This girl is 97% european
How does it make you feel?
This girl is 97% european
I'd still bang her though.
it makes me feel glad that our race has such phenotypic diversity
when did brazil join the EU?
Ethnic Turks are technically Europeon and they ain't white.
turkey is not Europe faggot
muh dick says white enough.
I feel this is a redpill on the one-drop rule
>tfw she's more european than most white americans
well then that's a pretty fucking strong 3%
> 49% european jew
> 2% african
that explains it.
The swarthiest Greek is whiter than the whitest Turk.
Muslims =/= Europeans
And any white convert to Islam is effectively exiled, a subhuman traitor.
Refugees who refuse to convert to Christianity or at least become secular are invaders, and all Muslim ethnicities in the Balkans like Albanians are within Europe's borders, but are not Europe. They are alien nations.
Your math is off.
This shoud have been the amazons on Wonder Woman
my dick is 97% erect
African-Americans have some white admixture and still have 80 IQ points in average. When Liberia was founded by African-American freed slaves, they quickly dominated the native blacks and ruled over them like an elite until the civil war in the 1990s.
Knowing the stupidity of part-white American niggers, imagine how fucking brain dead the original unmixed niggers in Africa must be.
who is even talking about IQ dumbass
only more reason to tell you that breeding with anyone even remotely non-white will forever damage your legacy
How does it make me feel? Feels like I was right all along: its gotta be pure to be superior
I am.
Does it bother you?
was white
She's just a melanistic jew.
Turks are from Asia, you could include them with the Mediterranean culture somehow because half Anatolia is historically Greece
I'm jelly of that tan
My uncle is the same fucking way. Literally the black sheep of the family. And he did a DNA test to prove it too.
The one drop rule is a thing for a reason faggot
Makes me feel like the one drop rule should be a law
>it's a kike
>what is lipstick?
>what are contacts?
>what is hair dye?
Youre reducing race down to color, you kike. Good job playing into their hands.
Shades of brown aint a rainbow like they keep telling us.
Also, white people have the most variation of hair textures.
not even spencer believes in the one drop rule. purity autists are pathetic.
Spain = part negro
Jewish = per negro
That's why you go ONE DROP RULE. Even 1/2048 nig gene can reveal itself in almost a mulatto. Fuck you Meds
Because spencer is a mongrel himself
Post more
why don't you already go back to your shithole albanigger
I'm an European. 100%. My ethnic group? 100% all. Extremely racist. Who's winning? Die of AIDS, ape
no one passes the one drop test. anyone who unironically believes in it is biologically illiterate.
albanians are turks
>So I just found out I'm like 49% jewish and I'm like really proud of that cause I idolize holocaust survivors
What a fucking fruitloop dumbass.
>I'm an European. 100%
7% mongoloid != 100% European
Western turks tend to look more european because they descend in part from greeks up until byzantine times, unlike pure blooded turks who are of central asian/mongol origin
>American mongrels
Really? For what I know your nation is 100% negroid. IBD (Identity By Descent) is basically long chunks of genome that are shared between pairs of individuals due to inheritance from recent common ancestors, used to obtain a detailed view of the geographic structure of recent relatedness. To determine the time scale of these relationships, a methodology that uses the lengths of shared genomic segments to infer the distribution of the ages of common ancestors was developed.
So far the longest IBD sequence is found among Albanians, which means that with the exception of those mongrels that live in Eastern Turkey, Modern-day Albanians can track their genealogy to around 90 common ancestors who lived in the 5th century.
Are you the albanian under "russian" pr, always saying nonsenses about europeans like spaniards and other's? you have a big patology
"Turkish" elite became ethnically Albanian fast and Albanians are 100% European. In fact, Albanians, Bavarians and Basques are the purest specimen out there
who is even talking about my country, you have to go back you fucking albanigger, everyone knows albanians are turks, doesn't matter how much you try prove it's not
Sudaca degenerates are not everybody
>science proves X to be Y
Shamanism barbarity of Amerindians meeting superstitious Iberonegroid Catholicism not even once
these gentlemen are 35% british
how does it make you feel?
>this entire post
this your brain on vodka. sort yourself out.
A mental institution is the best place for u
>mixed bloodline and science denial
Classic American
>ethnonationalists are mentally ill
"How dare you to not accept my people to your land?!"
what did he mean by this?
you need to stop that fucking krokodil
This girl is like the exact borderline between European and not European.
You are not an ethnonationlist you're a liar.
R.Spencer is european, and not a mixed like you said, also spaniards are not partially negr
They all score 99% to 100% in 23&me they are only near and inside Europe in PCA genetic maps.
she would not fall into Europe PCA for sure.
See. DNA of Richard Spencer - 98% European, his ex-wife - 96% European and 1% nigger
Also see "African admixture in Europe".
Why bother you are a spic anyway 88/100. Not like you are "white" even in Iberia
any one know what site she used? shit looks like accurate, she looks 49% jew and european
This was probably more to do with northern Italians going "REE FUCK SOUTHERN ITALIANS" than it was to do with people fucking niggers at some point in their family line.
The level of miscegenation there is today was unthinkable nearly a century ago.