With all the Trump bashing why is no one bashing the Republicans in congress? They have the majority in both houses, but have not sent POTUS Trump any important legislation. Why does the Media not cover that? The investigation is to hide the fact they are not doing what their (Republican) supporters elected them to do. JUST BLAME EVERYTHING ON TRUMP!! He can change things all by his self, this is not a monarchy.
Republican Congress
Because the Republicans are in the same (((pockets))) as Demoncraps
They are doing the work of the billionaire globalists. As Republicans always do
They're going to pass tax reform and Obamacare repeal in one bill. It'll happen by September.
>Why does the Media not cover that?
>jewish media
>covering anything not trump
pick 1
Dodd Frank should be repealed. It has destroyed community banks. Dodd Frank only FORCES there to be superbanks
>tax reform
Jesus christ all u right wing retards with the same bullshit talking points. Bush crashing the economy in 2008 destroyed the community banks.
they're waiting for president pence. why else would they let this russia shit keep going on?
That chart is fucking moronic. You can't cut taxes for people who already don't pay any federal tax. I will pay less money under the GOP proposed tax rates even after they cut out most deductions. Married standard deduction is increasing to 24000
>Trump has gone the longest of any president ever to not sign a single piece of legislation
literally how do the drumpflets defend this
The truth hurts retard. Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires at a time of deficits, debt, and rising interest rates.
inb4 this retard claims it trickles down
I agree that's the point they will not take away the free bees like welfare for fear of the next election!
We need to scare them in the same way that does.
I will not vote for them if they just blame Trump for everything, and not repeal Obanana Care!
I could give a fuck less about tax brackets and banks and shit.
Dodd Frank has done that. The crashing of the economy was from Democrat policy forcing subprime mortgage approval so KANGZ could buy homes too because good credit is racist n shiet
By fucking February, Obama had already signed the stimulus bill which saved the American economy from Republican failure.
What has Trump done? Rage tweeted and embarrassed the nation
The media has covered it plenty. Maybe you didn't read all the articles about how shitty the AHCA was but lots of people were paying attention and the bill is widely hated everywhere. They can't pass anything because the policies they want to pass (ie fucking over everyone for the benefit of the 1%) are wildly unpopular.
Another BUSH DINDU NUFFIN episode
Only right wing retards can dindu an entire 8 year GOP presidency
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
u retards really are the biggest dindus on the planet
I would say they are doing their best to hide the truth from the middle class. They talk about taking back from social programs then do nothing, WHY?
this u nailed it
What's AHCA approval like 15%? Even Trump called it a mean bill lol
Because the GOP is a bunch of cowards. They'd rather sit around doing nothing instead of being blamed or praised for anything.
If they don't what will you do then?
It sounds to me like you are dreaming.
You can't cut taxes for someone that pays $0 in federal tax. How is that so hard to understand. If someone pays $2000 in federal tax and saves $1500, you compare that on a chart saying "omg Trump only cut his taxes by $1500 but the billionaire got his cut by $100,000". Meanwhile the billionaire is still paying hundreds of thousands in taxes but the other guy pays $500.
Learn what proportions are.
Why'd you lose your leaf?
Don't dodge. Answer the question you dirty little bitch.
Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires at a time of deficits, debt, and rising interest rates.
If they don't I will owe money next April because I rejiggered my withholding already.
Republicans are fucking shit. I voted for Trump because he's against all this social justice faggotry. Democrat, Republican, it doesn't matter who is in office, my daily life is going to change that much. But these retarded as fuck liberals are rotting out the soul of our country.
I bring it back sometimes to trigger u tards
If you free up money you create more opportunity , stop being pessimistic all the time
Jesus Christ. Does this guy never get off his computer?
>Millionaires and billionaires need tax cuts
>it'll trickle down onto me
my god u right wing retards are cucked beyond repair
What does it feel like to know that you are the only thing left of Obongo's legacy?
important legislation? like what, removing healthcare for people?
killing your electorate is not a good way to get reelected
Wow, I never knew he literally shilled for subprime mortgages.
Lol u retards have had 5 months and u can't even repeal Obamacare
Is he Kang NO! Congress has to get off it's ass.
Not Trumps fault , that defends it an your an idiot for not understanding that!
The investigations a cover so nothing gets done!
Democrates buying votes wit welfare is the crime. Like you can't buy votes with alcohol so no alcohol sales on election day.
Obongocare is going to implode on its own. Premiums are skyrocketing as insurers leave markets. The best thing Republicans can do is to sit back and watch it implode so that we can point the finger at Obongo.
He's not. It's a proposal.
It took Obongo 2 years to pass it and he had a larger majority.
It was the centre piece of his domestic policy. It's amazing how right wing retards rewrite history isn't it
Both sides have Wall Street as their biggest donors. The banks made billions on subprime derivatives. If you think Democrats aren't in on it, you have to ask why Obongo took 5 years after the banks collapsed our economy to pass a reform bill that essentially did nothing but protect big banks from smaller competition.
He was a little busy saving the American economy from a 2nd Great Republican Depression first.
Fuck u retards are clueless.
and Obamacare passed in March 2010. That's 1 year 2 months. Not 2 years. That's also because they had tons of consultations, meetings, planning, etc. Republicans are doing by stealth because they know how shitty their bill is.
It's his tax plan
Lol right wing retards shit on the Obama economy for 8 years then suddenly try to take credit for it. You filthy retards are the biggest
degenerates on the planet.
Even Republicans called it the Obama economy.
You realize I fucking btfo you retards hard when all you can do is try to take credit for Obama and Clinton's greatness and completely dindu an 8 year GOP presidency
Fuckoff, the cause is the COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT beefed up by BILL CLINTON.
DEMOCRATS deny this law caused the crisis but a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds, “Yes, it did. We find that adherence to that act led to riskier lending by banks.”
Added NBER: “There is a clear pattern of increased defaults for loans made by these banks in quarters around the (CRA) exam. Moreover, the effects are larger for loans made within CRA tracts,” or predominantly low-income and minority areas.
To satisfy CRA examiners, “flexible” lending by large banks rose an average 5% and those loans defaulted about 15% more often, the 43-page study found.
The strongest link between CRA lending and defaults took place in the runup to the crisis — 2004 to 2006 — when banks rapidly sold CRA mortgages for securitization by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Wall Street.
CRA regulations are at the core of Fannie’s and Freddie’s so-called affordable housing mission. In the early 1990s, a Democrat Congress gave HUD the authority to set and enforce (through fines) CRA-grade loan quotas at Fannie and Freddie.
It passed a law requiring the government-backed agencies to “assist insured depository institutions to meet their obligations under the (CRA).” The goal was to help banks meet lending quotas by buying their CRA loans.
But they had to loosen underwriting standards to do it. And that’s what they did."
Republicans warned Democrats of the impending doom in 2004 from their failed law wreaking havoc.
Attached is a bonus pic of Obama in 2000 at a protest demanding relaxed borrowing standards for KANGZ to buy homes with shit credit.
Also, it takes a lot longer to build something rather than destroy it.
All those consultations and Obamacare fell apart inside of 5 years of being implemented. At least we get to keep that billion dollar website.
I don't want what will happen. I do want them to loose badly to show them reality! If they represent us they should represent us ( the middle class who pays their way). How can we make that happen of bring on the debt colapse to just get it over with. Thing aren't free the welfare checks come from someones work, they need to understand that. The what will come part!
Obongo knows a thing or two about destruction.
>what are sales taxes
>what are payroll taxes
>what are state taxes
>what are medicare and social security taxes
>Republicans warned Democrats of the impending doom in 2004 from their failed law wreaking havoc.
Bush had a GOP Congress. Can you please show me the legislation Republicans passed to stop George "we want everybody to own a home" Bush from crashing the economy?
Oh shit you can't. that's what I thought bitch.
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
Republican President
Republican House
Republican Senate
Right wing retards are the biggest dindus on the planet.
Obama controls the Italian Navy?
Just a question is the best tax rate 50% by your graph? I think that would be bad, but it give the Gov. more time on the give away's.
>presidents create jobs.
you never address the pic, just the same tires old responce.
Nah, he's just part of the same globalist cabal as Trudeau. How does it feel to defend the idiots ruining the West? You're Indian, so you probably don't care.
Yes if you d not get subcidized Obanana Care paying $800 a month is a large expense for te middle class and increasing !!
>bush bad
>0bama good
like a broken record.
Trump already admitted he's a globalist
And? Naming all the categories of withholding has no bearing on what I said. You can't cut federal income tax by "hundreds of thousands of dollars" for someone who doesn't pay that much in the first place. Saying "Bill got a $200 tax cut but Joe got a $100k tax cut" without showing how much they PAID both before and after is disengenous
Democrats were in charge of the Congressional oversight committees for 3 years before the collapse.
Here's your homosexual buddy telling everyone the housing market is fine months before the collapse. This is the moron that was supposed to be watching the banks.
I did address it. It's the Obama economy. You retards need to stop trying to take credit for OBAMA GREATNESS. You're fucking pathetic .
He's not part of the cartel. Anyone who watches CNN for 5 minutes knows he's not in their group.
Trump is Bush 2.0
>celebrating the first president in a century to never achieve 3% GDP growth
>sub 3% growth
fucking left-wing retard.
Establishment Republicans and Democrats are both Neoliberal/Neocon Warmongers.
No they weren't. Are you right wing retards full blown morons? Republicans had majorities in the House and Senate. They controlled the committees. Do you morons even understand how govt works?
Do you know what a committee Chairman is?
Bush had a GOP Congress. Can you please show me the legislation Republicans passed to stop George "we want everybody to own a home" Bush from crashing the economy?
Funny how u retards can never do this. Your entire retard ideology is a lie. Bush had a GOP Congress. All you retards can do is dindu
No, the graph is not to scale. The exact percentage is a variable depending on many factors.
lol u retards can't possibly believe this
r u actually this cucked?
0bama was bush in brown-face.
you retards want more govt spending and more immigration to boost your precious JewDP growth
i personally think jobs and wages are far more important
here's the proper scale u cuck
>Democrats didn't get control of congress in 2006
You're the most retarded sperg I've ever met.
They people getting free Health care are not my electorate, they are leaches. The Republicans need to understand that. they vote Democratic , and the Middle class (who votes for them ) votes Republican. The democrats buy votes we need to call them out on that and stop it somehow. Who? People seem to like free stuff till the economy colapses!
The Bush crash killed the non-white birth rate.
Obamaleaf btfo.
Oh yeah the 20 trillion debt (8 trillion added), massive increase of cost in healthcare, bankrupt green energy and the unemployment rate that would have dropped with or without the corporate welfare bullshit is all thanks to President Obama and Democrats. None of the massive growth in stock or the 100 billion paid in February off the debt. Yeah none of that is Trumps fault. None of that is due to his speech's or deals made with investors to invest billions into technology and the economy. None of that is due to Trump wanting to change the tax system and fix corruption. ;)
lol they have the same trickle down policies
Trump is literally Bush 2.0 sprinkled in with a little muh mexicans muh muslims to spice things up
Trump is even more pro-Israel
Jesus Christ obongo leaf, do you ever do anything else but shit up this board with that gay and out of date graphic?
>government spend and immigration are the only way you can raise the GDP
Retarded left-wing economics expert, everyone.
He doesn't. Please be patient with him, he has autism.
So you just admitted that Bush had a GOP Congress for 6 years from 2001 to 2007.
You just fucking btfo yourself.
>Democrats were in charge of the Congressional oversight committees for 3 years before the collapse.
You admit you're retarded then?
Why can't u retards ever do this part..
Bush had a GOP Congress. Can you please show me the legislation Republicans passed to stop George "we want everybody to own a home" Bush from crashing the economy?
those are really old like from a year ago
They had control for two years before the crash. Democrat economic policy, not even once.
And it's still just as relevant, SAD!
>using politifact.
fuck off.
>Trump is even more pro-Israel
it's cute you think I care about that.
Obama created 16 million jobs and cut unemployment down to 4.6% and wages are booming. You retards only bitch about muh JewDP growth because u want more immigrants and more govt spending
Agreed an increasing POP. does not increase GDP, an old idea. Automation and innovation will take jobs in the new economy. decresing population is the answer. If just fucks up the social programs like Soc.security?
>the president creates jobs
no. they. dont.
how many time must you be told this?
It was Bush's signature domestic policies u moron. Bush had a GOP Congress for 6 years. Are you fucking retarded or what?
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
Why can't you answer this question? Why can't you show me the GOP legislation?
Bush had a GOP Congress. Can you please show me the legislation Republicans passed to stop George "we want everybody to own a home" Bush from crashing the economy?
Wages haven't increased for four decades now. Thanks for flooding the labor market with illegal workers. Surely that will raise wages for the poor!
It's the deceitful, dishonorable leaf sharing his folder again
>forgets those no longer even looking for work and living off the gov tit
fucking kys
The economy tanked thanks to Wall Street corruption. Can you tell me what Obama did to reign in his largest campaign donor?
you can't debunk this one because you know it's true
There's a bright line between politics and policy, campaigning and governing.
The GOP has forgotten how to function as a coherent political force in the absence of Obama acting as a foil. This dysfunction has permeated out of the public, states, and media and is now wreaking havoc on the congressional party's ability to govern. The GOP cleaned up in the Obama era electorally but now without an enemy to rally behind, it's like they've forgotten how to govern. Am I alone or does the GOP seem like a lost kid in a grocery store looking for mommy?
lol even trump doesn't say the unemployment rate is 42% anymore
he just told u retards that because he knows u morons will believe anything he tells u to believe