Reminder that if American slavery and Nazi Germany never happened, white people would be in a better place right now and not face the amount of bullshit they do today.
Reminder that if American slavery and Nazi Germany never happened...
Yes to the former, no to the latter.
jews brought slaves over
thats actually true
u cant argue with that pol
it wouldn't matter, they would just cling onto something else.
kripp looks like a mongol horse archer
I'm not sure why I enjoyed this comment so much
But what if something worse happened instead in a different time continuum and we were spared that atrocity?
we should have helped Nazi Germany get rid of the commies and jews. instead we killed the Nazis and then spent the next decades in a nuclear standoff with the commies. not only that, today the commies have infested our cultural, academic, and legal institutions, and are eating away at the American social compact like termites
What's up with his comment section? It's full of complete autistic retards role playing as cards and parodies of him.
How can he possibly keep playing Hearthstone.
le gypsy sellout face
>what's up with the comment section of manchildren who watch people play video games all day
Actually if America and the UK had supported the right side in WW2 this could have all been avoided.
He's got the Attila the Hun vibe going on.
G-guys, if it werent for all those asshole whites in the past the jews would h-have taken in easier on us!
W-we just have to be good little goys...
The germans wanted to crack heads. so they lost everything.
If they had done nothing at all, they would have 'won,' peacefully.
Neither were destined to drag us down. That was purely our choice.
just from today's latest video.. explain this shit.
Nope. They would find other reasons. The only solution is to eliminate them from our civilization and stop all the free gibs.
And if imperialism never happened whites would be almost morally unimpeachable.
Of course, if imperialism never happened then it's likely Europe and America wouldn't be so superior to the rest of the world...
Either way slaves to our Jewish overlords.
How about if Marx never happened
Theyd' find something else in history to bicker about. The world would be the same.
Nah, OP.
The leftofashists would simply make up another 'reason' why to arrack and rob us.
why are you posting the kripp? He is Romanian btw
he's rake-bait
a bunch of literal children having fun on their computers
it's really not that big of a deal, streamers have tons of kids who tune into them
Who is this guy?
Guy who got e-famous playing Diablo 3, then Path of Exile, and now all he plays is Hearthstone which is probably the most boring game ever made but he's being paid to shill for it.
plays card games
christ that person's face is begging to be beat into a bloody pulp
I guess you're right. Are there any other channels that have a cult like cancerous fanbase like Kripp?
Hey guys, hows it going, Kripparrian here. Today im gonna give you a highlight of this arena game.
That is like saying if the roman empire didn't fall we would all speak french you just can't know that and its fucking futile to even talk about it
this is how i can tell you are new
he was wow famous first
No he wasn't, no one gave a shit if he was top DPS on a class everyone hates.
If you believe this then you don't actually understand the situation we're in. We're hated because we're white and for our achievements and the things we have. It wouldn't matter at all what we did or did not do in history, we would still be hated. Look at how all whites are hated for the holocaust by the kikes when most whites gave their blood and treasure to defeat Germany, doesn't matter, they still want to destroy our race forever.
Leave kripp alone. He's pretty chill, it's his fanbase you should be hating.
These autistic fucks watch him day in day out play hearthstone.
At least he is making millions off them.
If white people hadn't given thier lives to end American Slavery and Nazi Germany you'd be picking cotton right now. Show some damn respect.
What Estonia has ever done? Yet they shill multikulti and degenerate shit there.
If you assume collective guilt, you give collective praise p. So, every fucking White Man is Mozart slave-owning rocket scientist. I'll live with that
Imagine being so allergic to work that you import Africans into your country.
Reminder that if Jews didn't control the media, books, movies, television shows, education system, the government, and etc, the world would be in a better place right now.
he made his first videos on wow. fact
Fucking lol
Well it's more fun when you get paid like $2k per day to play it
Jews were 99% of slave merchants and majority of owners in New World.
NatSoc Germany was a response to Jewish imperialism.
Stop blaming the world for what you do, Schlolmboy.
The other guy is right. His channel got big after d3 when he started actually showing his face and streaming
Reminder that if poles never accepted the jews and gave them power the world would be a better place