HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wathc this video and try to refute the evidence you crackers couldn't do shit without black people pro tip you can't refute the evidence. youtube.com
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I would love to have a day without blacks that would be super cool and honestly they would probably like it too, people try to pretend but don't act like niggers don't fucking despise white people, and the more we try to help the worse it gets
ok but their inventions?
Good work Toby. Here's your payment.
Aren't half of those WE INVENTED REFRIGERATORS N SHEIT claims from black patent trolls?
Who invented it?
How long would Africans last without vaccinations from Pinkey?
Niggers n shieeeeeeet?
Right off the bat, elevators have been around since Roman times.
So this video is a huge fail.
ok but modern one those old rock stick ones don't count. bbbut whites invented everything :( wahhhhhhh
>half of these are blatant lies
>the other half are "blacks" who are actually halfricans or quadroons
I like that the white guy looks like a skinny pussy and the girl is ugly as sin. Goes to show the kind of people that get involved in this kind of propaganda crap.
Well shareblue has been busy lately. Anyway, Gonna sage this shit. Also, shit youtuber who only success comes to pandering to BLM retards like you.
Such as? The video takes something as complex as the history of the lightbulb and claims that because a black guy invented an improved filiment for Thomas edisons bulb then black people invented the lightbulb, so the video is trash.
How's Africas IQ? Still hovering right around retarded? You guys still burning doo doo to cook food? Hahahahaha niggers are dumb
can't refute video so goes to personal insults LMAO
>day without black inventions
>just the same cause it's not like if one person didn't show up exit we wouldn't have the wheel or would light fires to warm ourselves
>day without whites
>imagine the western society
>now gone and replaced with African tribes
bretty cool bro
explain the cell phones half of pol uses to post?
Pointing out africas niggerness is personal? Neat....
well you just insult black people as a whole when you can't use logic or refute cell phones invented by blacks
You're congratulating them on whole, why can't I point out that their IQ is considered retarded on whole?
well that's not the point of the thread you are just accepting we invented phones
>invented by blacks
I'll break it down since I know niggers are stupid as fuck:
All niggers met in a room and invented something? Or ONE individual nigger invented something...
What's next? "Blacks invented the concept of bottling water, so without us - you would all be dead or very thirsty!"
Retard, people get the same/similar ideas all the time. Just because a black created something doesn't mean that a white, or Arab or an Asian wouldn't think of it too.
well you seem to think you had any part in western civilization when you crackers have done nothing but be racist jerks online
Ahhh nigger btfo
protip: niggers gonna nig
Well blacks probably could have invented a lot of "white inventions" but you just did it a little before because you enslaved us and took most of our great minds
I didn't, but its irrefutable that whites did. Just like YOU may not act like an animal, but niggers on whole are disgusting subhumans
ok so you concede some black people invented things you take for granted and you owe them thanks
Martin Cooper invented the cell phone. Name ONE technological invention that came out of sub-Saharan Africa. The vast majority of these black invention myths came from America where usually a negro was helping a White man around his work area.
Show us what niggers created when left to their own devices with zero input of help from Europeans.
Of course, if you concede that even a broken clock is right twice a day, that any nigger of consequence ever was a half breed with white in them, and that you are a dumb nigger
lmfao dumb ass white boy cucks btfo. Modern America would be without fucking light bulbs in 2017 if it wasn't for blacks.
>Show us what niggers created when left to their own devices with zero input of help from Europeans.
Flaming tire necklaces.
black egyptians invented mathematics
I know there was this we wuz kangz meme but in all seriousness do you really think the ancient african civilization was white?
How pathetic of a specie do you have to be that literally jews have to make propaganda telling the world what you allegedly contributed? If it were true it would be self evident.
Too bad black people didn't invent good quality audio for youtube videos.
I'll just leave this here.
Jews who brought them into this?
Ancient Egyptians were not Negroids.
we are small proportion of the country we are killed disproportionately or do you not understand that
How so they have paintings and sculptures the sculptures had negroid hair
Did I give you a good laugh user? How about actually explaining how the egyptians weren't black instead of saying we wuz kangz and going back to your pathetic life
>implying blacks could volcanise rubber or refine diesel/petroleum
Oliver Evans
You wuz kangz n shieeeeet
Because those depictions, if they even exist, were of their black slaves. It's real simple, if Ancient Egyptians were black why are they an Arab/Berber type people today? Where did the "kangz" go?
he patented it which is different than inventing.
Black people were so pushed down that usually they needed to give their inventions to whites and they patented it giving the black brainac table scrapes for it
They are in their tombs after the civilization died due to white murderers and people there today are still very dark with a lot of african blood
African blood eh? Definitely has HIV...
Anyone have the picture of the "black inventors" list with them individually debunked?
Doesn't exist I bet
Nobody "invented" mathematics more than Newton invented gravity. It's there and it was developed, if not by one person in one place then by another one somewhere else
self promoting eh?
>Latimer only improved the lightbulb filament
>Miles only invented the auto open/close function of an elevator
>Sampson co-patented the battery of a cellphone, not the cellphone itself
>Who even uses eggbeaters? Use a fucking fork
>The correct name is Carrington, not Warrington. I'll give him this one, because I can't be bothered enough to find details on a guy whose bio doesn't exist
>Standard improved but did not invent the fridge
>Potato chip was created by accident, by his sister
>Fair enough, but scoopman's actual name was Cralle, not Craille
>J Ross Moore: actually correct
>"improved" the fountain pen, not invented
>Morgan did not invent the first traffic signal
>has to purposely make someone a shitty driver to prove a point
weird how after a country is destabilized by monsters health care deteriorates
So ya we invented that or critical parts of it
gtfo leaf
You also commit crimes disproportionately, which leads to police profiling blacks more, which leads to more encounters, which obviously leads to more incidents.
Stop robbin n sheeeit
I used to have it, I just lost it.
No, you didn't. There was a single device blacks vastly improved on, out of the 7 or so claimed.
Eat shit nigger
"lost it" sure thing nigger
wow that is offensive really got me
It's just bantz bro chill with the sarcasm
Though canadians were supposed to be nice
Somebody slip this guy a banana
Lewis Latimer invented the carbon filament in 1881 or 1882?
English chemist/physicist Joseph Swan experimented with a carbon-filament incandescent light all the way back in 1860, and by 1878 had developed a better design which he patented in Britain. On the other side of the Atlantic, Thomas Edison developed a successful carbon-filament bulb, receiving a patent for it (#223898) in January 1880, before Lewis Latimer did any work in electric lighting. From 1880 onward, countless patents were issued for innovations in filament design and manufacture (Edison had over 50 of them). Neither of Latimer’s two filament-related patents in 1881 and 1882 were among the most important innovations, nor did they make the light bulb last longer, nor is there reason to believe they were adopted outside Hiram Maxim’s company where Latimer worked at the time. (He was not hired by Edison’s company until 1884, primarily as a draftsman and an expert witness in patent litigations).
Alexander Miles in 1887?
Was Miles the first to patent a self-closing shaft door?
Steam-powered hoisting devices were used in England by 1800. Elisha Graves Otis’ 1853 “safety elevator” prevented the car from falling if the cable broke, and thus paved the way for the first commercial passenger elevator, installed in New York City’s Haughwout Department Store in 1857. The first electric elevator appeared in Mannheim, Germany in 1880, built by the German firm of Siemens and Halske. A self-closing shaft door was invented by J.W. Meaker in 1874 (“Improvement in Self-closing Hatchways,” US Patent No. 147,853). See Elevator Timeline: web.archive.org
>Cellular phone
Henry T. Sampson in 1971?
On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a “gamma electric cell” that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output (Among the first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964). What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multiculturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words “electric” and “cell” and thought “cell phone.”
The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.
>Egg Beater
Willie Johnson in 1884?
The hand-cranked egg beater with two intermeshed, counter-rotating whisks was invented by Turner Williams of Providence, Rhode Island in 1870 (US Patent #103811). It was an improvement on earlier rotary egg beaters that had only one whisk.
John Stanard in 1891?
Stanard’s patent describes not a refrigeration machine, but an old-fashioned icebox — an insulated cabinet into which ice is placed to cool the interior. As such, it was a “refrigerator” only in the old sense of the term, which included non-mechanical coolers. Elkins created a similarly low-tech cooler, acknowledging in his patent #221222 that “I am aware that chilling substances inclosed within a porous box or jar by wetting its outer surface is an old and well-known process.”
I'd gladly go a day without peanutbutter, gangrape, and black on white violence. Where do I sign up?
>Pencil sharpener
John Lee Love in 1897?
Bernard Lassimone of Limoges, France invented one of the earliest sharpeners, receiving French patent number 2444 in 1828. An apparent ancestor of the 20th-century hand-cranked sharpener was patented by G. F. Ballou in 1896 (US #556709) and marketed by the A.B. Dick Company as the “Planetary Pencil Pointer.” As the user held the pencil stationary and turned the crank, twin milling cutters revolved around the tip of the pencil and shaved it into a point.
Love’s patent #594114 shows a variation on a different kind of sharpener, in which one would crank the pencil itself around in a stirring motion. An earlier device of a similar type was devised in 1888 by G.H. Courson (patent #388533), and sold under the name “President Pencil Sharpener.”
Here are several other examples of 19th century sharpeners:
Early Mechanical Pencil Sharpeners web.archive.org
Mechanical Pencil Sharpener Gallery ~ 1884-1899 web.archive.org
>Fountain Pen
W. B. Purvis in 1890?
The first reference to what seems to be a fountain pen appears in an Arabic text from 969 AD; details of the instrument are not known. A French “Bion” pen, dated 1702, represents the oldest fountain pen that still survives. Later models included John Scheffer’s 1819 pen, possibly the first to be mass-produced; John Jacob Parker’s “self-filling” pen of 1832; and the famous Lewis Waterman pen of 1884 (US Patents #293545, #307735). Early History of the Fountain Pen web.archive.org
>Traffic light
Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923?
The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire’s two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge’s system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts’ 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.
Garrett Morgan’s cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it “automatic” as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal. web.archive.org
>Blood Bank
Dr. Charles Drew in 1940?
During World War I, Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of “banked” blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term “blood bank.” See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks. web.archive.org
Don't need it, don't have failing testosterone like the white race. How bout you shove one up your ass? But then again you probs already do that
Yeah what would we ever do without peanut butter
Hmmmmm thanks for more reasons to hate niggers
>being this hostile over a vegetable
I thought chimps loved bananas
Is all of pol so easily baited now?
A day without blacks doesn't sound so bad
Honestly ya
I hope so. I left after the meme election when I realized it was flooded by normies and betas. I came back after I realized they would all be easy to bait
Right off the bat, Lewis Latimer didn't invent filament. He introduced a way to better produce carbon-based filaments in lightbulbs.
good god.
What white guy taught that nigger what he knew?
Sounds like niggers are really stupid, gullible, mouthbreathing retards, w/o any agency of their own.
I mean I find this retard chimp video post it with a pick of a black guy put on the retarded black power flag and start bullshitting everything making a thread so ridiculous niggers wouldn't fall for it with ther 59 iq and instantly passionate Sup Forumsacks fall for it. I'm a bit insulted I passed for black so easily do I type like a chimp?
black inventions:
>peanut buttuh
>degenerate music
>literally nothing else
honestly don't talk about blacks being gullible at this point. I'm not a chimp but man my western brothers fell hard for this bait.
Did you hear about that study that said that blacks' blood pressure drops when they move into a more 'integrated' (more white), from a more 'segregated' (black) area? Yeah, even blacks would rather be around whites.
Now they just say 'segregated', but they mean 'black', because later on they say that more integrated areas have better economic opportunities, too.
Look out, we're soon going to be easing life for blacks, /even more/, by creating an orderly environment for them.
nice one kek. but I actually started the we wuz kangz rhetoric and no one called bait Sup Forums I'm disappointed
>pathetic lives
What do you spend my hard earned taxes on, Toby?
Yep you got me fucking newfag
>African healthcare
The only doctors in Africa are the naive white people that go over to help and end up murdered and cannibalized.
>can't refute video
Just google it like he said. Most that stuff was not invented by a black man. Dryer, llightbulb, and wtf is an improved fountain pen? lol this shit is dumb as hell nigger
>We took some other peoples ideas and made them a little different or better so we invented it.
> we are killed disproportionately
Not by the police, they kill more white people.
Yes by your own people. Black people kill a disproportionate amount of Black people
blacks did not invent the modern elevator. The video is pure lies.
Don't work in law enforcement, absence of niggers wouldn't negatively affect me.
I work at a bar/pool hall. We would lose all of our non-tipping customers if there were no niggers. We wouldn't have such a strict dress code and there would virtually no fights or drinks spilled on our $5000 Diamond pool tables. Niggers aren't even good at pool, I would kill for a day without them.