Personally I don't care at all, I'm not going to judge someone's relationship based on something as arbitrary as melanin levels if they love each other and don't cheat.
Do you guys care when you see a couple like this?
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Yes and no.
I don't care. I personally dislike miscegenation so I will just avoid those that partake.
It's enough to make a man throw up
it makes me furious not because of their race but because i'm single
it's literally dysgenics
hello fellow robot
No, she'll be in a women's shelter within a year
I don't actually care, though I do hope that whites still exist in the future even if there is some interbreeding. I kinda see it like a venn diagram.
I don't care at all
birds of a feather fly together
Not really because whenever they burn the coal.....
they are both non-white, but the nigger on the left is likely closer to white than she is, believe it or not.
she's not white enough for me to care
On an individual scale, I'm happy for them and I hope they enjoy their life together.
On a society-wide scale, I think it should be discouraged (not illegal or anything, just not normalised). I don't want all human races melding into one.
Not on an immediate level but when I think about it, it seems pretty stupid.
Yea, it's disgusting. I view it about the same way as I would view a bloated, roadkill deer or a person with a footlong rope of snot hanging out of their nose.
Men should not date junkies.
the nigger has green eyes, so obviously both of his parents have some white admixture in their blood.
the woman has dark brown (nearly black) eyes, which is not a trait found in any white person. at least one of her parents was nonwhite or had a significant amount of nonwhite ancestry.
i still think the woman is more white than the guy, though.
No, the guy has blue eyes, eye colour is more important than hair/skin colour and his facial features are more attractive than her's
hello shlomo
>dark brown eyes not found in white people
IIRC it's a statistical thing, there is a definite chance that she is 100% white
>implying race is only about melanin levels
Yes, I do care, and not because I am jealous, but because it disgusts me. Most of the race-mixers I see are overweight women, -a few attractive ones from time to time, but no many- with the best -which really isn't that good in any other area but athleticism- of the Negro population. My blood boils almost as much when I see an Aryan man with a Negro or Oriental woman. -Caucasian-Oriental couples don't bother me as much, because Orientals are a higher race than Negros, but it still bothers me.
I rather mix with a mulatto girl with dreamy blue eyes than a pure European girl with dark soulless eyes desu
Wow. That's a really neat, nuanced, opinion ya got there, sport!
just by changing his nose and giving him hair you can see the difference.
He is unironically whiter than she is.
If he has two black parents (doubtful) then the white seed is strong in him. whereas the girl is pretty much irredeemably mixed.
>caring about two consenting adults being happy together
no i am well adjusted to society
I mean if you *literally* saw a couple just like this: an attractive blue eyed black man with a average weight white woman
i only care if they breed
t. brown eyed """""white"""""
Yes, I would be angry and not treat them with any respect if they attempted to contact me. -not like call them a nigger or nigger lover, but just not respond-
>Only difference between black and whites is melanin levels............
Oh boy
Burn the coal, pay the toll lads. They always get what's coming to them.
>falling for the IQ meme
wew lad
Not at all! Based black man!
Jesus he looks like me with a tan and brown lipstick in this one
Not cucked enough to care, really. If it was so wrong, everyone would know it. What annoys ms is when people shove it in your face that they either think it's wrong, or they're the SJW "I only date black men they're better" types. Both suck.IQ is the single most stable determinant factor of long term success, and has a >0.9 replication. The only issue I have is that map. China only submits their IQ tests from top universities, so of course it will be >105. They don't take it from the general population.
IQ meme???
Even if you make an argument against the IQ """"meme""", I shall simply direct you to the advanced civilizations of the world none of which were Negro, and the objectively best -in terms of invention and innovation and not to mention the complexity of culture- are the Western and Classical civilizations, both of which are Aryan civilizations.
grew up seeing it my whole life.
doesn't bother me.
This map is the meme, it's always getting posted but has flawed methodology.
this. as well as I only care if she sleeps with white men after the fact. They dont deserve to unknowingly put their dick where an animals has been
I could care less if a chick wanted to fuck a goat, I would only care if it could produce an abomination or if some poor fool could unwittingly put his dick in the same place
He could easily pass for a Spanish Conquistador
Yeah it pisses me off because it ruins a perfectly good white girl, she can't date a ghetto nigger without sinking to his cultural level. Her entire attitude changes to "be stupid on purpose" like them. And she never recovers.
It's not just about my personal relationship with this woman, she's not going to produce sexy offspring for me to fuck in 18 years or for my future children to fuck. There is that reason too. She's more than likely going to produce a child that will bully or be aggressive towards mine she's she's reproducing those genes from the nigger.
That's how I see it.
>this nigger's eyes are fairer than mine
eventually they all pay the toll, one way or another.
I care about it to the same extent as I care about someone hunting pandas.
Coal burners get zero sympathy
this. I'm not autistic enough to be triggered every time I see an interracial couple. I just would personally never do it
My gf's family is full blue eyed blonde so I was expecting to be treated as an arab in France but I was actually fairer and taller than most ethnic Frogs.
Feels northern Spain suebi genes mang
It honestly triggers the fuck out of me. I lost all respect for her the moment I them together.
It makes me happy, because it roots out all the disgusting sluts that you shouldn't touch anyway. Let the subs keep the skanks. Once you go black, whites don't want you back.
we get , it you prep bulls
I wouldn't care if it weren't being systematically encouraged by people who hate me
it's not like she's never gonna have another shower afterwards
This summed it up better then I could
If you're white and you fuck black males, there is something seriously wrong with you.
Go get on your pray rug barack.
>melanin levels
nice try, fellow white man
>bigger penises
>higher testosterone
IMO it just depends on what a girl prioritizes...
Anyone who mixes throws their genes always
the former is unverifiable, the latter is empirically false.
>American flag
I mean on average
>ethnic frogs
I'm sure they have spic/portuguese/daggo ancestors.
thats fine. as long as she sticks with nonwhites im totally cool with it
Race mixing is a symptom of an inferiority complex.
There are far more differences than simply melanin levels. Those differences matter. By choosing someone outside your race you are electing to eliminate the majority of your own genetic traits in your offspring. Only someone who hates themself would do such a thing.
About as much as I care when someone is about to do something stupid. I know she is going to pay the toll, I don't feel bad.
Fuck! Why is every other goddamn thread on this board about this same issue?
Go back to your personal hell and leave us god-fearing respectable folks alone!
Why the fuck did he have to choose islam, he was a bright guy. RIP
white males in my country (murica) are the jews enemy number one.
We are circumcised at birth, brought up christcuck, sent off to (((uni))) to learn cultural marxism, then told we are "privileged" because we excelled at the system that is rigged against us/
>melanin levels = race
Yes, on average blacks do not have higher test, they have estrogen actually
They have higher test for a short period during puberty, only because they enter puberty earlier, but in adulthood they do not.
Sane answer dumbass.
>"IQ more like IDON'TCARE"
I don't have a compulsion to tell people how to live their lives.
So, no.
I was shopping with a few friends once, the way this white girl with a black boyfriend looked at us almost proved it, she was virtue signalling with her vagina.
And when he started walking the wrong way on the escalators like a preteen child, I saw her embarrassment. She even hurried him along like a disapproving mother rather than a dependent girlfriend.
This is when you know its disingenuous and how disingenuous it is, she wanted my approval for being "not racist" by staring at me (or rather us) and it's so likely she wasn't even attracted to him, she might have been attracted to me, but that's the ridiculousness of it. Who would date a black man for the approval of a group of white men who mostly work out?
Women have to realise, men will judge you on your sexual preferences. If you're into absolutely cunts and you're dating me, that would clearly make me a cunt. It's not because he's black we call you a coal burner, it's because your standards were "black skin" rather than "nice boy who'd probably stick around when there's kids" to the point you'll shoot smarmy looks to attractive white guys whilst mothering your black boyfriend who's now climbing on random shit and yelling loudly.
This is what I think of interracial couples. DESU I don't even care when the black guy seems normal, I only care because women's standards for black people are so low a 12 year old would have more game.
I mean for example Macron has light eyes and brown hair but he is a midget and not very pale.
Even the blondies on my gf's family are pretty short, I'm 1.85 meters and I'm taller than anyone in her family despite being the shortest male in mine.
Op you're a faggot
IIRC black men have higher testosterone and estrogen, they have a higher incidence of prostate cancer which is evident of high T. I'm not arguing that they are better to date than a white man, I'm just thinking of why white girls might prefer one
I don't care, it's not like I got a harem and have to collect 'em all
some people like different things it's as simple as that
also miscegenation is being deliberately normalised by (((hollywood et al))) but I'm not sure how much of an impact that really has
No... the weak white women spreading their legs for shitskins are saving us time and effort by eliminating themselves from the gene pool. Please feel free to defect if you no longer appreciate or feel your whiteness is a bleeding from the gods. We do NOT want NOR NEED you. thanl you for your attention.
Strap in and prepare for cleansing
They also don't eat as much soy garbage as white people.
WTF I love Muhammad Ali now