Hey Sup Forums what movies made the biggest impact on how you see the world?
Movies that redpilled you
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none cause they're all works of fiction created
to push an agenda and should be treated as such.
Fight Club inspired me to join a dojo. Now I can kick all your sorry asses.
Problem Child 2
ww2 movies. saving private ryan, schindlers's list etc. fucked up world out there user. bad people doing stupid things.
No Country for Old Men
Taught me that there has always been, and always will be, evil in the world. Any thought of creating a fire in that world of darkness is, as indicated by the final scene of the movie, simply a dream. The answer is to look to yourself to find the path through the darkness.
Waking Life repilled me on the existence of many competing yet internally consistent philosophies. I realized how much work I'd have to do to sort things out.
You're retarded. Its not always direct red pills. They are allegories.
The 13th Floor
Lawnmower Man
Wag the Dog
Charlie Wilson's War
Matrix & Animatrix
In Time
The Shamer's Daughter
A Conspiracy of Silence and Who took Johnny?
My same answer as always. Didn't know exactly what it meant the first time I saw it at ~18. Still knew something was very...off about it. I had already heard the theories that it got Kubrick killed as well, but just the most surface details.
Gospel of John
The Angry Birds Movie. Nothing more redpilled than that kids movie
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche had a similar effect on me. I still feel as if I'm sorting myself out.
Adam Sandler Movies.
Why? They're a fucking scam. Advertisement placement, phony actors and the whole 9 lines. Guy gets paid millions to make these shitty abysmal movies that have no artistic or cinematographic value. This has taught me that as long as there are idiots inhabiting planet Earth, you will be able to yield a profit from it.
Good point
I had a theory before that Adam Sandler's movies in fact are deep allegories, full of hidden messages and symbolism.
Absolutely, Schindler was an evil fucking demon
ghost in the shell, akira.
Nah, I thought that for some time too. But then I realized that it's as simple as just him robbing dimwits off their money. Can't really judge the guy, he's making a killing through a script that he makes in two nights. Poop/fart joke here, shitty comedy story line there, bunch of people falling over - and viola! You got yourself an Adam Sandler movie that costs $100.000.000 but only ~$20.000.000 went towards making the movie. Really wonder where the other $80.000.000 and money from advertising products went to? Hmm.
children of men's pretty good
that world could be ours
Such a good film
movies? try real life mate.
avoiding tv and libcuck media helps wake you up.
Matrix was made by literal trannies lmfao
Fight Club inspired me to become an anarcho-fascist
Good luck beating anyone with your Karate McBlackbelt
The biggest two were Supersize Me and that one documentary that the Johnson & Johnson heir made about how rich people don't give a shit about anyone but thenselves
Angry Birds
I've search about and it looks really interesting. I will watch
>everyone in the movie was white
Hmmm, really activates my almonds
Spit that black pill out, faggot
There always has been and always will be evil. But how much of it and where it is directed are entirely dependent on the structure of society
I'll kick your Muzzie ass back to Mecca.
>that costs $100.000.000 but only ~$20.000.000 went towards making the movie. Really wonder where the other $80.000.000 and money from advertising products went to? Hmm.
That's what I mean. Jack & Jill had a bigger budget than The Matrix, maybe it actually does go into the production of the movie?
it's a great depiction of the world to come through a pro-immigration propaganda trip
yes but ours won't be
This one right here.
It used such bullshit argumentation techniques that I smelled a rat and started looking into the issue on my own. I still can't believe how the truth about race and murder is hidden in plain sight.
>karate mcblackbelt
Where I live, if you reach black belt you have to register your hands as weapons and of you kill someone in a fight, assault with a deadly weapon charges can be added
This kino made me a l33t hax0r 24/7 for 3 years in a roll. I hacked MANY people and servers. I'm retired now. I'm not even kidding. Back Orifice age.
Animal Farm (the animated one)
Anything by Ralph Bakshi, that man is amazing.
Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Crom is your god, Crom and he lives in the earth. Once, giants lived in the Earth, Conan. And in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel. Crom was angered. And the Earth shook. Fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters, but in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield. We who found it are just men. Not gods. Not giants. Just men. The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts.
>Points to sword
This you can trust
On capitalism and the Western Oligarchy:
The Corporation
The Fog of War
A perfect summary on why Africa is in ruin:
Empire of Dust
Why you should never put trust in a modernized Federal state:
WACO: The Rules of Engagement
Silenced: (Obama's) War on Whistle Blowers
Explaining Israel:
Waltz with Bashir
filmes never had a big importance in redpiling, but some had a good message
-Lord of the Rings
my dude.
That's a fair point. I do believe that a path can be forged through it; I'm no nihilist, it's contrary to what I believe.
Patton. Been kicking ass ever since.
Transformers 1, It taught me how to be a cool white male and made me forget about focusing on my math and instead focus on getting laid. So yes I can say it change my life for the better.
(pic related) isn't a comedy. It's a documentary.
welcome to --the list-- hacker scum
you now work for us and (((them)))
resist and we will frame you!
The tree of life
Falling Down
Sounds like a pointless liability
manlet detected
The Notebook
Parallax View. I think stuff like this happens all the time.
how the fuck could they have been so wasteful with all that money
yeah i wonder why
Empire of Dust
Great fucking movie
holy fuck I watched that when I must have been about 5 and I didn't understand one bit but I knew it was something special. Haven't thought about it all these years and you just reminded me. Thank you, Friendly Fascist
trips don't lie
>muh nazis are ebil
>muh holocaust
(((Hollywood))) WW2 propaganda ids the most bluepilled thing there is. Kill yourself.
falling down is a bluepill disguised as a redpill faggot
You will kindly remove your mask.
What is in this movie is the crude truth about the violence situation of my country.
Year after year... sadly this situation only gets worse
I can't think of any.
movies don't redpill people
real life redpills people
All Bela Tarr and Kubrick films...
If you were "red-pilled" by a movie, you're blue-pilled as fuck.
they coudnt make a third movie because the drug cartels threatened them.
2 real
Back to the future. Redpill: The eye is watching
Pulp fiction
Fuck movies, anime for life/
This. Great stuff.
If it's the drug war you're interested in, you've probably already seen Sicario also. That film was amazing.
>Implying this is original
I saw that Half in the Bag episode, too.
y'all niggas need to watch some Tarkovsky
Unironically The Matrix
Most Kubrick movies. Watch Dr. Strangelove again, with the current political context it's a very different movie. I love the bomb too. Clockwork Orange and taxi driver are really good too.
Brazil is underappreciated.
Read the mysterious stranger by Mark Twain. If there's any Hollywood types reading this, make that book a movie you'll make a killing.
How is he redpilled in a Sup Forums sense? He's a great visual artist and enriches pour knowledge of the human condition but he's not Sup Forums
Not a movie but 11.22.63 changed my perspective on marriage and having a family
The Words did as well. I used to think I was going to spend my entire life content to live alone but now I'm preparing to find a woman worth marrying. Still not sold on having kids because small children stress me out and disgust me.
Enemy of the State
this. i was like 14 when my brother showed me this
>mfw redpilling everyone in highschool but nobody would listen
Bretty gud film
I wonder how the hollyjews didn't oy vey all over that one.
In your opinion, what's the political message in A Clockwork Orange? My thoughts were
1) People with a certain biology just can't change the way they are, no matter how they are brought up or what is done they will always have inherit traits that causes them to be a certain way.
2) Bad people win at life, and get into positions of power. The current system is a joke/corrupt and only the most ruthless make it, and not those who want to do good by their country and their fellow man. If I remember at the end of the movie one of them is a successful CEO and the other a police officer.
That's what I thought it was trying to convey but other anons might think differently.
surely you jest
WOW Mr. Jangles looks like that?!!!
All horrible hollywood films
Probably Triumph of the Will.
That film made me want to kill some fucking Jews.
In high school I had a book report to do, aged 15, and out of a long list of books provided by my teacher I picked A Clockwork Orange. She sat me down and told me it was "graphic" and "very violent" and suggested I pick a different book, so I did.
I picked Heart of Darkness LOL
I should watch A Clockwork Orange to see what she was talking about.
this movie is garbage