Trump cucked on DACA, Sup Forums.
What are you going to do about it?
Inb4 muh September
How will Drumpfcucks recover from this?
Trump cucked on DACA, Sup Forums.
What are you going to do about it?
Inb4 muh September
How will Drumpfcucks recover from this?
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Checked. Archived.
Did you think this qt3.14 will get deported? Think again.
She is an American. Accept her.
Dreamers BTFO Sup Forums
Trump is a cuck who promised big changes and in the end brought nothing of any value whenever he brought it.
I hope you guys enjoy being blacked/browned
Except he's not? Have fun when your parents are deported.
Anything Trump is able to accomplish on immigration is better than what his opponents were suggesting.
My parents have green cards already thanks to your broken immigration system.
Aww you getting brack-piru already?
Where is the bantz, republicuck?
>in the end
wew, those 8 years went quickly
see above, larper
>muh september
seriously, what kind of bot are you? i mean i appreciate your work bot-kun, but you come over as random user with your comments, except you are there EVERY fucking time someone posts some like to fake news media. im thankfull but worried. are you just a super autismo user? are you some next gen bot?
real question is how could she get into wallstreet without even being allowed in the country?
Jealous she got to be a wall st. executive while y'all stupid goyim didn't?
WTF is that flag user?
did you seriously not notice the new flag feature or do you just dont know its the templar one?
Only if I promise to ask ur cousin to kill some niggers for me then u can stick around a little longer mija, now don't forget to scrub behind the toilet and ask your dad that the lawn is growing faster so need him to mowe the lawn weekly now
>when affirmative action goes as far as to hire the 85 iq daughter of a 70 iq farm criminal who are both illegal
>divide and conquer america
>Worried about 643,000 kids that want to be American.
Sounds way more important than the 11,000,000 illegals that don't give a fuck...
Cucking happens one step at a time, burger user
The only cuck here is you for believing that a DACA status means protection from deportation.
It's not a cucking for these kids to become American. If you would shut the fuck up with your nonsense half of them would probably become conservatives...
Wait did you call me a burger? Are you bean?
>Implying all immigrants are poor
Please see above.
Thanks to your burger supercuck affirmative action, I went to the best schools and got a great job despite having subpar qualifications.
But think of the positives- now you can enjoy authentic spic-made tacos at your local taco truck and your boomercuck family can enjoy monthly cleaning at half the price!
how does it feel knowing Trump could change his mind at anytime and turn your world upside down? hahaha get the fuck out, I hope he drop kicks you off the wall.
I hate your living guts and want to stomp them out
>t. 1st Generation Bean
he said MANY TIMES during his campaign that "if you are contributing to society then maybe an exception can be made".
just because you're too stupid and preoccupied with your impotent rage to pay attention doesn't mean everyone else is as big of a retard as you. fuck off, shartblue shit head.
niggers don't know how first term works, not surprising considering it's their first election as "adults" desu
> Implying the wall is getting built.
Where is the funding, burger cuck?
Those 643K will go on to demand cultural shifts and legislation that promotes more immigration, weaker borders and more social handouts taken from taxpayers. They will go on to resent their host nation and work against the interest of all it's people.
They are potentially more harmful and toxic to American stability than those 11m that are more easily expelled.
Shekel for the good goy.
I guess you're the only non-nigger American in here.
They can't help it, lots of people would be conservative if exposed to rhetoric cause and effect of liberal agendas but Sup Forums wants to act like only white people exist and scream autism until even people who have a vague interest will vote against them just to fuck with them. It's so obvious yet Sup Forums can't handle their autism. Its funny because peole are very racist over here but they know when to shut the fuck up about it.
Really? Prototypes are being developed for summer.
Like I said, where is the funding for the actual fucking wall?
>ignorant, uneducated, gas huffing retard can't refute the point
>ad hominem
LMAO at this tiny penis bitch.
Good good, let the butthurt flow
I know some of these kids since I live in Cali. They're good people, not snowflake, hate gays, pretty cool
Honestly Trump idea was outrageous, a 50 foot wall was his first plan. His "adjusted plan" is adding solar panels to sell off the energy to cover the cost of the wall. I can see why congress didn't budget for this yet.
Only Israel can have a nice wall.
i still believe the whole wall thing was a metaphore for securing the boarders, but people took it literally and he just went with it without thinking mutch
>1st gen
im 4th gen descendant of braceros. you have to go back, anchor baby
>renew permit
>obtain new address and information
>build database
Much easier to deport.