So what's the best solution to America's nigger problem?
Hard mode: No gassing and you can't ship them back to Africa
So what's the best solution to America's nigger problem?
Hard mode: No gassing and you can't ship them back to Africa
mass sterilization.
Getting rid of you, schlomo.
Gas th-
Send them ba-
Reconstruct the family values they had pre-60's before liberals told them nothing is ever their fault.
Instead of giving hand outs to single mothers, fine them an absurdly high amount of money, also fine people if you can prove infidelity.
Suddenly it becomes impossible to do the r-selection thing, the black population completely deflates, black crime plummets, and the free market operates as a eugenics program.
within 70 years blacks will probably be more like hispanics, then by 100 years they will probably be more like indians, slowly getting better stock with every generation.
Also, freedom of association which would lead to natural segregation.
Simply reestablish the legal right to voluntarily self-segregate. The rest will sort itself out.
Ship them back to Africa
>Hard mode
They never make landfall in Africa, we blow up the boats when they're in the middle of the Atlantic.
a jewish woman for ever black man
a black woman for every jewish man
Gassing them back to Africa.
>The only clean thing in the picture is his shirt
>The shirt is also the only white thing in the picture
Why does that make me a kike. You know the vast majority of them aren't going to go back to Africa willingly or otherwise. Trying to shoah them would likely lead to WW3, not to mention I doubt even the most heartless of Sup Forumsacks could legitimately go through with it.
Castration and sterilization, one child policy..
>I doubt even the most heartless of Sup Forumsacks could legitimately go through with it.
You shouldn't underestimate the savagery mankind is capable of
I wouldn't want to gas or deport all the blacks back to Africa in the first place. I'm morally opposed to murder or mass sterilization. Sending blacks back seems wrong because many blacks have been here 10+ generations. A separation between whites and blacks is necessary though.
Both groups suffer from being together. Whites suffer economically by way of the White Man's Burden. Blacks suffer psychologically by way of being held to their host society's ideal.
Whites and blacks are not and will never be equal, nor should they be. Each group has it's own unique characteristics and should not be blended into a deracialized consumeristic mass.
Soft segregation.
Get judges that will uphold the private citizens right of freedom of association and allow businesses to discriminate based on race if they choose.
At first only a few businesses will choose to do it. Liberals will shit themselves and go into a frenzy over these businesses but redpilled whites will come out in support and keep it open. That will encourage more businesses to follow suit. Eventually people will start to notice that the businesses and neighborhoods that don't allow blacks are safer and more prosperous. It will become so obvious that the people who deny it will lose all credibility.
Blacks will also have much more opportunities to run legitimate businesses within their own communities. The small minority of capable blacks will have guaranteed clientele within the black community.
Eventually both races will realize they are better off focusing on themselves and hopefully once black communities are self sufficient and well established we can join together and get rid of all the Mexicans.
Herd them all into one state and build a wall around the border.
Get rid of welfare, they will be gone within a month
Enslave them again, then instead of selectively breeding them to be farm machinery, selectively breed them for intelligence. The stupider ones wouldn't be selected for breeding, sterilized instead and used to test whether the holocaust really happened.
The smarter ones could breed and once they got their collective iq up to civilized levels they could be freed and encouraged to immigrate to Africa where they could enslave their cousins, selectively breed for intelligence and start the cycle again. In 500 years we could take the nigger out of every nigger on Earth
Get rid of all welfare
Poison they're water or just spray them with agent orange
redo Sherman's march. We can burn Atlanta and Detroit
I dunno this solves anything
Legalize abortion
Legalize cocaine
EBT now pays for both
Send hwhytes back to yurop.
Where do most live? Cities. What are they dependent on for food? outside corporations that truck food into them. How do they drink? Filtered centralized water systems. Sterilizing them would be easy. We just need the right people in the right places, and by the end of the century there won't be but a handful of non-whites left in this country. We could sterilize the entire non-white world with little effort if we get into the right positions, and we could cleanse humanity without a single bullet being shot.
Reopen the cotton fields for welfare takers and convicts.
cut off the gibs simple as that. they are an unsuccessful subspecies of human who would be extinct if not for whites half training them to be human like.
Spics are the main problem, niggers jut commit more crime.
Mexican immigration is destroying the US and is going to make whites a minority if we don't do something.
Quit policing them and giving them welfare.
They will die out in two generations.
Step 1: Eliminate minimum wage and Affirmative Action
Step 2: Create the friendliest of business environments possible.
Step 3: Roll back the welfare state
Step 4: Prison industrial complex. Prison labor, Get the private sector involved, let them learn a trade in there. They come out with job skills and are employable.
Step 6: Assert the failure of the welfare state in general conversation- get your facts and figures memorized and drop them on your liberal friends.
Step 7: Assert the importance of family and self-reliance.
See if it works
I see I cut step 5 out.
Step 4: Prison Industrial Complex
Step 5: Prison labor etc...
promote family values
its the only whey
>let them learn a trade in there
You mean you don't do that?
>Implying that they would have electricity in Africa without whites
>Implying that all blacks would not be slaves of Arabs, Persians and east Asians at this point
No on but whites would ever end slavery.
Give them their own ethnostate situated on the black belt and put them all there. If they refuse, they will be shot.
kill the cunts sans gas.
Ask Trudeau if he wants them, I'm pretty sure he'd say yes then we can ship em' all up there and let them freeze.
>tell nogs a cruise awaits them
>get em all on board
>have no captain aboard ship
>let it drift at sea with limited supplies
>Wigher they devour one another or jump en masse
>eventually they come to shore with another country
>not our problem
Shooting them,
Shipping them to the middle east,
Shipping them to literally any place in the world but Africa,
Kill the African men and rape the women so you eventually white out the genetic line to the point that it does not matter if they were negros since they are 95 percent white,
Or even better then all this is simply revoke women's rights and take away welfare. No women's rights mean no single mamas and no welfare means no single mamas getting handouts.
this.Make black males kill each other and impragnate their women, pop few kids and onto the next one.
>No gassing
ya just keep thinking small right?
the problem with niggers is that slavery was intensely dysgenic to the nigger race -- whites (because we were using them as farm equipment) forced them into the r-selection regime. Now they breed too much, and the carrying capacity of the nigger ecosystem (which is defined in terms of wealth and land -- given that there's little intra-racial wealth transfer and most is inter-racial) is too small compared to how many niggers there are, so most niggers have a miserable life and they inflict that amongst themselves and also among the more human races.
The solution is literally mass irreversible sterilisation except for the best, most intelligent, least-chimpy niggers, and the promotion of child-free lifestyles above child-bearing and the nuclear family. It will be better for us whites (we'll have less nigger crime, less robbery and LESS GODDAMN FUCKING NIGGERS, PERIOD) and better for them (each nigger will have more resources and thus will live a much less miserable life).
Calculate the average amount of white wealth per individual white in the US, and set the target nigger population such that the average amount of nigger wealth per nigger will be commensurate. Use irreversible sterilisation (both with incentives for complying and punishments for not) and promote childfree lifestyles.
The root of the problem really is that there's too many niggers.
ah fuck, i'm a dumb bitch and flipped around "inter" and "intra", fuck me.
Subtle sterilization based on darkness of skintone and bleach-mixing with the light skinned ones .
Injected into all chickens.
Whites unaffected.
sacrefice them to the chaos gods?
Only allow those making 35K a year to vote. Additionally, outlaw abortions for whites. Even though most aborted fetuses are that of the nigger variety, we need to keep it that way; and we can legally reduce the population of the mongrels.
>vote suppression
I'd bet you'll vote for Trump twice
take a state with capacity for 30 million people, cede it from the union, build walls around it, ship niggers there, install cameras and have a reality tv mad max style as they turn a working infrastructure to scrap metal and start eating each other within few years
The founding Fathers intended only for White, landowning citizens to vote. After that went away, everything went to shit. Now go shoot up a baseball game you tranny faggot Bernie voter.
Unless you repeal the voting rights act they will just vote for section 8 houses inside your gated community, with the help of the jews.
Guns & abortion already do so much at keeping their population in control. Without them killing eachother both in the womb & out, they would literally have the the vast majority of people in this country instead of just the mere 11%-12% they have.
So best solution would be to be pro-guns, but even more important be pro-choice.
Outside the US, mainly in Afirca, the best solution is to stop foreign aid. Nature is trying to kill off these people like an obsolete product, and white people keep trying to save them. From extreme famine to ebola, take a hint, natural selection wants them gone too.
Cultural subversion
Ok. Real nigger talk
We have to forcibly put them in an environment that selects them for western traits like intelligence, kindness and family values.
After a few generations the black middle class will recover enough to take the training wheels off.