Pedophilia starts being pushed by the MSM
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Yeah the BBC should know lmao
Why wouldn't you want to help them? Gays, trannies, pedos, these sorts of people need help so we can figure out how to cure their diseases. Most of them are messed up because of some childhood trauma in the first place, they're victims too to begin with
>Implying help and condemnation are mutually exclusive
JIDF in full force tonight....
But Archangel Lucifer basically made the liberal agenda (if it feels good it cant be wrong) just to make them all burn in hell. Be very aware of this heavenly angels bait......little apples are the sweetest.
Pedophiles should be executed.
Any sex offense involving someone underage should be a capitol offense.
Sex offenders will continue to reoffend, There is no curing it...The only sure thing that works is a bullet in the head.
A lot of people don't really understand the difference between getting aroused at watching something happen, and actually doing it.
I am willing to bet 95% of people would never participate in whatever porn turns them on. They simply watch it because it is forbidden fruit and it feel dangerous to do so.
Obviously not defending people who have acted on their disorder, but some dude shouldn't get thrown in prison, raped for 10 years, and exiled from society because he watched a video or looked at some pictures online of some fucked up shit.
>pedophilia being pushed
>polygamy is still completely ignored by "marriage equality" cunts probably because only Mormons consider it and Mormons are ebil whites.
Who didn't see this coming? For homosexuality, it was about two consenting adults. For pedophilia, they will attempt to humanize the beast into a caring guardian whose love is returned by the child. If they don't have problems with kids declaring themselves trans, why would they have a problem with "true love"?
Won't accomplish anything. That's treating the symptoms but not the cause.
Next you will see a children's rights movement gaining popularity so that pedos can legally fuck children that consent. Watch out for it
t. Mohammad, peace be upon him.
Agreed. They didn't ask to be born this way. They need understanding, not hate.
Let me guess the government has to do something to fix it like put our kids in pedophile free camps and then show them how to get butt fucked without it being rape.
the only thing those kinds of articles will achieve is leave good men quadraspazzed on a life glug
>Most of them are messed up because of some childhood trauma
Yes, trauma caused by being molested/raped by other homosexuals who were violated as children themselves, normalization of this deviancy only facilitates this self-repeating cycle.... the only solution is to execute all homosexuals until this defective genetic trait is completely wiped out.
Homosexuality is the first set of a nation falling.
There is no way to fix them except with a bullet. That CNN kike, (((Zucker)))? He's crying about the legacy media being threatened by non-leftist scumbags. Well, this is why. The MSM pushing pedo horseshit is their way of begging for death.
When the time comes the (((media))) must be burned for electricity.
They were not born that way. They got corrupted. Just like gays and trans people. Its all a mental thing. I agree though that we need to understand the mind enough to learn ways to reverse these sicknesses. But dont ever buy into the saying "they were born like this", It is false and dangerous.
To justify their position, fags state that:
>Homosexuality has existed in historic times
>It answers to biological impulses
>The reason it has been shunned is purely cultural/sociological
>It shouldn't matter to anyone what one does with his/her body
Doesn't this apply to paedophilia too? Since ancient times pre-pubecent kids have been involved in relationships (just look at the middle ages, where kids were used as currency by the reigning families to secure alliances, and in Rome/Greece, kids that were being trained in the military began relationships with their tutors to strengthen the bond); boys and girls, as young as 12 years old, are biologically fit to reproduce, it is not as if, when one turns 18, a fairy appears and grants you both psychic and biological maturity; related to point 1, in the 18th century girls as young as 16 regularly married people (my great grandmother, at the turn of the 20th century, married at that age) and; if a teenager is mature enough, why does it really matter at what age he begins being sexually active? When I was in college, an acquaintance -not a friend, keep this in mind- proudly blurted to me that she lost her virginity when she was 14. She's not alone, and that nowadays is seen as a badge of honuor in most teenagers. Why the double standard?
If paedophiles play it as the gay community did, they can follow the same path the fags laid to achieve the legality of their statute.
>Remember when people claimed that pedophilia would be positions as misunderstood and natural after the fags?
I remember
good. We need to take save children before they succumb to degeneracy
>>polygamy is still completely ignored
don't worry user that's next so mohummud can marry a goat and three year old girl
somebody has a screencap of the illuminati poster who said at the start of the year that more pedo stuff will be funded by ((( them )))?
Pedophilia is mental disorder and should be treated to prevent child molestation, which involves potential child molesters being able to be honest about their condition with healthcare professionals.
Oh please. Are you telling me when you were in sixth grade you didn't want to fuck a teacher? An older lady? Before you turned teenager did you not look at older women and think "Wow I'd love to woo that and take her to fucksville?"
Grooming and rape are crimes, inviting childish exploration of their sexuality should not be.
Except a homosexual relationship is between consenting adults. Pedophilia involves children who can not give consent. 2000 years ago children didnt have rights. Today children are the most privileged group.
>PROTIP: 90%+ of convicted pedophiles are also homosexuals
I'm sure it's all just a freak coincidence though right guy?
These kek faggots are just as bad
You really think children have no ability to think for themselves?!
This is the only help pedos need
The elite are pushing this because they know we are hot on their heels with pizzagate, they need to legalize this before their crimes against humanity come to light!
Phase One BongBro........
Fuck jewtube
.......this to the word
yes, they would indeed need weapons to kill the families attempting to scapegoat them
neck yourself faggot
people dont get thrown in prison for "just watching one video of some fucked up shit"
most pedos have hundreds if not thousands of videos/pics or whatever of pedo shit. are you really this retarded?
Remember, the slippery slope isn't real, goy. You're just paranoid.
>born this way
okay faggot you're shilling pretty hard right now.
Sup Forums would rather have non offending pedos not seek medical help out of fear of being reported and turning into child molesters than support some kind of solution that helps kids long term.
No, euthenasia is not the solution you dumb fucks; what kind of pedo would out themselves if the death penalty was the result?
good try pedo faggot
Funny how literally no children ever support pedos. Just adults, who want to fuck kids.
>Canada would rather pedos fuck kids, then turn themselves in are "reformed" then released back into the wild to fuck more kids, creating more filthy monsters rather than just removing the dead flesh to begin with
you can seek therapy idiot, you can't get arrested unless you disclose that you have actually committed a crime. therapists can't report you unless they know you have actually done something. otherwise you can sue the shit out of them, dumbfuck. leafs are a literal cancer
this is fucking pathetic. Do we honestly believe rehabilitating pedophiles is important to society?
Throw them in the fucking trash like trannies, murderers, and rapists.
How would you know? What if kids like the idea of teasing adults hmm?
Anyone who exploits children should be hung from a lamp post.
nothing i hate more than the BBC
>Everything will go back to normal after Trump gets elected they said
>Doesn't this apply to paedophilia too?
That's exactly what people have been saying for decades. And the answer is always "muh slippery slope"
Donald please
>Moana and Boss Baby Funny Love Story Princess Dress Disguise Make Up Finger
most of (((them)))
Lol you're one of those faggots who pretend to be girls online???
this. they want to make escape path in case they get caught with didling kiddies.
The only thing pedophiles need is a bullet to the skull.
rev up those ovens boys
It's slowly moving from radical to acceptable. I honestly cannot believe that the West is degenerating at such a high pace.
but what if the child actually does consent?
is that some kind of code word?
There is nothing to do but keep yourself sane and hope that when the end comes it will be quick.
I just realized that old people don't become more conservative with age, their politics simply become more conservative as the overton window shifts leftward
I hope Trump gasses these monsters.
I hope he drops the fucking hammer and we get to see all these famous people be implicated.
LGBT priorities for normalization:
1. homosexuality (complete)
2. transsexuality (in progress)
3. polyamory
4. pedophilia
spoken like a true coward
Obviously they need help, they're mentally damaged. Does not mean we should accept them as normal. It's like being schizophrenic or autistic or something. But It's clearly worse than that.
But pedophilia, schizophrenia, and autism. Isn't that classic Sup Forums?
>"kill the families"
You guys really hate families, don't you?
The legal age of consent is there for good reason, so stop scapegoating it in favor of your disgusting impulses.
>>Everything will go back to normal after Trump gets elected they said
>they said
Nobody said this, user. Did you actually expect batrachian chaos to result in normalcy?
Like niggers and mudslimes, the only good pedo is a dead pedo.
If someone sexually abused my son, I would likely be sentenced to death by judge and jury. Pedophilia can never be allowed as acceptable
>being a pedophile is the same as being a schizo or being autistic or something derp derp
being a schizo or autistic doesn't automatically make you a threat to people around you. sexually abusing children is really bad, this is why our ancestors never ever put up with that kind of shit, EVER.
>but.. but.. my fee fees
>people dont get thrown in prison for "just watching one video of some fucked up shit"
Uh, yes they do.
All the time. People don't care because the nature of their "crime" is taboo.
Most pedos (by that I mean people who are turned on by cp, not real sex offenders) never save the shit on their computer because they are too scared to risk their life to more easily access it.
I am pretty sure you have no idea what you are talking about.
The cure is swift beatings! I too, understand.
They aren't asking to be cured, they are asking for "help". Ask yourself why they aren't asking to be cured and you will begin to understand what (((their))) agenda is.
Then they'll be for transpecism and beastiality, if they succeed in normalizing pedophilia, all in the name of tolerance.
Most likely to hit as many search results as possible for young children whose parents who let the Ipad be the nanny.
>t. pedo
Ah, it was Anglos all along. Once more those anglo scum spread degeneracy.
Then those people need to be helped to the gas chambers or get the pede shocked out of them. We're not supposed to be animals anymore.
Pedophiles should be executed
>Uh, yes they do. All the time.
Got any examples, or are you just talking out your ass?
>I mean like, it probably happens though, right?
>I'm pretty sure
I'm pretty sure you have no idea what YOU are talking about, unless you're a actually a pedo
I think less of pedophiles than I think of Islamic terrorists. There is no lower form of human, than one who preys on children.
>Most of them are messed up because of some childhood trauma in the first place
Easy solution
>Kill pedos
>They don't rape kids
>Kids don't become pedos
>Problem solved