>Evidence that Political Leanings are often hereditary.
>Right leaning massively out breeding Left leaning.
>Conclusion: Our Grandchildren will be living in a white ethno state.
>Evidence that Political Leanings are often hereditary.
>Right leaning massively out breeding Left leaning.
>Conclusion: Our Grandchildren will be living in a white ethno state.
This probably also explains why conservative women tend to be more beautiful than liberal women.
>Conclusion: Our Grandchildren will be living in a white ethno state.
count me in
Well, liberals are the ones who now shame all things masculine and heteronormative, so it makes sense that they'd be terrible at procreating.
Sounds like wishful thinking. This would imply Cthulhu swims right. We all know that's not true.
No, Paco. Fix your country, first.
Mexico City has a shitload of white people. So he could be legit.
Why do you think they're mass-importing Hispanics and Muslims?
They know their old stock is dying, and they want to swamp ours with even more fecund outsiders.
>Stupid people outbreed intelligent people, as has been the case throughout history
Who would've thunk it
this. the wall just got 10ft higher, Paco
How dare they co opt the ecw logo. Ecw was based as fuck.
It's true that conservatives outbreed liberals, most definitely. But liberals also rely heavily on other methods to shore up support, like indoctrinating the youth from a young age and importing voters to LARP as Americans.
>self indulgent
Gee I wonder why.
Though there's a lot of Mexicans that won't stop breeding so that doesn't mean we'll be left alone
You may have an IQ of 250 but if you choose not to replicate your genes (life's only known objective purpose) than you're a failure and shouldn't be considered smart.
>vote early and vote often
liberal credo
they're already losing, and hard. Even latinos are becoming more and more conservative as time goes on.
latinos are becoming more conservative.
Are you saying that tesla and newton were dumbasses who contributed nothing to mankind?
This is true of white people, unfortunately liberals win elections by giving gibs to niggers and minorities, who aren't really "liberal" but will vote for leftists and also have 8-9 kids
>Conclusion: Our Grandchildren will be living in an arab ethno state.
>contributed nothing
no, but their genes are gone. Instead of many Teslas we have a bunch of idiots win electric gizmos
Why white people won't ever "go extinct". If you think we'll go extinct you're deluded.
Fedoras and SJWism are being outbred by religious conservatism, because both atheism and modern liberalism discourages having lots of children, or if they do they only have 1-2 like the cucks they are.
I'm saying that in all their greatness they failed to achieve life's only known objective purpose, which is replicating your genes.
If someday we learn that harnessing the power of electricity was one of man's objective purposes, than he wouldn't be considered a genetic failure. But as of now, yes, he is a genetic failure and if it was a conscious choice to not have kids than in all his genius he chose to do the stupidest thing you could possible do, and choosing stupid ain't smart.
Liberals are puppets of globalist agendas
I don't call them sjw's, I call them vmhc's. Vicious man-hating cunts.
>>Right leaning massively out breeding Left leaning.
Tell that to mudslimes and spics
The Rural and Suburban people the left loves to make fun of will outbreed them, thats why they have to import niggers and hajis to beat them out since they refuse to have any kids. Some of the families in the church that I go to have as many as 6 to 7 kids and the minister encourages young people to get married and "have as many kids as God wants them to have"
The kikes just want a group of savages to lord over, not wholesome families.
Not only that but any child they have with more than 100 IQ will grow up to be very resentful of all the retardation in a leftist environment.
Whites will not disappear, but we will be stripped down to our most tribal, xenophobic core members. The only whites in the future will be the ones whose parents were predisposed to extreme discrimination.
Mudslimes (in their natural environment) are uber conservative.
Indian blood free mexicans are a myth. They are ALL mestizos
>latinos are becoming more conservative.
Spics are collectivist to a fault. They will always vote blue if the possibility of gibs exists
If you're white and you read this, make sure to have a minimum of 4 white children when you're older. I don't care if this seems out of your imagination right now and if you're a neet faggot. 4 children minimum but the more, the better. Every white newborn counts. This is literally one of our last hopes - to raise awareness of the importance of breeding in order to secure the existence and a future for white children.
Of course they are
Liberals are evolutionary failures, their ideology is self-defeating.
My family was safely left wing until the common political climate became if you're further right or more libertarian than Stalin, you must be a Nazi. Now everyone votes for the moderate right wing party.
How do you vote left even as a leftie when every word out of a feminists mouth is in some way hypocritical? How do you continue when you know how against your self interests the contemporary left is?
They're actually oddly left wing, it comes from their fatalism. They believe big daddy Allah is basically going to run their life for them, so they're not opposed to getting western governments to run their life for them.
Which actually reflects their poor foresight, so white males are evil today, are you sure Arab males won't be considered evil tomorrow?
They're still fucking faggots, though. Smart people should be obliged to donate their sperm to a sperm bank.
Then why are almost all white liberals the children of white conservatives? Is it the schools? The media?
The hint is in the name, you faggots.
The belief in Social Justice implies (or even out right states) they are socialist morons.
>Then why are almost all white liberals the children of white conservatives?
Source? This is definitely not true in my experience.
That sounds like a decent solution to the super smart celibates, don't need to have children but you still pass down your genes.
Should someone with high predisposition to schizophrenia pass down their genes? I'm a sociopath schizoid, my father started talking to imaginary friends not long after I was born and it seems my great grandfather was also a schizo.
There are plenty of factors which go into whether someone identifys left or right.
What the article says is that genes play a much bigger role in this process than we ever thought.
But yeah, you can end up opposite of your parents(I'm libertarian; both rents are socialist) due to a variety of social factors.
Political correctness will die eventually, and libertarians will win, because reason wins more arguments than fallacy. Wait ten years, and 90 percent of white hs kids will have shaved heads.
No serás bienvenido allí
yeah, the libs are becoming class conscious
Especially sociopaths. We need warriors.
Lol, no. The white liberals are the hellspawn of indulgent boomer hippy generation who spent their lives going to swingers parties instead of raising their kids with actual values.
Yes, that's why they are openly fighting socialism/communism in their countries. For once, Jeb is right.
this is why they want adoption and why they try to move so fast and get so much insane stuff done that redpills people, they have no choice.
>if the possibility of gibs exist
and what happens when that doesn't happen?
They're christian, homophobic, racist, etc.
The only reason they go left is because immigration, without that they have no reason to be democrats.
Yes. Sociopaths often make excellent leaders.
And the lack of empathy is a useful counter to the overrated compassion of the left wing.
But the Schizoid part means you probably wouldn't want that role.
give us berserker babies to unleash upon the barbaric hordes.
Fags defacing the ECW logo
Are they trying to appropriate wrestling culture?
That is a lower class white man's culture
Bump. I hope I am blessed to live long enough to see the ethno-state
No because niggers will vote liberal for gibs.
no you fucking subhuman shitskin. your people are garbage and you're worse than niggers for america.
mexico is a fucking hellhole filled to the core with corrupt subhumans. you're low iq garbage that can never be equal with whites. only europe, asia, and the middle east ever had real civilization. your people are fucking animals like niggers. at niggers can run and jump though meanwhile you shitsheads just breed like rats
No one will ask the child, if the parents are aware of the kikerys of liberalism and anti authoritarian education. If the cild gets raised as a warrior, it will hopefully enter an armed force before the shizoohrenia breaks out, fight for his country, hopefully creates another warrior, and becomes a seer when the "illness" breaks out
Which is weird because SJWs would be absolutely livid about how ECW tends to treat women (IE they get beat up just as often by the men)
Well, thinking about it, I guess we really do need more people with this itch to kill I have. If the world stays this cucked and pacifist I'll end up an heroing sooner or later but if the narrative changes and white people start to embrace violence I shall be one of the first out there shooting niggers and the like.
It's funny seeing you say that, I hate having to be the one leading. I'd much rather be the lone wolf or follow someone competent enough but somehow almost always end up having to take the lead due to sheer inability of my peers, be it at work, videogames or whatever.
what happens is south america. what happens is 3rd world subhumans who never added anything to civilization and will never amount to anything. why the fuck does america need to welcome a bunch of low iq subhumans.
mudslimes, niggers, and everybody else is "christian", homophobic, racist, and etc. those are qualities of low intelligence subhumans dumb fuck. if that was so important than africa and all you shitskins wouldn't be living like animals
Before you wish for a future without leftists just because of a few college SJWs, be aware that, unless your parents are richfags, the only reason your childhoods weren't pic related is because of leftism.
They would approve of the lesbian angle, but then see tommy dreamer as a rapist
Thats the spirit. Just don't try to get baited into doing an hero muslim style. Whites, even those with cracks in their brains are able to think, plan and execute.
Retrospectically I would wish I had such a childhood instead of being sheltered like the young Buddah. Now go jizz on a bird Pedro.
sjw stands for self hating whites right?
I know just blowing yourself to kill a bunch of innocent people sends a shitty message, if I decide it's time to go I'll be sure to at least try to take some important figure to (((them))) and I'm very lucky to have a friend with a similar mindset.
You're confusing his autism.
Schizoid is seperate from Schizophrenia (they really need to change the name of one of them.)
Schizophrenics is a cluster of symptoms usually including delusional thinking, paranoia and psychotic episodes.
Schizoid is a personality disorder which means one prefers being alone to the point that they'd never seek the company of others if it wasn't a part of everyday life.
It's not to be confused with AntiSocial or Social Anxiety. Many Schizoids are actually very well adjusted regarding social interaction,many even quite pleasant and popular, they just don't seek it out and don't experience loneliness
Why do you think they all go for the teaching positions?
Both of them were a bit off in the head too.
I appreciate what they did, but seriously they weren't prime examples of "well balanced"
Nigger, Kek and possible happening in all honour, but if you are already two with the right mind set, why not training a third, a fourth... We are not gone win by two anons with a plan taking out a puppet, they get massed priduced, and even based Breivik just managed to give them a slap on the wrist. There is a need for an army. I guess we will already fight, but the important battles will be fought by our children, not us. Our battle is to have children and break the jewish mindset for that they are ready.
My bad. Sounds like a great scout
You're full of shit.
Atheism doesn't have dogma, let alone any preaching of "only have like 2 bro.
It's why they're importing leftists. Without immigrants and second generations, the left would collapse in America within twenty years.
Voting Dem is the FINAL, TRUE, red pill.
You can't argue with effectiveness. Progressive gun control, has done more to destroy black communities, than CRACK!!
We've got George "The Golden Gasser" Soros himself, funding BLM while blacks kill each other, and Hamas to kill Israelis...you guys better get in on this shit. Everyone knows we're the REAL racists and Nazis.
SOCIALISM FOREVER!! There are something like 20 Haitian families, homeless, just so I can drive German Engineering. Get in on this shit...we pretend to be on their side....AND THEY BELIEVE IT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
We even have a petition to put drive-thru abortion clinics on every corner in the Ghetto, right next to the liquor stores and crack houses; we already make deliveries there...several birds, one stone...
As a woke social justice warrior, I am afraid I must insist Mexico, Islam, and all of South America, pay restitution immediately.
We will no longer tolerate your brown privilege, towards other POC.
If you don't know about brown privilege, then you probably have it.
You guys owe reparations. Mexico's wealth (lmao) is based on slavery.
That's a LOT of pesos, pendejos.
we're the ones keeping minorities in check...shit we've got Jews, nigs AND Muslims, all killing each other, BUT STILL VOTING FOR US!!
We'll have these niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.
Underrated post.
I live in a city with a large Hispanic pop,at work they see a Hispanic girl with a black dude they get super pissed and say more racist shit than I would ever hear a white dude say. And gays are no different.
There is a correlation between Atheism and low birth rates.
Birth rates are the lowest where atheism is the highest.
And a prevelence of Atheism in States is a new phenomena, it's only been in the last few decades
And the birth rates have come to an all time low in those states.
I'm an Atheist myself, and correlation doesn't mean causation, but data is data and this one seems to be inferring we Atheists may unfuck ourselves out of existence kek
>mudslimes and spics
Both are religious conservatives.
>They're actually oddly left wing
Only out of convenience. They are more than happy to take handouts but that's it. Their religious practices indicate that they are conservative.
Atheism does not have dogma? I thought that was what science was?
"I have all the answers to where the universe came from, what's best for everyone, where we have been and where we're going. Who me? No I'm not religious."- Atheists, Satanists, Communists, New Agers, Occultists, Scientists, etc, etc, etc...there seems to be a pattern here.
Communism is Atheism perfected. Natsoc is religion perfected...and they both suck balls.
You are absolutely right about that, I'm already trying my best to keep on living, got back to lifting and started reading more after I started visiting Sup Forums this year but I just can't trust my brain to stay at a healthy non suicidal state. Always been kinda depressed my whole life and was basically pic related for the last 2 years after the job fired me and a bunch of people to hire minorities and women and I had hundreds of applications denied even from fucking McDonalds for no discernible reason which forced me into being a NEET cuck after I gave up trying. I hope the anger that fills my soul whenever I look at the state of this world, whenever there's a happening and people go "not all shitskins" and this economic slavery imposed on us by the kikes will keep me motivated to do something for my people.
No. It'll be living in sandnigger and spicville and the whites will be living in the trailer parks breeding with them.
Poverty correlates much more with reproduction.
Latinos aren't much worse than whites, and still better than asians.
Like, Beaners are above and beyond niggers in all areas of life. Not to mention a lot of South America is in rough condition for environmental reasons, even their lower IQs fall into the "Environmental Margin" (lower on circumstance, not genetics like with blacks)
Culturally Latinos are white, they speak a European Language, worship a European Religion, and enjoy European Sports. Latinos are whiter than white liberals, and that's really saying something.
You're right, we're not all equal, but neither are they. Latinos aren't 3rd world subhumans, they're comparable to eastern europeans honestly.
They're not white, and I'd prefer them stay in their own countries, but if I had to choose between latinos or muslims I'd choose latinos without a second thought.
exactly, they're not shitty people, they're waaaay better than niggers and goat fuckers, not as smart as asians but also not antpeople like asians.
>Their religious practices indicate that they are conservative.
I actually think not.
In the 70s/80s the Soviets tried to create Islamic socialism but failed because they realised it still wouldn't mend Soviet/Middle-Eastern relations because that's still a west/Islam relationship. Regardless, judging by the success of Islamic socialists and some of the underlying actually positive things about Islam, like forced charity that Muslims are commanded to give but rarely do, are actually very left wing. Islamist sharia law states could be an example of natural, pre-Marxist authoritarian extreme left wing states.
Regardless, that only gives another reason the left has islamophilia. Otherwise, the only right wing cultures are ones known for industriousness and probably self sufficiency too, both of which go hand in hand. Maybe high intelligence as well? Intelligent people in general have a lot to gain in right wing societies, which intelligent people know, so if they're self interested too.
Arabs in general don't fit this. Neither do most people, the only interesting case are Irish people who don't fit this at all and retain a lot of right wing areas in the countryside.
>that's why they are openly fighting socialism/communism in their countries
All time great post.
If nothing is done to change the current situation we will be mixed out certainly.
PROTIP: latinos only fight against communism when we have run out of other people's money
otherwise we worship Guevara and vote for lefties
My friend. I feel you. I do. I've experienced similar.
But, you're white. You're the closest thing to an angel God has ever created.
Do not let (((them))) win by killing yourself.
You're better than them and you have a greater purpose than them.
They will voluntarily lick your bootheels someday soon, I promise.
You have natural white male instincts to dominate. With those instincts unexercised, it turns to depression.
The day is coming to exercise those instincts, and when you do, you will feel the opposite of depressed, you'll have infinite vitality.
This is our "Dark Night of the Soul" which comes right before the dramatic climax where we go back to our natural ruling state.
You need to make it through this dark night in order to experience the beautiful day.
Lifting is good, manual labour would be even better, after 10 hours lifting shit, and digging holes, there is no energy left to be depressed. Hell even if they pay you like a mexican, take the job and show that you are worth more ( or quit and get another the moment they neef you most if they shit on you) Dont make it to easy for them, we all know that feel of being betrayed by those who claim to be /our/ people. When I pass a shitskin or an SJW I have my knife in hand mentaly preparing to cut his throat the moment xhe makes a move that goes to far. But will I do it now? No, it wouldn't help me, nor my tribe, nor my child. I rather spread the anger in small doses to those unaware and those who get it, praying to God I might help a little bit to create a better future for our children. Stay strong sempai, and get a job, no matter how shitty, it will give you cashflow and help controling and growing the anger necessary to break the jewish institutions
I can't promise you anything but I will try my best in hopes that we can all be part of the final happening.
>are liberals a diying breed?
Homos cant reproduce, so, yes
>implying liberals will ever amount to Newton or Tesla
Sensibility =/= IQ
They mostly just use their high IQ's to come up with more mental gymnastics to support terrible ideas. Commies are pretty high in IQ but everyone knows it fails. Some Japanese researcher did research on this that was interesting. Basically the research showed that unusually high IQ people tend to support fanciful ideas that fall apart in the real world whereas people with intelligence closer to the average go with "tried and true" ideas that actually work.
Then there's the fact that their political correctness and vulnerability to peer pressure basically makes them drones that're useful for using that IQ to repeat what the media's told them.