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plz gib habbening
A 4.5 earthquake is like a small fart.
It's nothing.
Logarithmic scale, you know.
Not a big deal.
We get that big of an earthquake every day when your mom wakes up
I didnt feel shit, nothings gunna happen
"I...hunger...for humans...end..."
"God...let me awaken from my slumber...there are too many...heathensss..."
You can feel that shit, it's significant. I'll wake up expecting an inch or two of ash.
Not big enough.. but maybe this is the beginning...
Remember if you're in the kill zone the way to survive is to get a shirt wet and breathe through that so you don't get shards of microscopic volcanic glass slicing up your lungs, which causes you to drown in your own blood.
Four of clubs, path of light.
get a rare for the happening
Texas can into earthquakes.
>odds of "supereruption" 1 in 730,000
>odds to win the lottery are way the fuck worse and people have won the lottery numerous times
gg we're all dead it's over there's no escape
> Happening threads about Yellowstone having normal quakes every day
> No talk of Cascadia, which is 70 years overdue already and has been seeing 3 times as many quakes as a decade ago, up to 6.9
Every overpass west of Utah broken. Every Pacific port destroyed. Multiple nuclear reactors swamped by tsunamis. All our missile defense systems offline.
It's coming, Sup Forums
An earthquake would come before a supervolcanic eruption but 4.5 isn't anything.
Hahahahahhahahaahahahhaa fucking 4.5 "earthquake" ahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
you do know in latinamerica there's like a 7.0 earthquake every day right?
Sup Forums used to Happening several times a day prior to Trump White House.
Sup Forums is a board of positivity now?
>he believes in powerball and megamillions
Why do you conservatives always hope for "happenings"?
I think it has to do with the fact that it was so close to a volcano that has the potential to cover the American continent in a layer of ash and take out half of the world with it.
Let me know when there's an 8.0 in yellowstone, then I'll grab my go-bag.
jesus christ i hope this is an ironic post.
Stop reading fake science
>the redneck has no idea how odds work
a 4.5 huh
where is this "volcanic glass shards" idea coming from though? Plenty of volcanoes going off around the world and people/animals dont typically die of that. Why do I get the feeling that the Yellowstone catastrophe theories are made by the same global warming cucks?
Kek bless these digits for volcanic june
If tripies America is kill
What's fake about the enormous amounts of ash produced by supervolcanoes? The last eruption killed off 80% of humanity and led to a 1000 year cool-down period
it's a meme ya dip
foreshocks confirmed, a few bumps like this may trigger a major event
Call us when they breach 6
Nothing will happen. Screenshot this.
can we PLEASE make Yellowstone-chan? Like ebola-chan but with volcanoes and earthquakes. We to meme magick some /REAL/ natural disasters! None of this sandstorm and rain garbage, we need kek to bring fourth the great kike cleanse.
Humans can't even feel a 4.5, not a thread, chill
>falling for the yellowstone meme =falling for the jew fearporn
>American education
Okay let me explain so, if there where 730,000 earths, there would be 1 whitch would have a superuption, just like in lotery one human has small chance to win but there are many who play, one man on millions of earths would play lotery only one of them would win, did you understand me now?
123 See you in September
So many rare Pepes.
Love it.
It didn't kill 80% of humanity, nobody would die because of it, only people living right next to it choking
I pray for the destruction of the left coast.
Chuck Norris sneezed.
Yellowstone would be the most beautiful happening of all time. All those burgers incinerated. The world would be such a better place
>plz gib habbening
This. I love God and Jesus with all my heart, but humanity really sucks now and I wold not blame God for wanting to cleanse the Earth now, even if I go with it.
> Main quake would do most damage to conservative rural areas
Always remember, they had to bring in courts and force us to take in 15 million illegals to get the state to turn blue. Look up prop 187.
Americans in California are conservative. Californians are not Americans.
face it, its over, mathAnon has run the numbers.
Stop reading fake science.
It would be funny if it happened...especially cuz i am from portugal (would grab popcorn)
What you would be looking for are not just small earthquakes, but the formation of new lakes and the draining of current ones- indications that the magma volume has shifted dramatically.
Meme magic is real
>7 billion people playing
>1 yellowstone
what are variables
I know I planted an earthquake in your mom's ass last night.
Bt/Bz component is breaking in half. Earth's magnetic field is opening up, expect a surge of earthquakes around the globe.
In ancient times earthquakes were thought to be caused by restless gods or giant creatures slumbering beneath the Earth.
Ruaumoko is a god who lives in the belly of his mother but he is the god of volcanos
The earthquakes RÅ«aumoko causes are in turn responsible for the change of seasons. Depending on the time of year, the earthquakes cause the warmth, or cold, of Papa to come to the surface of the land, resulting in the warming, or cooling of the Earth.
portugal city, just south of tel aviv
Well, its a year late
But I suppose I have to say it
>Sup Forums was right again
If you guys promise to stop shitposting so much we might allow a few of you to return to the greatest empire to ever exist
if your interested in earthquakes but dont trust the educational establishment, youtube Duchsince. He explains the earthquake swarm. Its normal as of now. No need to fear monger. Possible large earthquake due off the coast of oregon though.
Vin Diesel started his car
Nice proxy...
Roll for caldera super eruption
Not happening...non happening...nothing to see here...
there's a big initial wave of ash from any eruption
it's what killed everyone at pompei, smaller eruptions don't really do it in a large enough area or for a prolonged enough period to kill much
if Yellowstone blew, there would be an ash cloud that would do this across most of the continental US for about 10-30 minutes based on calculations
you can thank me later if it happens in our life
I hope so, it'll keep the sand niggers out.
> Don't enjoy fun and following breaking news with fellow posters interested in the same things
> Don't like it so much you make an image about it and post it every time they make a thread
Do you know what a supervolcanic eruption is? If anything it works against global warming theories. It's a ticking time bomb that is over due on a geographical scale - meaning we are probably safe, but who ever inhabits the North American continent in 5,000-10,000 years is rather fucked.
Redneck found a tannerite clearance sale.
TEL AVIV? the degenerate city of the jews?
we expelled jews many times and ...we are just going trough a difficult period with african invasion but we are still cool man...
Utterly deplorable- how are we supposed to fap to this?
>Yellowstone and Madrid
And the Red Dragon in Sept. Its ogre in 2017 anons.
thank u
explain pls
this is the truth.
our era is trash.
still doesnt answer my damn question about this microscopic glass shards choking out the majority of life. Everything you said goes right past my question.
my benis will choke out the ones that the shards dont get tbqh
Or you could but a box of good 3m particulate masks, and be much safer.
Box of 12 about 10$. Available at any hardware or paint store.
Not nearly big or violent enough to cause a happening.
t. geologist
i like to look at photographs of his gardens at yasnaya polyana, very comfy
It's Chile, Jesus
thang u. now i can go to sleep tonight with no jammies with no worried of earfquake
guiz, Sup Forums used to be max edgy for me
but in the last few months i find it /comfy/
who has changed, me or Sup Forums!
I assume this is the new bullshit "Magnitude" scale instead of the classic Richter scale, which actually made sense. The new scale is in many ways arbitrary and meaningless. Almost impossible to know how strong an earthquake is based on this scale.
>Smug Brit
>No idea that the Yellowstone caldera is in the nowhere land of the states
>Lets his kids get raped with a smile.
it's literally nothing, Yellowstone alwasy had plenty of earthquakes
i hope a fucking supervolcano destroys the entire country