How does Regan live with himself?
How does Regan live with himself?
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If you mean Reagan, he's dead.
In Hell, he didn't do enough to make blacks lives miserable and collided with the Synagogue of Satan.
>people think God doesn't exist and hate gays
In heaven with Jesus, unlike those dead faggots who are all in hell.
>7 out of 125 faggots are somewhat sane
>Reagan made those homos fuck mens asses and get the AIDS
you got kek, friend
Reagan did nothing wrong.
did ronnie fuck those guys?
You know, the gay community could have easily lessened the spread of AIDS themselves if they could have just stopped being promiscuous for five seconds. No one was forcing them to fuck each other.
t. non-promiscuous faggot
And now the guys in white are infecting the guys in black.
>tfw America cultivates faggot populations in SF to produce an AIDS vaccine from resistant populations that evolve from the utter degeneracy
Yeah. I knew a guy who went full homo, then claimed to be bisexual. He explained that he "was frustrated and just couldn't help himself." He then went on a rant about how people should bake cakes for gay weddings, and how marriage for straight people should be abolished, and if I didn't agree I was on the wrong side of history.
I would be surprised if he didn't have aids now.
Help us poor gays we intentionally infected each other with a deadline disease and called it the gift!
It's cis white men fault
and then they will be replaced by ones in red and so the circle continues.
Marriage as a legal institution should be abolished. Go larp in church, not in society.
>gays hate god and think he doesn't exist.
Fixed it for you. Live by degeneracy, die by degeneracy.
if homos would learn to use a condom, they wouldn't be dying.
degenerate scum
>deadline disease
Goddamn phone poster.
Maybe those gays shouldn't have been fucking everything with a hole and a pulse. They might've been alive today.
Why is AIDs so prevalent in the gay community
Either fags are filthy liars or they are ignorantly or knowingly fucking someone with AIDs
>B..but muh luv XOXO
then don't cry about getting AIDs when you fuck something with AIDs. Love Trumps AIDs in this case.
Or are fags just needle sharing druggies?
Having marriage as a legal institution acknowledges that families are part of the foundation of society.
Raising a family is different than cohabitation with a fuckbuddy. It's not wrong for each part in a marriage to expect legal protection is the case that one party doesn't hold up their end of the bargain.
If the state doesn't recognize family, what meaning does inheritance have? Do children belong to the state? Family business?
>knowingly fucking someone with AIDs
You mean bugchasing?
Reagan didn't fuck you in the ass, diseased faggots did.
Who gives a shit about faggots who died from AIDS? Get off my pol!
Extreme promiscuity and drug use. Even shy gays have been in orgies at least once
Straight white men would have a lot of aids as well if there was a chocolate swirl orgy every weekend and it was socially acceptable
>Gay man fucks over 100 other people
>Then married gays fuck other gays that they met and have known for 1 hour
>Then this married gay goes to a bathhouse and infects other gays
AIDS is the result of degenerate behavior, if fags didn't feel the need to fag it up constantly, they might not have died.
The original "live by the sword, die by the sword" may be more fitting in this case.
Literally all you have to do is
>wear condom
that's it. That's. Fucking. It. homos can't even bother to do that, and some go out of their way to willingly get infected (bug chasing)
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
This, in part, is why sodomy is wrong, user.
Families banding together is how society is formed. To simply disregard the fundamental element of a family is to disregard a fundamental element of society, and thus to destroy it.
Wow that's a lot of dead fags.
Hey did they ever consider not getting aids maybe?
So no cancer, no homicides, no suicides, no car crashes. No heart attacks, no accidental accidents, no genetic diseases and no fucking way they could have drowned.
They all just died from pure aids. They all would had lived to be immortal if not for aids.
it probably haunts him he missed 7 of them sodomites
I read a book for class, I think it was called ...And the Band Played On. The faggots were warned to knock it off with the glory holes and the other degenerate shit. They didn't.
>form gay choir
>one member has aids
>due to extreme mental problems they have orgies every fucking day
>almost all die of aids
what a fucking surprise. I know fags that claim to have had hundreds of partners by the age of 25.
Maybe they shouldn't have fucked every other fag they met.
Never understood what leftist think Reagan could have done to stop coked up fags from fucking each other. Its not like libshits and degenerates listen to anyone that counsels prudence.
>be a bug chaser
>get killed by the bug
They all died of AIDS because they all fucked each other raw, without any protection, multiple times most likely. Ffs look at how many sex partners the average gay has in their lifetime, they have zero self restraint, they will literally kill themselves to pursue pleasure. Hedonism destroyed them, Reagan had butt fuck nothing to do with it
>> play with fire
>> get burned
>> die
I bet their Christmas Parties were awesome back in the day.
"I came here to post this" (TM)
They were told to stop being degenerate fucks and stop fucking in the bathhouses. They didn't range to give up their perversion. They sought to continue on being sick fucks, and demand normal people focus their entire existence on making their knowingly dangerous behavior safe.
>we're not gonna stop
>work harder on our sexual gratification, slave
They deserve worse.
I thought this was Nancy Regans fault?? p sure she's still alive.
Yeah but responsibility is a hate crime now.
It was thought that broadcasting accurate information to the public regarding the nature of the disease and closing down the bathhouses would cause "homophobia" and "undo progress"
I would bet on the "knowingly". Look up "bug chasing", "gift giving", and "conversion parties".
I honestly can't comprehend why you would want to INTENTIONALLY infect yourself with an incurable, progressive, universally fatal disease.
Yes, I know, there are the 0.001% exceptions that have natural immunity / immune systems that work exceptionally well with drug cocktails, but if you like those odds, you should go to Vegas.
I bet a lot just died due to old age that was a long time ago.
partial Fake News.
Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner.
Don't blame the shooter for a massacre, blame the gun.
Don't blame the drug addict for the overdose, blame the drugs.
Don't blame the AIDS victims for contracting it, blame the disease for existing.
When you blame the nonsentient object for the actions of the operator, you absolve the operator of responsibility.
She died a year or two back.
>he didn't do enough to make blacks lives miserable an
Since he died a long time ago I doubt he could have done a thing.
Fun fact: funding for AIDS increased dramatically through every single year of the Reagan administration... contrary to faggot mythology. But even Ronnie couldn't keep homos' ass-cheeks closed.
Holy fuck, that guy at 1:40
>I do tend to get sick easier. Some of the diseases I have, like I said, they don't know what they are
Incidentally, that was one of the reasons Michael Jackson and Donald Trump didn't overly publicize their efforts to help Ryan White (Google him if you don't know the story). Didn't want to be seen as "aiding and abetting immorality". But wanted to help the kid and bring more awareness to the issue.
>died aged 16 (recently turned 16)
>alleged first known AIDS death in the United States
>never traveled outside the Midwestern US
>never received a blood transfusion
>Doctors and others who subsequently investigated the case in the early 1980s speculated that Rayford may have been sexually abused and may have been a child-prostitute.
Nature has a way of weeding out the degenerates.
"Been in the hospital 5 times"
"Still love to come to the parties"
Fucking KYS. Oh wait, you basically are. Just slowly.
To be fair, the overwhelming majority of society was oblivious to AIDS until gay people started dropping dead in massive numbers in '84.
After that, gays became much more discretionary about their indiscretionary fucking.
Clearly haven't seen Grindr,,, et cetera, et cetera.
powerful and moving. i actually saw someone i know who recently moved to socal from russia (they've been here a year) after marrying an american posting negatively on instagram about seeing rainbow flags displayed and now i don't know how i'm going to interact with them. i used to think they were kind but idk anymore. they live in a city made great by lgbt folks (weho) and they're being ignorant. i'm trying to keep it cool bc i know there's a lot of backwards propaganda in russia and they've prob never knowingly interacted with a homo.
Another Fun Fact: Health Officials tried to close the bathhouses where the disease seemed to always be the center of most frequency infectious. Guess who kept them open?
my gay mate was on grindr a while back, and quit because of the amount of fags whoes entire profile was "I like to be fisted/shit on/pissed on/raped/beaten/all of the above"
He's dead last I checked
>Reagan in heaven
good one
Its the drugs probably. PnV sex has a sub 1% transmission rate supposedly, with anal being about 5%. Sharing needles with an infected person is near 100% though, and gays have way more risky sex than straight people
Must have had massive orgies
Which proves that there are reasonable gay people, despite what Sup Forums would have you think
Homosexuals are degenerates. Gas them all and for fucks sake get them away from children, schools, learning, education, science, adoption agencies, etc. I would love to kaboom some gay place.
Wow, the members of the San Francisco Gay Men's choir used to really like to fuck each other in the ass.
And that faggot's name?
Albert Einstein.
Oh he's still a huge slag and I fully expect him to contract many STDs. He openly admits to fucking teenagers and claims for have had 5 partners in the last week alone.
Despite having gay friends, I find them all to be mentally ill and will almost certainly die young due to their reckless lifetyles
Damn, I underestimated how accurate the name "gay plague" actually way.
Oblivious until it became impossible to deny. Total failure of disease control which would have involved quarantine, closure, and public awareness campaings.
Those evil republicans probably
Why are you friends then?
It's still pretty accurate, although in the UK it's more of a junkie plague
>it's the fault of Reagan that gays have large amounts of unprotected sex with strangers
Must be a liberal.
With Truvada
In Toronto the cops recently apologized for having tried to protect public health in the early 80s by raiding the bathhouses... it makes you realize that the very valid reasons why people did things in the past have all gone down the memory hole and now everyone just thinks it was because of "racism", "sexism", "homophobia", etc., as if these empty words explained anything at all.
Cause I enjoy their company between their mad benders? We have similar interests (cars, computers etc). Honestly all my mates are complete degenerates and if I cut contact with all the degenerates in Scotland I'd need to move to a hut in the highlands to live alone
You cannot comprehend it because you are not sick. Homosexuality itself is rooted in mental illness, and homosexuals are given to all sorts of destructive--often self-destructive--sexual practices.
Their sexual pleasure comes entirely from transgressing normal sexuality. That is why shit like coprophagy, child molestation, and "bug chasing" are so common among them.
Because there's more blood for HIV transmission with anal sex, plus a huge percentage of gays are mega-whores who do a shitload of drugs and will literally fuck anything without a pussy.
He ignored the problem, he didn't speak about AIDS for like 6 years after it was identified and stopped the surgeon general from saying anything
You can think that gay people all deserve to die if you want, but there were straight people affected too. People died needlessly
wtf I love aids now!
Fags are fucking disgusting
You are a complete retard.
Marriage as a legal institution is the ONLY way it should be done, as it allows for cohabiting people who are mutually assured to each other to share different benefits. The legal binding nature of marriage helps prevent fraud in any of the areas of benefit, such as healthcare, childcare, child custody, tax rebates on combined income, citizen benefits (when marrying non citizens), as well as others I either don't know about or simply failed to mention. All of those benefits are provided to sustain a suitable environment for raising children and maintaining a family unit, which is the goal of a civilization.
As for religious marriages, there are so many variations between the many religions. Child marriages, polygamy, and other more esoteric practices are all found in religious marriages, but not often in the laws of civilized marriage.
>Be gay
>Get AIDS and die
Really activated the almonds OP
>Why is AIDs so prevalent in the gay community
>lied to
>knowing putting themselves at risk
>needle sharing
All of the above
So I had read somehwere that HIV is recorded as to have existed before "paeitent zero" fucked a monkey.
my personal theory is that mixing semen and male fecal matter creates the HIV virus. but that is pretty wild speculation.
While that would be funny—no that's retarded and you don't have any idea how anything works.
In retrospect Reagan should have given a public address the day the disease was identified in the lab and sent in the National Guard to bust up the gay clubs in New York and San Francisco over the objections of local government. But hindsight is 20/20.
That's hilarious.
He should really have created concentration camps and completely banned the behavior
The only way to end it is to END IT. No half measures
>concentration camps for gays
You realise they don't reproduce anyway