Daily reminder that the South will rise again and save northern america from the Jews, Feds, and the ETERNAL YANKEE.
Rise up in arms my brothers, the time to make our stand grows nearer everyday.
Daily reminder that the South will rise again and save northern america from the Jews, Feds, and the ETERNAL YANKEE.
Rise up in arms my brothers, the time to make our stand grows nearer everyday.
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God, I fucking hope so.
[southern supremacy intensifies]
I hope so much you are correct
Well shit, I guess y'all are my friends now.
Eradicate the fed!
Bud, we don't need to rise again. We just wait and pick up the pieces.
Hail Dixie!
" It is not truth that matters in war, but victory. "
Hail Victory!
I can agree with that, my brother. At the very least we must organize and prepare ourselves for when our day comes.
Deo Vindice!
We must free ourselves from the Federalist system and the devils dollar!
Up with the Cross!
Do it faggot, you rednecks are all talk and beer. Quit fronting and fucking do it already you pussy little bitch ass nigger.
>took 6 billion troops and a small army of niggers to defeat us
My fellow southerners, please do not point your guns at the north! We may have faught with each other at one point, but we have a common enemy! This war is not of brother vs. brother....but brother vs. JUDE and those who betray our great county! This war is humanity vs. MONSTERS.
If you are not actively participating in your local Southern/State independence movement you are a waste of skin and flesh and no mercy or gratitude will be shown to you on the days of battle.
Join us or be against us
Daily Reminder that the south is made up of different states that are starting to feel differently about you fucked up ideals. Also, how could a group tied to the idea of slavery rise again if slavery has been abolished? You lost the war for a reason, give it up.
You understand you were the main jewcucks last time right? You let a disproportionate Jewish aristocracy tear and undermine your economy apart and eventually back you into a corner. Not that the north was innocent or I wouldn't take a southerner over some coastie cuck but stop hero worshipping the Confederacy.
What's that flag supposed to be in pic?
>Highest concentration of Negroes in the country
>Worst educational system in the country
>Poorest states in the Union
You idiots can't even help yourselves
s-stop it goys!
McDaniels IQ estimates (2006)
that's because of all the negroes here
ok my 'white' friend
lmao you know the confederates were democrats right? Literally nothing about that was about racism, just economic stability
You wouldn't fit at all
White poverty basically only exists in the south LOL
13. Alabama: White Poverty Rate=11.6% Overall Poverty Ranking=1
12. Ohio: White Poverty Rate=12.00% Overall Poverty Ranking=31
11. Michigan: White Poverty Rate=12.03% Overall Poverty Ranking=23
10. Missouri: White Poverty Rate=12.12% Overall Poverty Ranking=20
9. Idaho: White Poverty Rate=12.27% Overall Poverty Ranking=32
8. Oregon: White Poverty Rate=12.37% Overall Poverty Ranking=49
7. Oklahoma: White Poverty Rate=12.43% Overall Poverty Ranking=40
6. Montana: White Poverty Rate=12.43% Overall Poverty Ranking=14
5. Mississippi: White Poverty Rate=13.04% Overall Poverty Ranking=2
4. Tennessee: White Poverty Rate=13.67% Overall Poverty Ranking=26
3. Arkansas: White Poverty Rate=13.69% Overall Poverty Ranking=38
2. Kentucky: White Poverty Rate=16.85% Overall Poverty Ranking=22
1. West Virginia: White Poverty Rate=17.12% Overall Poverty Ranking=7
Fat, stupid, poor white trash with NIGGER DNA in them = The South
fuck off you dumb yankee I bet you cannot even change your own oil
spoken like a true yankee nigger
>Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana top 3 blackest states
>New Mexico whites are a minority
>California whites are a minority or plurality
>Hawaii whites are a minority
>These are the dumbest states
Wow what a shock
Fuck off cuckold. Ill slaughter anyone living in north florida flying the fed flag.
When you're such a peasant you think changing oil or a car battery makes you a real man.
I'm an A&P mechanic and airline pilot. Lel, just stay poor you fucking peasant.
This. I respect Johnny Reb but he got jewed just like us
>South will rise again
with who? Niggers and shitskins?
Do you advocate for illegal immigration to come in and undermine opportunity for working/lower class whites while severely damaging society so a few of the people at the time can receive ill-gotten gains? Because that's what the southern Democrats advocated essentially at the time with slave labor. Slaves at the bigger, more well run plantations lived a better quality of life than poor whites. The term "white trash" is largely thought to have come from slaves making fun of poor whites in the south.
Fantastic history class there m8. Tell it again sometime one of the other 400 ways we've heard it before. Fuck what happened last time. Fuxk whatever you want to say the goal was and fuck whatever you say the outcome was. The fact is we are the only major subculture in america that once had our own nation we called our own under our own rule without a meddling central government
Thats what we want for our people. You can either aid us in this modern cultural struggle or you can be against us. But probably like the majority of the rest of Americans you'll sit on your ass and hope the conflict never reaches home.
Lincoln was appointed by operatives of Karl Marx to collapse the United States government in an effort to split Europe into factions and bring on an early First World War so that the Communists could take over 60+ years before they actually did.
all lies
fuck off nigger
white southerners love identity politics because they are unsuccessful, fat, poor rubes and love the "WE WUZ KANGZ WE OWNED DA SLAVEZ WERE BETTER THAN NIGGERS" even though they are descendants of fucking peasants and all of the wealthy slave owners went North where an actual economy exists. lmfao. Only trash lives in the south, nigger trash and white trash.
Fcuk niggers
Gib me some upboats centipedes
northern cucks get so triggered still
Reminder both Marx and Hitler had a boner for Lincoln and the Union. All true Southern man must stand against both Communism and Facism. We must serve only God, tradition, and liberty. Never bow to a collective or central goverment.
Hail Florida! Hail Georgia! Hail Alabama and South Carolina! Hail Tennessee and hail Arkansas! Hail north carolina and Virgina! Texas, Louisiana, arizona, oklahoma and new mexico! Hail Missouri and hail Dixie!
Those who get triggered first know they'll be the first to get the trigger.
fuck off and die Yankee, I embrace globalism for the sake of Yankee destruction.
Amen, Brother! Deo Vindice!
Lee fought for his state first and foremost. If it hadn't seceded, he would have fought for the Union.
There's literally nothing, and I mean nothing, good about the south no matter how much you LARP, you live in what looks like Africa, Mexico, 19th century Europe and a society of Obese retards combined.
Best part of this picture is the niggers in the upper right.
Train hard every day. Master yourself, body, mind and soul! Wind yourself tight and be ready to spring
I am not a yank
I had 4 grandfathers who all fought for the confederacy
>11th Tennessee Calvary
>3rd Arkansas Infantry
>Cant remember the rest
Hey look at that Kentucky made the cut thank fucking god
Checked, we can only hope
>grandfathers that fought in the civil war
how old are you
>you live in what looks like Africa, Mexico, 19th century Europe
Yeah because the north let nigs run rampant. You're a disgrace to this nation desu
>without a meddling central government
The CSA was far more meddlesome in affairs and was about 100% a total collectivist state within a year or two in the war
Lincoln also grew up laughibly poor and tied the bible and other classical literature to his plows and read them while he busted his ass all day. I don't buy this Lincoln was evil shit for a minute
is that before or after your cuckold teenage negro worshiping meetings every saturday afternoon?
3rd great grandfather and back
My 4th great grandfather owned over 40 slaves in Mississippi. He didn't fight in the war though
I feel as though I was robbed of my birthright
Those niggers wuz mines
I hate all northern states and the cancer humans that live in them such as lefties and Democrats along with urban niggers and Jews so yeah I'll stick with the South faggot
>the South will rise again
And we shall burn it down again!
>Lincoln also grew up laughibly poor and tied the bible and other classical literature to his plows and read them while he busted his ass all day. I don't buy this Lincoln was evil shit for a minute
That's the story the Jews fed you. What kind of fucking 1800's farmer is going to have classical literature in his house? When a good percentage of the country, especially poor folk, were fucking illiterate?
Same Lincoln that authorized the construction and operation of EXTERMINATION CAMPS in the North. Everyone talks about Andersonville but the Yankees had actual EXTERMINATION CAMPS.
Irish flag. Someone colored it in.
the South keeps their minorities in their ghettos where they belong, the North on the other hand, assimilates them and accepts them as brothers and sisters and spouses, next generation the North will be all hapa mongrels while the South is still pure
Can the midwest come with you? Perhaps it'd be nice to have the Iron Brigade on your side this time.
So you can get the bbc everynight right,faggot.
Dixie is dead.
The romanticism is gone.
Only niggers, spics, and fat white trash.
t. Southerner
Down with the eagle
Up with the Cross
White Power world wide
Fuck Niggers an shit
Heritage not hate
Kentucky reporting in I can confirm that the largest source of niggers that are even remotely near my home is in Ohio and that's a good 4 hr drive away local niggers of my state actually have fucking manners or sense enough to not act like chimps in front of white people
Lincoln also suspended habeas corpus and then ignored the Supreme Court when it ordered him to stop, he arrested 20,000 people for disagreeing with him including newspaper editors and columnists for writing stories critical of his Presidency, he arrested the entire Maryland state legislature once to keep them from convening and he's responsible for the death of 620,000 Americans. He's the worst tyrant the United States has ever seen, easily. Fuck Lincoln and anyone who apologizes for him.
California faggot spotted
>that's a nice rebellion you have there
Nothing is more redpilled than owning a man that is less than you
I would not fuck the farm equipment you pervert
ITT: cowardly cosplayers pretending they are saving the white race by going on a Micronesian pearl diving website and complaining about Jews
Yeeeeeeehawwww !!!!
Look away
Look away
look away
You fat fucks can't even rise out of your mobility scooters, you're not going to do jack shit
And then there's you, working hard for $0.10 per
Jefferson Davis was from there...
Most of those states also classify "Mexicans" as "white".
Skewed demographics are skewed.
I'm not dismissing the poverty level, simply saying that if you threw in Mexicans, half blacks, and Asians, and called them all "white", then that's not an accurate assessment of the true number of "whites" in an area.
Lee was so goddamned attractive
True, Kentucky is the ONLY southern state that isn't nigger infested. Otherwise, no thanks. I feel bad for the Southerners that live in places like SC, NC, MS, GA, and FL.
Pick one
Holy fuck, Dixiefags have to be the most "WE WUZ" Americans ever. If you faggots are so tough, why didn't you win in the first place? Oh yeah, it's because we shoved our Yankee cocks up your ass and fucked the shit out of your pathetic dream of independence. KYS.
>he typed out, before the meth lab in the trailer next door went up in flames. The noxious odor consumed the trailer park, severely stunting the brain development of all the children there. Nobody could tell the difference.
oh ya bringing subhumans over en-masse to irreparably fuck up the greatest nation in the history of the world for your fellow countryman and all your posterity because you dont want to pay laborers to pick cotton is super redpilled
kill yourself.
FL isn't bad where I live
Integration never reached here
Niggers stay on their part of town
Where they shoot each other
Day after day
Year after Year
watch as they ignore this. I'm from cali but southerners are literal subhumans
2% to 5% of White Americans have nigger blood
Race mixing is only now starting to become a problem
I (((Wonder))) why?
>he typed out, seconds before Tyrone burst into the room. "It's reparations time, white faggot!" the ape-like humanoid roared as his servile sissy shill boifriend assumed the position, cheeks spread wide for tonight's lesson in social justice
Our day will come, my brothers! We must prepare ourselves and who we have in our area whom are likeminded!
Texas is lost
Too many Mexicans
They can have it back
Because you northern liberal faggots are hellbent on flooding us with all of your fucked up immigration experiments. Illegal Immigration is you faggots fault because you dont have to deal with wetbacks on a daily basis so you all say "hurrr wouldnt it be great if we had more brown people? Plus we can fuck with the southern states even more then use the old racist card against them when they say they dont want mexicans everywhere."
Fuck off you faggots ruined this country
There are pockets of FL that have good demographics, but they're all far from major cities. Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jax are all fucked.
Battle Flag of Northern Virginia is square