Face it boys, we lost this round.
Whites are going to become a persecuted minority and thrown out of power.
For centuries the Jews have gone through this, only married with each other, and instilled their values into their children.
Meanwhile they plotted their take over.

Now it is our turn to out-jew the Jew.

It may take centuries, but we have no other choice. Grab your Bible, find a woman and breed no matter how ugly, and start learning how to be good with money.

God Speed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off kike

Our possible next president advocated extermination of Caucasions and Arabs and he's extremely popular. Think again

>Grab your Bible

>Now it is our turn to out-jew the Jew.
Impossible. We're nowhere near as smart as them. This is why we've lost in the long-run. It was fun while it lasted, but we won't be here in 500 years. White race is finished.

Whites have always been a minority

>NSDAP is only got 2,6A%, they'll never be in power
>Mongol tax tribute will never end

Sure thing buddy.

muffled always sunny theme playing in background

There will be a war of insane proportions soon. Look at how fast the far right movement is growing, it's because we know we are threatened. It's in our DNA our survival instinct.

And I would not underestimate the destructive power of the white race my friend. The war is coming whether we like it or not.

Who is that? Does he know Putin and a lot of Russians are Caucasian?

jews are pussies. whites fight

>elects someone that wants to genocide you

This sounds so... American. Or maybe European. Never would've guessed Russian.

Caucasian as Chechen, Armenians, Georgian, Dagestani. Stop using idiot names like Aryan or Caucasian. There are Europeans and not Europeans

There will come a point where white people will demand ethno states for their survival, and if not granted they will fight for survival like any animal would.

We have been living very comfortably because our success, we have been living in a false peace, a dream. And we are waking up. And the conflict is slowly heating up on both sides. The only true redpill is this. The world has always been at war. This has always been an endless struggle for power & survival.


Jew tricks don't work on muds. They'll just cut off your head.

What kind of jumpy gym is this?


Most important debate you will ever watch.

>Most important debate you will ever watch.
I want to slap you. You gotta be some kurd or somali

Wrong. Put your balls back on and start screwing some women and start screwing over the Jews.

Why cause Roaming millennial is in it?

The two Nationalists present the ethno state view flawlessly.

>Im mad because im not white

feels good being a Jew desu, seriously it's the most comfy ethnicity


I don't know who these people are, but if some mongrel bitch and e-alt-autist on Skype talking is the most important debate in your life (or resemble sacred Nationalism to you) just sterilise yourself

Jews love little girls n boys

Listen to it before you shit on it dude. They presented it to literal perfection, and obliterated all other viewpoints

I'm not wasting my time on mongrel "Nationalists?!". Wtf

I've listened to a lot of intelligent people highly thought of intellectuals debate, and i mean a fucking lot, and these guys are definitely up there, if not the best.