British Antifa here. Ask me anything.
British Antifa here. Ask me anything
>this thread again.
don't forget to sage this slide thread
>no arm hair
>wears black
>pathetic forearms
You call yourself a man? Let alone a British man!
I see you flipped your pic around this time. That'll be sure to bring in the (yous).
You know you can be traced through image metadata, right?
Fuck off nigger. That's not you, this thread was here yesterday.
>recovering anorexic general
kek yeah! Fight fascism while wearing a hat and clothing created by National Socialists
LMAOing at ur life
What's the most based forearm exercises for guaranteed gains?
I'm trying to gain some thicc in my wrists and forearms just like OP
Is the balaclava to hide your neck beard?
Hate to say it man, but if you got thin wrists, you're more or less stuck with them. I got thin wrists and hands, and I fucking hate it. No matter how strong I get, if I wear a long sleeve it looks like I'm a skinny fuck.
Can you even fight you little pussy?
Do you work for NeoLiberals and Jews?
1 Post by this ID
Instantaneous sage
Lol dyel babby. Saged
AHHHA! I met you in Lincon! You followed the police around like a little fag! FUCKING OUTED
When are you gonna grow up?
What the fuck is /pal/?
How is it like to live in a irony of your group was
a private police made by Mussolini?
antifa don't wear skull balaclavas.
only trump wanna-be military types wear that shit.