Africans cannot farm

sorry Sup Forums but you're showing your ignorance of the world again. Africans can farm - but have you ever tried to farm when there is the Tsetse fly?

Tsetse flies, through the cyclical transmission of trypanosomiasis to both humans and their animals, greatly influence food production, natural-resource utilization and the pattern of human settlement throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that the annual direct production losses in cattle alone amount to between US$6 000 million and $12 000 million, while animal deaths may reach 3 million.

Tsetse-transmitted trypanosomiasis is unique in that it has considerable impact over a vast area of some 9 million km2, where it so profoundly influences and distorts the patterns and density of agriculture that they are often contrary to the demand and the resource potential.

>"There's nothing that has made its mark on this continent as much as tsetse fly, tt's so subtle and invisible, and doesn't get in the news. But this is the reason why crop and livestock production are separate here.

>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."

>"There's nothing that has made its mark on this continent as much as tsetse fly," said Mr Kabayo. "It's so subtle and invisible, and doesn't get in the news. But this is the reason why crop and livestock production are separate here.

>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."

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Often some people claim that Rhodesia was some great producer of food, this is not really true. Zimbabwe produces more food now than back then but has always been a semi-arid country, it is like trying to farm in arizona or something like that.

This tiny white minority who got their land by throwing off African natives basically control the media and form most of the emmigrants from Zimbabwe so have managed to vilify Zimbabwe and Mugabe government. Bear in mind, Mugabe has lots of things to be critiqued for, like any government. However he also developed Zimbabwe into a modern nation from the backward state it previously was.

There is an an ancient African farming practice called ’zai’ in which you plant seeds in small holes and fill them with compost. The holes are then filled up with water during the rainy season, so they are able to retain moisture and nutrients during the dry periods. It is a technique that works even during droughts, and can be used for re-forestation. So yes, niggers know how to farm quite well you ignorant faggots.

its got a real pretty thorax

We built empires when you were still in caves. You stole the knowledge of farming from our people.

my, how the tables have turned

>However he also developed Zimbabwe into a modern nation from the backward state it previously was.


>Zimbabwe produces more food now than back then
Where is proofs

>niggers can't invent something as simple as netting to keep out flies

>whites can't more than a week without shooting up a school

>t. Angry nigger
At least whites go to school and don't shoot each other over shoes

They fucking bite you when you go near them, and they like to rest and wait around any woody stem or stalk.


Wow really? If only they had invented clothing that would stop bites from insects seeing as a fly is such a huge threat


The lack of ingenuity and the failure to conquer their environment speaks volumes about their innate inferiority.

Man conquers nature. To be defeated by it would make us just another animal.

What is the Mosquito.

>Wearing full clothing in 38c




>up to 2000

So why can't Zimbabwe feed itself?

>Ethnic groups inhabiting TseTse-suitable areas were less likely to use domesticated animals and the plow, less likely to be politically centralized, and had a lower population density. These correlations are not found in the tropics outside of Africa, where the fly does not exist. The evidence suggests current economic performance is affected by the TseTse through the channel of precolonial political centralization.


Now, imagine trying to farm in a place where one bite from this fly could literally kill you - and any attempts at agriculture, mixed agriculture or any form of this on a large scale literally invites more and more of the flies to prey on you, your people and your livestock.

>Mr. John Kabayo, who heads the Addis Ababa coordination office of the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC), says that the most challenging problem facing Africa remains rural poverty, which is intrinsically linked to food insecurity. "If you look at this disease," he told Africa Recovery, "you see that nothing has been more significant in the way it shaped the continent of Africa. It is because of tsetse that there are few horses in Africa, that we get a separation of crop and animal production, that there is no mixed farming."

>Can't have horses because flies instantly kill them
>Cattle are killed by the flies.

How does your civilisation advance if all forms of large livestock are killed by Tsetse flies?

Would Europe have advanced if it had no cows, horses or sheep? I don't think so.

Export value is not the same as productivity

The major drought of 1992 resulted in the highest ever import requirements, exceeding even the most dramatic predictions for this year. And there were other occasions too in the period from Independence to the 2000 land reform – in 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and earlier in 1980 and 1984. Each of these was associated with production collapses, due to multiple causes usually precipitated by drought.

With longer-term climate change impacts likely to result in greater rainfall variability, this is concerning, and suggests the need for more drought proofing policies.

>Zimbabwe is hit by crippling droughts in the period roughly after the dissolution of Rhodesia
>Nobody remembers the 2011 El Nino induced drought that destroyed Zimbabwe's agriculture

A strong drought in 1992 killed more than a million cattle and forced Zimbabwe, then a net food exporter, to import grain, and chronic hunger and poverty continue to afflict rural communities. In 2007, a hyperinflation crisis forced the government to abandon the local currency in favor of the U.S. dollar and South African rand. The episode channeled discontent with Mugabe through opposition parties such as the Movement for Democratic Change, and citizens mobilized in large protests.

The difference this time is the severity and scale at which all three are occurring simultaneously. Coupled with political infighting and Zimbabwe’s strained relationships with foreign partners, it has escalated the crisis to a boiling point.

White farmers succeeded in Africa. After they The took over the white farmers land they were too incompetent to produce at the same level and starved in combination with their incompetence of running a state

>blame A FUCKING FLY for being uncivilized
Top kek someone get this uk paki nigger out of here

Further evidenced by Africans begging white farmers to come back

Maybe if they tried selective breeding...

Niggers are more violent than whites.

It's genetic.

Sorry, not sorry.

>managed to vilify Zimbabwe and Mugabe government
May your most beloved person die in agony.

May you never find them in death.

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Maybe you should actually read some papers?

The TseTse fly is unique to Africa and transmits a parasite harmful
to humans and lethal to livestock. This paper tests the hypothesis that
the TseTse reduced the ability of Africans to generate an agricultural
surplus historically. Ethnic groups inhabiting TseTse-suitable areas
were less likely to use domesticated animals and the plow, less likely
to be politically centralized, and had a lower population density. These
correlations are not found in the tropics outside of Africa, where the fly
does not exist. The evidence suggests current economic performance
is affected by the TseTse through the channel of precolonial political
centralization. (JEL I12, N57, O13, O17, Q12, Q16, Q18)


>complain about shit white people do
>using a computer invented by a white guy
>using Internet invented by a white guy
>using image editing software invented by a white guy
>using a language made by white guys
really activates the almonds




The trend of recent research is pointing to a figure more like 45–50% of the European population dying during a four-year period. There is a fair amount of geographic variation. In Mediterranean Europe, areas such as Italy, the south of France and Spain, where plague ran for about four years consecutively, it was probably closer to 75–80% of the population. In Germany and England ... it was probably closer to 20%.


Yes, the Tsetse fly is well-know for being so scared of white people that it left Rhodesia and South Africa alone, and thus explains the disparity in efficiency in those countries.

k, now we can stop sending aid to africa. thanks for sorting yourselves out, niggers.

>falling for memes because you're utterly uneducated

>a fucking bug cucks entire Africa's farms/food production
Maybe they should actually rob or steal something that might aid them down there you know?
>niggers can't into bug spray

>The most immediate reason so many people face hunger is a severe drought linked to the worst El Nino to hit southern Africa in more than three decades. The weather phenomenon, also one of the strongest ever recorded globally, wilted harvests and dried wells throughout the region over the past year.

Are you stupid, ignorant or just both?


Zimbabwe doesn't have a problem with flies, it has a problem with drought.

Can you even geography?

>whites can farm
>Niggers starve as soon as whites leave
>Reee we can farm it's just
>Muhh tsetse flies
>muh drougght

Go to sleep nigger.
Noone buys this pathetic hamsterwheeling
You're subhuman.period

Not an argument.

>The economy of Zimbabwe shrunk significantly after 2000, resulting in a desperate situation for the country – widespread poverty and a 95% unemployment rate.[11] Zimbabwe's participation from 1998 to 2002 in the war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo set the stage for this deterioration by draining the country of hundreds of millions of dollars.[12] Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe was a major problem from about 2003 to April 2009, when the country suspended its own currency. Zimbabwe faced 231 million percent peak hyperinflation in 2008.[13] A combination of the abandonment of the Zimbabwe dollar and a government of national unity in 2009 resulted in a period of positive economic growth for the first time in a decade.

Y'know, El Nino and La Nina conditions hit Australia too, but I don't recall eating rats.

Yes, I just said it was scared of white people, thanks brother.

Wtf is this cringey shit jesus christ. Leafs aren't even this fucking bad.

If they really wanted to fucking farm they'd wipe out all the mother fucking flies with a modification of gene drive mutagenic chain reaction.

The real thing we should look into is their inability to build communities near clean water...

you seem to be selectively replying. Why don't you rebut this post

Yes because you can bug spray an area larger than fucking Europe

>in b4 DDT.

We all know how that one turned out.

>Ethnic groups inhabiting TseTse-suitable areas were less likely to use domesticated animals and the plow, less likely to be politically centralized, and had a lower population density.
So they acted less like man and more like just another animal.

The simple fact is: they did not conquer their environment. They lack the ingenuity that distinguishes humanity from the rest.

>but have you ever tried to farm when there is the Tsetse fly?
Just another reason why we should give up on africa.

Why don't they just eat the flies? Checkmate, atheists.

Story time!!!!!

>Zimbabwe, one of southern Africa's most prosperous countries, held great promise. Its Victoria Falls was one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Its gushing Zambezi River boasted wildlife and pulsing rapids. Its lush soil was the envy of a continent. And, though landlocked, the country had modernized sensibly: it had a network of paved roads, four airports, and, thanks to Mugabe's leadership, a rigorous and inclusive education system. Mugabe knew that whites drove the economy, and he was pragmatic. "Good old Bob," as white farmers quickly came to call him, kept his shoes and socks on, and urged reconciliation: "An evil remains an evil whether practiced by white against black or black against white," he said on the eve of independence. In a cordial meeting with Smith, Mugabe acknowledged that he had inherited the "jewel of Africa," and he vowed to keep it that way.

He said show him a source you stupid fucking chimp! There is no source for this graph.

Mugabe's disastrous policies have caused more ill for Zimbabwe than the white man.
Years of terrible drought have not helped this, neither has Mugabe getting into conflicts


meant for

You posted this yesterday. And what is pesticide?

Does the TseTse cover all of subsaharan Africa? Is that why Africans didn't domesticate any indigenous animals?

The bottom was superior. Ancient Egypt was a pathetic piece of shit.

It is spastic
How come niggers starve as soon as whites leave if blacks can farm?

Wipe them out or starve to death, if they won't solve the problem surely white men will later when they come for the wasted land that niggers couldn't handle.

>Swallowed up by a Queen Anne armchair, Smith, a bone-thin eighty-four-year-old, told me that all he ever wanted to do in life was manage his 4,000-acre farm, 220 miles southwest of Harare. He has run the farm since he returned from flying Spitfires for the British in World War II. He grows oranges and seed potatoes, and raises cattle. "I hope I don't sound arrogant," he said, "but you won't find a better-run piece of land." Smith insists that when Mugabe banned him from politics, in 1987, he was glad for the opportunity to return to full-time farming. But in Zimbabwe, where whites owned the finest farmland and most blacks remained dispossessed two decades after independence, politics and land became inseparable. A few days before my visit Smith was reading the morning newspaper when he came across a government notice listing the latest batch of farms designated for seizure by the state. His farm was among them.

Europe survived that and the spanish flu
Niggers cannot function and are starving because of a fucking fly and nigger incompetence

So explain why niggers outside of African also never managed to achieve anything either.

Explain why Europe went through several plagues that decimated entire populations but still managed to not only survive but flourish afterwards.

>For a man who had just learned that he would lose his livelihood, his passion, and his family home, Smith was strangely unflustered. Largely ignored since independence, he seems to have found in the blind bungling of Robert Mugabe's regime a grim redemption for white rule. "You can't imagine how many people come up to me and say, 'We didn't agree with you back then. We thought you were too rigid and inflexible. But now we see you were right. You were so right: they were not fit to govern.'"

why take the effort when a european or north american country will give your country free food to avoid the famines that happened in the 80's so you can continually breed exponentially without regard for ability to care for those kids because theyll just hop on a boat to europe or america and get a free life.

Rhodesia used to do it. At least the white Rhodesians turned their nation into Africa's breadbasket. Also, pests aren't uncommon at all in agriculture. It's not as simple as putting seeds into the ground. The plants and animals require tending and care. What's weird about this?

So how exactly did the colonies exhume all the evil from the tsetse fly by just showing up and enslaving niggers and leaving railroads and working nation states with armed military wings and better infrastructure than the British raj. All of which is forgotten I'm talking specifically about portugals stakes but really if you include Rhodesia and South Africa it's insane how places like Cape Town were simply never settled by Bantu and other tribes really makes you think.

>The country's economy in 1997 was the fastest growing in all of Africa; now it is the fastest shrinking. A onetime net exporter of maize, cotton, beef, tobacco, roses, and sugarcane now exports only its educated professionals, who are fleeing by the tens of thousands. Although Zimbabwe has some of the richest farmland in Africa, children with distended bellies have begun arriving at school looking like miniature pregnant women.

>How could the breadbasket of Africa have deteriorated so quickly into the continent's basket case? The answer is Robert Mugabe, now seventy-nine, who by his actions has compiled something of a "how-to" manual for national destruction. Although many of his methods have been applied elsewhere, taken as a whole his ten-step approach is more radical and more comprehensive than that of other despots. The Zimbabwe case offers some important insights. It illustrates the prime importance of accountability as an antidote to idiocy and excess. It highlights the lasting effects of decolonization—limited Western influence on the continent and a reluctance by African leaders to criticize their own. And it offers a warning about how much damage one man can do, very quickly.

why do they (the africans) live there then?

The U.N. aid workers have no trouble setting up farms by utilizing the tools the people have at their disposal.
>here is an an ancient African farming practice called ’zai’ in which you plant seeds in small holes and fill them with compost. The holes are then filled up with water during the rainy season, so they are able to retain moisture and nutrients during the dry periods. It is a technique that works even during droughts, and can be used for re-forestation.
Why don't they do this anymore?
Also didn't hear that they just sell their productive land to the unproductive in hopes that it's the land not the person which makes things work?


>Mr. John Kabayo, who heads the Addis Ababa coordination office of the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC), says that the most challenging problem facing Africa remains rural poverty, which is intrinsically linked to food insecurity. "If you look at this disease," he told Africa Recovery, "you see that nothing has been more significant in the way it shaped the continent of Africa. It is because of tsetse that there are few horses in Africa, that we get a separation of crop and animal production, that there is no mixed farming."

The campaign to eradicate these insects is lead by a black man.

>Africans fail at civilization and agriculture
>it's not their fault they can't farm, its because of the fly!
>actually they can farm super well even through droughts and the fly is irrelevant now?
>but as soon as the white people were kicked out they all started starving
>drought! it was because of the drought! even though their super agriculture techniques are immune to droughts

so which is it?

>whites are superior
>1 billion of us are getting kept in line by 14 million jews, who are tricking us into acting gay and killing each other


>Pat Ashton, a stocky, white-haired fifty-five-year-old farmer, stops in at least twice a month. Ashton grew up in Cheshire, England, and moved to Rhodesia in 1971. Trusting Mugabe's moderate rhetoric, he made a down payment on a farm the year after independence. It took him two decades to pay back his loans, but in 2001 he finally did so. The Ashton farm grew mangoes, tobacco, maize, and flat peas, grossing about $800,000 annually. His workers didn't earn enough to buy their own land ("I probably could have done more to make them self-sufficient," he admits), but he did build them a village of some ninety houses, a social hall, a football field, and a medical clinic. Ashton reinvested virtually all of his surplus in the farm.

>In July of 2001 about fifty people who lived in the nearby town arrived on his land. Most were miners, and they were led by three officials from the Mugabe government. The group began surveying Ashton's property and marking out plots for homes. The next six months were a constant battle. The settlers returned and erected makeshift thatch huts in the middle of Ashton's maize and tobacco fields. They dug up his maize crops, beat up his farm workers, and removed and bent his irrigation pipes. Still Ashton hung on, living in his farmhouse and planting and harvesting what he could. In January of 2002 four trucks arrived, containing youth militia and men claiming they were veterans of the liberation war collecting their reward for service. This time the invaders attacked Ashton, with steel rods and an ax, cutting him in the forearm and badly damaging his pickup truck as he tried to escape. They held two of his sons hostage for a day, threatening to execute them and making them chant songs in praise of the ruling party. As the invaders carted away all the Ashton family's transportable belongings—from crockery to toilet seats—the police watched with amusement and then decided to join in.

That graph doesn't show the upward trend you tried to show off in the previous graph.Also something to note is that both seem to omit the rhodesian years.

>flies kill you up in certain locations
Fucking move somewhere else then. Africa isn't full to the brim with niggers

Yes lets just up and move thousands of miles without horses

>the story of his eviction is fairly typical. In 2000, about 4,000 large-scale commercial farmers owned some 70 percent of Zimbabwe's arable land. Nearly two thirds of these farmers had bought their farms after independence, and thus held titles issued not by Ian Smith or the British colonial regime but by the Mugabe government. Mugabe had long pledged land reform as a way of redistributing farmland to black peasants and dismantling what many saw as the country's "mini-Rhodesias." But he had delayed action for two decades, generally taking farms only on a "willing seller, willing buyer" basis.

>Mugabe decided on what he called "fast-track land reform" only in February of 2000, after he got shocking results in a constitutional referendum: though he controlled the media, the schools, the police, and the army, voters rejected a constitution he put forth to increase his power even further. A new movement was afoot in Zimbabwe: the Movement for Democratic Change—a coalition of civic groups, labor unions, constitutional reformers, and heretofore marginal opposition parties. Mugabe blamed the whites and their farm workers (who, although they together made up only 15 percent of the electorate, were enough to tip the scales) for the growth of the MDC—and for his humiliating rebuff.

>So he played the race card and the land card. "If white settlers just took the land from us without paying for it," the President declared, "we can, in a similar way, just take it from them without paying for it." In 1896 Africans had suffered huge casualties in an eighteen-month rebellion against British pioneers known as the chimurenga, or "liberation war." The war that brought Zimbabwean blacks self-rule was known as the second chimurenga. In the immediate aftermath of his referendum defeat Mugabe announced a third chimurenga, invoking a valiant history to animate a violent, country-wide land grab.

Yeah, because it's definitely the White schools with the metal detectors and off duty cops.

Regardless of what anyone here says

We are coming for Europe. We are going to take back what you have stolen from us.
You will not be laughing soon. Soon the whip hand shall be held by us.

In order to claim someone's point isn't an argument, it actually has to not be an argument. Stop being a nigger

>We all know how that one turned out.
tell me how many people died from DDT, go ahead

How the hell did whitey pull it off in Rhodesia then?

tldr: niggers be noggin'

Caucasoids was walking on 4 legs until we tot them how 2 walk on 2.

Time to dust off the ovens then?

I find it hilarious how shills always avoid posts that don't fit their narrative.If you weren't just a mindless troll you would take the chance to improve your arguments but instead you just repost the same tired arguments that have been debunked already.

>Initially, the farmers held their ground, but it became clear after several white farmers were murdered that they were too few and Mugabe's regime was too determined. Of the 4,000 large-scale commercial farmers in business three years ago, all but 500 have been forced off their land. Most Zimbabweans (including white farmers) say that land reform was both necessary and inevitable. The tragedy of Mugabe's approach is that it has harmed those whom a well-ordered, selective redistribution program could and should have helped. Generally the farms have not been given to black farm managers or farm workers. Indeed, because of their association with the opposition, more than a million farm workers and their dependents have been displaced, and they are now at grave risk of starvation. In fact, the beneficiaries of the land seizures are, with few exceptions, ruling-party officials and friends of the President's. Although Mugabe's people seem to view the possession of farms as a sign of status (the Minister of Home Affairs has five; the Minister of Information has three; Mugabe's wife, Grace, and scores of influential party members and their relatives have two each), these elites don't have the experience, the equipment, or, apparently, the desire to run them. About 130,000 formerly landless peasants helped the ruling elites to take over the farms, but now that the dirty work is done, many of them are themselves being expelled.

Why don't they eat the flies?

Seems to have worked out for the rest of the species.

This is literally what I came here to ask.

>The drop-off in agricultural production is staggering. Maize farming, which yielded more than 1.5 million tons annually before 2000, is this year expected to generate just 500,000 tons. Wheat production, which stood at 309,000 tons in 2000, will hover at 27,000 tons this year. Tobacco production, too, which at 265,000 tons accounted for nearly a third of the total foreign-currency earnings in 2000, has tumbled, to about 66,000 tons in 2003.

>Mugabe's belief that he can strengthen his flagging popularity by destroying a resented but economically vital minority group is one that dictators elsewhere have shared. Paranoid about their diminishing support, Stalin wiped out the wealthy kulak farming class, Idi Amin purged Uganda's Indian commercial class, and, of course, Hitler went after Jewish businesses even though Germany was already reeling from the Depression. Whatever spikes in popularity these moves generated, the economic damage was profound, and the dictators had to exert great effort to mask it.

this is like a reply to something nobody said
thanks for wasting your time, fucko

I have already debunked the majority of low brow and reductio ad absurdem arguments presented here.

How comes then, that no animals .... b b b but humans still live ?
How comes then, that the flies don kill all namals in the same manner ?

Unless your whole theory is bullcrap in the first place.