80s and 90s was basically just Sup Forums-lite, trying to be edgy as fuck. I think it's hit and miss, though normalizing degeneracy such as in OP is a cancer upon our society.

Europe has fallen and is already occupied

Nelie Sophie is pretty decent looking Germanic woman. It's a shame that's she getting Blacked.

Canadians and Western Europeans calling each other cucks lmao

i think that holland was used as an experiment to see what effect this kind of propaganda will cause.
thats why u have so many fucked up in the head millennials

How did we get from Rembrandt to this, what the fuck is going on


Hello, I love Donald Trump so fucking much


Is that guy at the bottom's name literally Retard?

Pretty sure that's not her in the OP picture.

something similar happened in norway

a state television program, funded by public tv license, had an episode about porn, and it was criticized by some fairly famous norwegian fithess/nutrition whatever woman. in the next episode they hired a pornstar to act out a scene, parodying a norwegian fitness woman, who resembles (not really) the pornstar.

it was more of a nude comedy sketch though.


They actually did cocaine on Christmas.

I'll only watch television against when liberals are being executed on live TV.

Fuck yeah I'm proud to be a Dutch!

I'd love to see the producers faces with a gun in them.

No one screeches in fair quiet like a sanctimonious libtard faced with the reality of their bullshit.

Ik moest wel ff aan de lavendel na deze kankerzooi.

Idk if it's me because im a Dutch Native, but she sounds fucking retarded when she talks dutch.

rens pol man

'Progress' happened. In the 70s/80s we had a pacifist party that wanted to abandon the army and legalise child pornography.

It was led by a KGB agent.

This is just so degenerate and disgusting, it really goes beyond borders. And look at this beta loser resembling the whole issue europe currently has, his gel smeared hair and 16yr old boy haircut and this stupid cuck smile, just wtf. Only eastern europe is left, whole west needs to be fucking stomped the earlier the better.

This might be the most degenerate channel on YouTube. Just full on debauchery.

this is how u destroy free capitalistic society from the inside

All Dutch sound fucking retarded when they talk Dutch

btfo whitey


No one would get away with this shit here lmao. Why are you whites such pussies?

>its real

what the actual fuck someone explain ?

I really have no words in regards to Western Europe. I just laugh man but it's really, really sad. I say this as a Hispanic person. Get your shit together.

where? canada?

this new flag thing is garbage.

in the event that you are a muslim in the middle east, your government wouldnt make something like this because there is no electricity.

>kanker cuck

what the fug

I wish global warming is real

>Mfw I find Dutch girls to be tied with Ukrainian for most attractive women on earth(but with better accents)
>Mfw Dutch culture is great
>Mfw the Netherlands and America is the oldest alliance we have at over 478 years
>Mfw Netherlands is slowly being wiped out by multiculturalism and it's going to be harder and harder for me to find a cute Dutch waiting
Wnd it all

isn't that guy one of the dirty kikes behind this

This man looks like me but without beard : )

Wtf...woah. This is public television in Europe. This is practically gay pornagraphy.


gwen did nothing wrong

Looks norwegian

Jezus Christus wat een VERDERF

Seriously depressing. I hope they die.

What a dumb bitch using too long of a straw

I'm increasingly of the opinion that Europe is dead, and that its spirit lives only with the Slavs, in the rural US and Australia.


Saneer wanneer?

Spirit of Europe?
Rural US and Aussieland?
Shit you just soiled yourself dixie

How the fuck are people ok with this? god I cant wait for the race war. Death to these mudsharks

Ogier is my wallpaper :3

.......and we stray further and further from Gods light.

FVD on 4 seats in the polls and probably reelection soon.

The movement is growing.

Money well spent

>rural us
>we are white and conservative!!!11!!
Kek sonny, there is no such thing as European culture. There is Italian, French, etc. cultures. You're just a white skinned mutt, go kill yourself.


not gonna lie I know of this show from reddit and it was cute seeing how the two white dutch hosts flirted under the influence of drugs. this pic is killing me.

>there is no such thing as European culture

Wait is that that guy from DrugsLab?

What is Euroculture? Explain it to me like I am a half wit wigger

Kill me


Is that his youtube channel partner getting fucked?

>Guy has a fist up his ass
>No erection
What is going on here?

well its not the girl. he is visiting a porn set, the vid is in thread

We defeated the wrong enemy in WW2

Why the fuck haven't we hung all European politicians at this point

>Mfw the Netherlands and America is the oldest alliance we have at over 478 years
The fuck?
What the fuck do you count as "America" if it existed in 1540? The native tribes? Even fucking England wasn't here yet.
What the fuck do you count as "The Netherlands" if it existed in 1540? Fcuking Spain?

very different but still degenerate

At this point of age we better not in fight and instead come together. Yes, I know that Europe has many different ethnic groups. But saying there is no such thing as European or white will give our enemies fuel.

Why are euros so cucked

>Dutch Emoire didn't exist
>America wasn't anything until England invaded it's clay!!!!11!!!
Hang yourself leaf

don't know but doing something for the lulz make it a lot more acceptable IMO

Said like a true American mutt. Recognizing differences and keeping your identity straight is equal to infighting? Kys

now I understand why I pay 30% income tax

God fucking dammit Dutch is the worst sounding language of all time. It's even worse than Arabic. It just sounds like a really drunk German/English bastardization with all the worst sounds from those languages rolled into one, followed by periodic glottal sounds you'd expect to hear from a low-level imp demon. I can't even imagine being around a Dutch person when they speak their swamp tongue, it could be a 10/10 Aryan qt with the perfect body, doesn't matter. I would have to put on my headphones or something or just walk away because the minute I hear that dry-heaving disgusting language I just want to physically vomit.

Losing your military and sucking dick

that girl is syrian