Since this current divid is left wing vs right wing and less geographic where will the battle grounds of the up coming civil war occur. My guess is based Texas will be relatively untouched
Up coming civil war?
Colorado is split down the middle. If there is a Civil War, Colorado would be a bloodbath.
think a bunch of stoners could really put up that big of a fight?
Springs under siege by liberal hordes. How do we make this a reality?
Civil war 2 will be a race war
Screencap this
Stoners are all cali transplants. Denver and the surrounding mass is liberal; rest of the state is purple (vote stupid laws like weed lmao; dont fucking touch our guns or tax us---congress cant raise a tax without asking voters in an election).
Mountains would hold out in resistance, plainers would make moving through that hellhole a logistical nightmare just for the laughs. Denver would starve and the minorities would riot and destory it themselves.
>co lifer and pols masters student
stop larping civil war. you do not want war ever god damn idiots. war is terrible.
Its pretty much cities vs rural areas. I think it fair say that the left will hunted down in the majority of the country. Major battles will be in cities, the New England area, and most of the West Coast.
They are manchildren. They think the grinder will spare them because they are self-absorbed and don't recognize how fragile and important stability is.
Fuck I hate this place.
During a civil war it's likely Texas fights off an invasion from the South. Cartel led maybe.
Michigan being between Chicago and Detroit will be fun. Dearbornistan must burn early in
I live in the leftist stronghold of New England. Will I have to move elsewhere?
Or we just don't care. Better to die for a better world than live in a wretched one.
Gib independence
Come down to Louisiana. We may be the best off in the whole country in a civil war.
The civil war will be known as ww3 in the history books as we nuke the liberals into extinction.
No shit retard
Wanna share that totally viable solution for nonviolently dealing with the 100 million niggers and marxists who are dissolving the country regardless of what you want?
"war is terrible" wow what a hot take
probably because Louisiana is the asshole of america and its not worth anyones time
>dont fucking touch our guns
So much for that one eh?
Nobody stops you to be an hero
Cities get overrun by niggers and SJWs, Rural Areas fight for some Liberterian bullshit, and suburbs and White neighborhoods fight for the good guys that may or may not align with the rural.
War between close to even sides is terrible.
obligitory map
Precinct map will give a better representation.
The United States will collapse and give rise to the Pennsylvanian empire. First we combine forces with West Virginia and then together annex New Jersey and Ohio, parts of New York and Ohio and then invade and enslave the peoples of New England.
Texas would include Oklahoma, and Austin would be purged.
New Jersey and Marland*
As left as Austin is, cant see them as the Antifa types to participate in violence
>Texas will be untouched
>Has the third largest "Progressive" city after San Fran and Portland in Austin.
>Literal border state
>Fears that Texas would turn blue in 2016 were based on Democrats thinking lazy spics would actually vote
It'll be one of the major areas of a Left v Right civil war.
>Since this current divid is left wing vs right wing and less geographic where will the battle grounds of the up coming civil war occur. My guess is based Texas will be relatively untouched
Pic related is the only map that matters.
there's a difference between suicide and sacrifice, you petty child.
>no u
The tacocaust is already helping though
New Jersey here, many native New Jerseyans would support this, only new money New Yorkers and poor blacks would be the ones bugging out.
No shit you retard, but if it's the only way to return this nation to what it was meant to be then it doesn't matter how many people have to die to get us there.
If a civil war truly came to pass the left/right wing split would be more along the lines of the far left against people who believe in the rule of law and hate the grandstanding communist left. Even the democratic party would split. It would be more like a communist uprising than a civil war.
The young lads have no common enemy.
So we get a civil war.
Well yeah. The right hates muslims. The Neo-Cons hate Russia. The left hates the Neo-cons and the Right. This is what happens.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
At least half of the nigger population would be culled, so we would actually end up better than what we once were.
No, you will join forces with Northern New England and help us liberate the commie states of MA, CT, and RI.
Want to share a viable solution for violently dealing with them that doesn't result in total balkanization of the continent and the destruction of our infrastructure and world dominance?
Because, if you can't, good luck convincing people to join your cause.
I don't know the meaning or sources of that picture but I know that my state which has the second largest earthen dam in the world sells across the blue/yellow border.
Like pottery.
Who cares about world dominance right now. The US military is just an enforcement arm for international jewry.
Curious, does Sweden have more than any US state?
Colorado is going to be HUGE, whom ever gets that is going to have a clear path right up to all the nukes and nuke capable bombers in the northern plain states as well as NORAD.
The Liberals need Colorado more than the Conservatives. That is to say they will spend an enormous amount of resources to keep a ground route from the west coast to the east coast open. Ultimately I do not see them succeeding in the long run. A couple hundred well trained soldiers with good equipment, plenty of caches, and some sort of cover from the drones could hold off thousands!
Cities vs. country. John Titor was right.
Infrastructure can be repaired. World dominance can be reattained. But if the left doesn't willingly go back to the way the Founding Father's meant for this nation to be ran, then they leave no choice but violence.
>who cares
Massive and massive amounts of faggots in this country who prioritize their comfort over real principles.
Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on. I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off. And there's nothing special or exceptional about me. You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires. I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them. But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars. The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.. Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.
Civil War will be left(Black nationalist, Communists etc) vs Neocon government vs right(from an-caps to fascists)
But the South was run by Progressive Democrats.
A Civil War situation would be an exact repeat of the last Civil War: The Democrats get upset that the Republicans won't let them use brown people for slave labor, throw a hissy fit, and get put down.
I think this hold true for all blue states. I'll be the first to start killing niggers and libtards in ca
Our world dominance won't even be a thing in 5 years. Obama, congress, and sequestration have destroyed our military.
Do we hold the line, or organize a convoy North to punch through the Black Belt?
>We run the risk of being overrun
>Black Belt to the North
>Miami to the South
South Florida minorites are mostly White cubans
Pac NW WN here. You see we are cornered, we are going extinct. This is it. We either fight or we go extinct its that simple. If you want to back this down then give us an ethnostate. Otherwise we have no other option.
As for your boasting, progressives aren't shit either. Those things you mentioned aren't exclusive to you. If you want ruthless we have Vlad and Hitler so stop shooting your mouth off.
You really don't know texas, do you?
oh i'm afraid the shield generator will be quite operational in 5 years.
I doubt that, we're still way ahead of China. Which will probably collapse during the Trump era.
He's saying it will be a bloodbath, user.
those things happen in the 1800's, but Im glad you brought them up. Let that be a reminder to every person on the right of the depths liberals will go to in battle. and how much nastier we need to be, just remember the only way were going to avoid prosecution for war crimes is total victory.
>family in law enforcement
Law enforcement is overwhelmingly conservative
>I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off
You are the exception to the rule
>The south loses
The South was Democrats
Can't fucking wait.
All of the white people here, especially outside of the city, are armed to the teeth. We'll hold the spics off at Colorado Springs and drive them back to Mexico
We'll be a battleground between the white ethnostate to the north, the mexistate to the south, and possibly Texas.
>Which will probably collapse
Yeah man they've been on the verge of collapse for how many years now?
Meanwhile we've spent the last fucking two decades focusing 100% of our efforts on fighting ragheads with AKs. During that time Russia and China have both accelerated their modernization programs. We may still be the top dog right now, but our edge is eroding fast.
Black belt would be the biggest blood bath, which is where I live
it's not happening ever. if it did, then yes, texas is untouchable.
>implying we want to survive
nigga wat
Northern Michigan here, my condolences.
No, just lay low and learn what the fuck it means to operate
How to beat the left in under two weeks: cut off all the highways, railways, waterways to cities like Chicago, NYC and LA. Take over the airports and don't let anyone in or out. Starve the motherfuckers. For every leftist progressive that waves their dick in the air about serving in some third world shit hole, there are a handful more people on the right, that actually know something that you guys don't: ability means nothing, unless you know how you're going to win before hand. Oh, I expect progressives to be armed: progressive leftists in America are just like Chavestas, self righteous shits unless it concerns their own agenda. Yeah, no way you people on the left win a civil war scenario, you're too concentrated in urban areas that can easily be cut off and starved into submission.
Fellow Michigander here, have you got a plan for when the shit hits the fan?
The Founding Fathers were falliable, Jews and Blacks are not an existential threat to America, and you are a hysterical asshole that is okay with widespread destruction because you don't like people that don't look like you.
Go fuck a doorknob.
Nice pasta, m8. Stopped reading at "I used to skate." Just proves how much of a faggot you are.
Maybe ill be in college when it starts, in which there would be a million hicks with guns in between niggers and me
I think this and the west coast would be the biggest
Their debt is like 250% of GDP. Their activities in the SCS screams of desperation.
You haven't seen the commies at UT Austin? A bunch of what comes out of Austin is pure liberalism. It's mostly due to people moving there from Cali or New England.
It'll be over really fast.
Liberals are basically all crammed in a few small areas.
They don't know how to survive without their cushions.
I figured you could just move up to the UP, it seems like you could defend it pretty well, plus it's already mostly white so you could build it up as a new hub since Detroit will be a wasteland
It wouldn't be anything of the sort. Extreme leftism is looked down upon here - with a few rare exceptions. More likely would be an upsurge in secession talk... Texans identify as Texans more strongly than as Americans in the first place. Even if we didn't secede, we'd probably just fund red states and watch from the sidelines while btfo-ing any mexicans who cross the border.
>The Founding Fathers were falliable
They were pretty damn smart though, smartest group of people that ever put together a nation
>Jews and Blacks are not an existential threat to America
I know that. I believe in the same rights for every citizen.
I also believe in rights, something that the left-wing of this nation seems to believe less and less in as they try to take down the Constitution.
Debt don't mean shit. Their moves in the South China Sea is based on US weakness, not political desperation.
Probably head home (I'm away at college and will be for some time, but both home and college are in Northern Michigan), grab my guns, see to it that my family is safe, and go wherever I'm needed.
>Assuming the "civil war" would last longer than 30 minutes
>assuming a bunch of baristas with gender studies degrees and gibs would stand against the US military
>thinking this isn't exactly what the (((media))) wants because ratings are valued above all else
Any idiot who thinks they will overthrow the govt or even survive fighting against it deserves the bullets in their skull.
Yeah, that's a good plan. There's a mostly undefended national guard base with several helicopters near where I live, I figure I might hit that with the local guerillas before we retreat up north.
>How to beat the left in under two weeks: cut off all the highways, railways, waterways to cities like Chicago, NYC and LA. Take over the airports and don't let anyone in or out. Starve the motherfuckers. For every leftist progressive that waves their dick in the air about serving in some third world shit hole, there are a handful more people on the right, that actually know something that you guys don't: ability means nothing, unless you know how you're going to win before hand. Oh, I expect progressives to be armed: progressive leftists in America are just like Chavestas, self righteous shits unless it concerns their own agenda. Yeah, no way you people on the left win a civil war scenario, you're too concentrated in urban areas that can easily be cut off and starved into submission.
The infrastructure is a very weak point in the system's armor.
Case in point: several years ago someone was able to take out a power sub station with a high powered rifle and got away free and clear. Took the station down for a month or something.
Whoops you just killed the economy!
Good luck getting your opioid fix, Junebug!
True progressives will split off from the democrats when the regressive left truly rears its ugly head. Right now they're camouflaged beneath the idea that democrats are progressive and republicans are regressive. But as their true ideology comes more and more to the forefront of arguments you'll see your ideas begin to butt heads with theirs. What you're not understanding is that if Civil war 2 happens, it won't be between party lines, it will be between raw ideas.
Manhattan would be very easy to seige. Block the tunnels, bridges, and subway lines heading to the other boroughs
We would be flanked my Miami, Tampa, Orlando, and possibly Jacksonville. Best guess would to be consolidate our flanks and have the panhandle folks help the georgia and Alabama bros out while creating a choke point at the top of the pennisula. Once Florida is secured we can push North
Y'all barely made it through a thunderstorm. You're fucked if shit pops off.
This honestly
Smart people that didnt have the depth and breadth of information available to us now concerning economy, society and government. Rights are sacroscant, the Constitution is not. Rights were not given to us by the Constitution, the Constitution affirmed them. Do not encourage the destruction of this nation off of some misguided loyalty to a righteous but flawed document by righteous but flawed men.
Don't you think (((interests))) in Europe would resupply them from the sea? After all they'll be the multicultural beacon standing against evil whites