user, if you were forced to fight for your homeland:
A) I would escape war like a Syrian
B) I would die with honor


No, I'd help the invaders kill off our white knights, cucks, manginas, feminists and marxists.

most of the syrians on Sup Forums (/sg/) arent even fighting for their country. none of them have even signed up to fight. theyre all at home. wtf is up with the world today. bunch of faggots.

Depends on the reason. If we declared war on Israel one day then I'm the first to sign up as it'd be a great and beneficial cause.

I'm not going to sign up to go have my legs and nuts blown off in Iraq on a wild WMD chase or something though.

i would fight to the death if someone invaded.

Depends on the attacker honestly.

Depends on the enemy. Against Israel? Yes, I would fight to the death to destroy Israel. To destroy like Russia? Or Syria? Lul, no.

>if you were forced to fight
That doesn't happen here anymore. I don't count the joke of postmodernist as a fight. Islam is even weaker than the regressive far left so that's not a fight for us either.

die with honor

I would not die for my country, not for my government anyway. I would die for the land I live in and the people that inhabit it. For their freedom and liberty. My shit government can go fuck itself. In the ass.

I would volunteer for this too. With a smile on my face. I would get schindler's list creative too. Lining up 10 people and shooting them with a .308 to see how many dropped with one shot.

Not a bad plan

it depends

Die with honour

most of them supports rebells and isis

noways they're all assad supporters. i wish i was in there situation. i'd love to go fight rebels to defend my country. goes to show that most men on that side are all massive pussies.

What if they're the jews or the EU

If I go to war I am for sure committing war crimes. So I need to rape all the israeli women then kill them a few days later.

no keeping slaves user?

For Texas, yes.

With obama as president? No
With trump as prez? Fuck yes

>tfw you realize that you'll never be able to enslave, rape and kill conquered women as you please

For Ancapistan yes. For Australia no

Yeah but not for my family only for breeding to keep killing and raping them and keeping them in a hole underground.


why take my only reason to live?

With Jeb as president I'd commit sudoku. I'd sacrifice myself upfront. To die under his banner would carry too much glory

"forced to fight" how? Its important.

and work they might be good also for work but you might get robots soon so never mind

For my country? No. For my race and culture? Yes. I'm not dying for Zionists to line their pockets, they can fuck off.

I Wouldn't die for the Jews who control America. I would flee to Europe and help the purge.

For Texas, yes. For the US, it can go fuck itself.

Problem is my nation would not fight any war I believe in so unfortunately not.

I would follow the way of my ancestors.

>Country under attack
>Try to fight
>tfw lost
>Move to the woods with the boys
>Crack a cold one
>Do some guerilla warfare for 15 years
>tfw doesn't work
>Go back to society
>Write dissident books
>People woke again
>Go to the streets
>Sing depressing folk songs
>Invaders can't stand this autism
>They leave
>Independent again

It isn't hard desu.

For Texas yes or for Christian Europe

I'd rather make someone else die for theirs, as Patton would say.

A resounding no. It is hard to call this place a country in the first place.

We only survive based on the benevolence of America.

kek, reason to live? Where do I find one of those

Israel? Fuck no.

If by "dying for my country" you mean fighting some bullshit war like Vietnam, no. I'd die for my family, not "country". Dying for a bunch of fat fucks in Washington isn't dying for your country.


Maybe 20 years ago when there was still something worth fighting for.


id gladly fight to save europe but i would never join a war for the jewnited states of weimerica


I would die with Honor

>dying for (((them)))
goodest goy


The world will revert back to the old ways over night.

Depends on the circumstances.

In most situations, yes.

"Forced to fight" as in "you have no other choice if you want to stay in your homeland", I guess.

I'd do everything within my means to avoid fighting. I just want to be left alone, and, knowing the West, we probably would've started the fight anyway.

>keeping them alive

Did Hitler teach you nothing?

Absolutely not. Fuck trudeau

Well said, my man.

Only if fighting Spanish.

Oh, I was thinking draft or Hitler's last stand kind of thing. You mean invasion, I guess.

No, not fighting. Getting my senpai to safety. Would help with logistics and support for the fighters.

t. old

he did they are good for factory labour

I'll fuck you up, "mate".

I'm gonna die anyways, so sure like whatever...


plenty of reasons to live user even if one just to spite the Jews

No, I honestly hate America.

>white people

I'll fight. Unless you're on an actual suicide mission you shouldn't quite resign yourself to death. You'll never know when a little willpower is all that's going to keep you from biting the dust. Be a fighter.

yes I probably would depending on what was happening. If it was civil war far left against everyone else or a tyrannical leftist government takeover I would fight and die.

Fuck yeah I would fight and die for my country, I've already taken the pledge during my military service, it might be the most corrupt, most vile, most twisted country on earth, but it's mine, and I'll defend it 'till my last breath.

id flee with no shame
fuck this rat's nest
my country stands for corruption, retarded homos, and ugly fucks
im out of here


Jews make me want to embrace the void. In the nothingness there is no Jew.

I don't blame you desu. Peru's only worth comes from the exotic indigenous pussy. The top notch ones, of course

martyr your self then user

I'm with this idea. In US, this "invader" would be the conservative side.

I'm not willing to die for my country until it's cleansed. But I will die cleansing it.

For the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Yes.

For the corrupt mafia of extortionists and influence peddling racketeers that control the political system and government? Fuck no they should be shot by the citizenry.

No but I would die for Israel.

I would die; FOR THE KING.

We need a monarchist flag

Your yarmulke is showing

Speaking of Israeli people has anyone else been seeing adverts for the IDF pop up on websites they visit?

I would die for São Paulo, but not for Brazil

yes, metadata thread, I would die for my country

Before BREXIT I would have said no but the British people are juuuuuust over the margin for sure I'll fight for them.