ITT Post ideal flags of your country
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This or just the Texan Flag
Thats actually good.
What does that have to do with Iceland?
Red cross with white outline on blue background.
Its more like the Kriegsmarine flag
nah see
my nigga
Yeah I know it was supposed to be the Reichstag's I was just saying thats where he got iceland from
That's a cute flag.
I want one
I was talking about the Northwest Front. Not that limp dick hipster cascadia faggotry.
Threads about posting flags get deleted so I'm just gonna put this here, we need a flag for Monarchism/Neoreactionary, and Socdem
That is fucking hideous
>post ideal flags of YOUR country
>burger posts a nazi flag
Why do so many of you want fucking naval flags as your national flags?
>american theocracy
Are you serious? The vast majority of Christians in America are brain dead zionists
The flag of the midwest after balkanization
Here is a better Reichkriegsflagge for USA
You're fucking Gen Z larpy faggots who have a retarded sense for vexillology. Fucking naval flags. You dumb fuckers.
How is this a Nazi flag
gay ass flag. in fact almost every flag in here sucks donkey balls.
you fuckers fail so damn hard.
How is my OP a naval flag. Also your national flag is a Naval Flag. Why do you think its called Union Jack dumbass.
Everyone's national flag can be and is used as a naval flag you fucking faggot, but you're trying so hard to get that "le ebin kreegzmareeen" look that you end up creating utter garbage.
Flag looks messed up because the white circle meshes with the white stripes
Pennsylvania will be it's owns state by 2024
Are people born in 1998 considered Millenials or Gen Z?
Do you know any websites i can use to make cool flags like you guys?
I use Microsoft Office word
>there was a dream that was Canada
>posting the Israeli Security Corporation™ flag
No thanks
option 2
62 stars. I know every state + 10 provinces, but what are the other 2
Maybe it's Canada and Mexico
this is the one that makes my heart soar when I see it blowing in the wind and the one that strengthens my resolve every day when I see it on the wall above my bed
>tw we'll never get the red ensign back and we'll be stuck with our current cartoon flag forever
God damn why is this guy so mad?
This or the Kingdom of Finland
Finland isn't real. It doesn't exist.
Does anyone make it yet?
He walked in on his wife sucking Achmed's dick
I'm down.
neither does Constantinople or the kingdom of Jerusalem , check mate
I doubt no one is making the country run of the ideals of monarchy or natsoc , just my ideal flags that I would like to see
No I mean does anyone make that flag yet? I thought I remembered some finn had one, but he might've had it custom made.
Fuck (((Liberalism))). It was a mistake
just the regular flag with the coat of arms and a crown on top of it , shame Germany lost the ww1 otherwise we could have had a kingdom of Finland
Time for a redpill. inland is is actually just ocean, and that Japan and Russia conspired to persuade the world there's a country there, to cover up the fact that Japan does unlimited fishing and whaling there with no international oversight.
After World War II, Russia found itself short of food. Japan was facing a related problem, in that they found they'd been overfishing and needed new waters. So they approached Russia with the idea of granting them secret fishing rights in the Baltic; and to hide it from the rest of the world, they'd mutually agree to tell everyone that much of the Baltic Sea was actually a landmass called Finland so there's no need for anyone to try and regulate fishing there. Russia agreed, and together they built the Trans-Siberian Railway to facilitate the endeavour, and as a quid pro quo, Japan donated much of its catch to Russia.
Almost spat my whiskey.
Battle Standard in Restoration War.
Order symbol of The Order of Christ - sucessor of the Portuguese branch of Knights Templar.
Finnish people, supposedly, are actually Swedish, but have been convinced that they live in a country called Finland, and since it's all forest anyway, nobody is the wiser. They were persuaded to adopt the newly developed Finnish language (created for this purpose) which is suspiciously close to Japanese. Maps, aerial and space photography, and GPS systems worldwide have been altered to make it appear that Finland is real — in an amazing act of international cooperation. Why do all of us other countries go along with this? As a gesture of goodwill to Russia and Japan
>Memeber of the Naval State of Britian
>Flag, not ensign
Nat flag can be used for naval ensign, but both the British and russians have special flags for you, you subhuman
The fish is then transported through Russia where a small percentage of the food is given to the population, (they were of course starving at the time of Finland being invented), and then is shipped to Japan under the disguise of 'Nokia' products. Japan is one of the worlds largest importers of Nokia products despite the fact that 'nobody there owns a Nokia phone' apparently. Plus Japan likes sushi and people supposedly from Finland are called "Fins".
the colours look spanish
Brings a tear to my eye, eh
>New Mexico
>Not spanish
That was the point
>tfw my whole culture & heritage is just some fucking conspiracy to get japs some whale blubber
shame there are no whales in the gulf of bothnia or the gulf of finland or even in the lakes of finland if you can believe that
just put the swasi where the stars go, or make the swasi out of stars maybe
You have it as your post flag, you braindead fucktard
Like this?
That's what America became, not what it originally was, nigger.
Your reading comprehension is lacking
they wont be brain dead when we mobilize them for a new crusade to liberate constantinople!
Good answer, latvian.
Huh. This time it will be eastern europe crusading for the west. hahaha
The A stands for Australia
seize the memes
I like this.
Yeah. Im /cascadia/ but this flag is just asking for us to join Leafs as being a meme.
>a fucking tree
>day of the chainsaw, when?
It looks like Hong Kong conquered the USA
scots leave
ebil empire
British French and Spanish Empire combined