How does Sup Forums feels about motorcycles?

How does Sup Forums feels about motorcycles?

I think riding a motorcycle could improve my luck with the ladies, but I'm too scared of getting into an accident. I seems that they always involve getting killed in the most gruesome and painful way possible.

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Some faggot on a Harley in my hometown was tailgating some spic in a minivan who was going 5 under in the left lane. He passed her on the shoulder and gave her the finger. When he flipped the bird, he lost control of the bike and got BTFO by a handrail. Spic got deported.

Talk about 2 birds, 1 stone.

Meant guardrail.

My brother rides one and hes a fucking faggot.

removing geo flags ruined this board.


I ride a motorcycle. I absolutely love it. We're all going to die one day anyway, user. Go for it, or ask me anything.

Dont drive like an idiot and you'll be fine. Most of those accidents happen when motofags zig zag in traffic

They're fun
Take the risk or don't
Ride safe

>doing anything specifically for female attention

Don't. Do you genuinely like motorcycles? Then get one. They're fuel efficient compared to a car but pretty much useless for anything other than transporting human beings. They're also dangerous af if you wreck, which you've already pointed out. I'd get a truck if I were you, much more practical (which quality women will appreciate) and pretty much a requirement for the truly redpilled.


Once you've nearly been t-boned by a driver, despite having right of way, you'll never be anxious approaching women again.
Riding requires situational awareness and the confidence to make quick decisions. It'll build character.

Tl;dr you'll have near death experiences and be better for it. Do it faggot

>I think riding a motorcycle could improve my luck with the ladies,
>I'm too scared of getting into an accident
well son, theres your problem.

The only motorcycles that should be allowed on the road are pic related.

I've been riding for eleven years and have yet to impale myself on rebar for what it's worth. Generally it won't pull chicks, but plenty of dudes will want to talk to you! If you can accept the risk it is the single most fun mode of transport available. However, it is a huge risk so you should think about it hard and make the decision based on how you feel about it rather than trying to get laid. If you decide it's worth it, take a class. Don't be one of those dicks riding around only using the rear brake, learn how to ride before you do. Around $200 will get you in an MSF class and teach you what you need to know while also letting you ride their bikes so that can help you decide. You also won't have to take the DMV test and earn your license in the class.

i hate them
they zoom around with no regard for their own life and expect other drivers to take extra special care of them with their "watch out for motorcycles" stickers on their other vehicles

i get a kick out of watching them struggle with all their might, swerving, slowing, doing anything to avoid having to actually come to a complete stop at a light or stop sign

Your fear shows lack of balls. Your lack of balls is why you aren't having success with the ladies.

can one of you euros explain the love of BROWN footwear in europe?

Oh you are in Chile, not sure what the education is like down there but I'm sure you have something. However, I wager the risk is higher in Chile than the US based on what I know of the roads. No offence intended, just one more thing to think about.

Despite the cool factor it is way too easy to fuck yourself up without it even being your fault.

I used to work with a women, whom of which I was in love with, and she had owned a couple of high performance motorcycles. I instantly felt unworthy because I had never ridden one.

>special care
>not mowing down other road users at intersections, or side swiping them when changing lanes, is difficult.

Most people are too retarded to operate a motor vehicle.

when you're splitting lanes driving 30 mph faster than everyone else, it does take special care not to kill you

I hate having to coddle motorcyclists on the road who feel entitled to extra considerations because of their choice to ride a bike, all the while watching them recklessly speed, cut off cars, and text message. Every time I see a wrecked bike I let out a hearty guffaw.

Motorcycling comes down to this:

"Only he who risks is truly free."

I'm literally ready to die every time I ride. The risk is calculated to be 30X the risk of injury while riding in a car, but you just accept that and enjoy your life while it's here. Like Marcus Aurelius argued, all you really have to lose is the present.

>that guy who revs his motorcycle down my road in the middle of the night

>im actually super jealous and would do the exact same if I had one

Former medic at Motocross tracks here. Wasn't a weekend went by that we didn't send someone to hospital. Several times we had a helicopter on the way but aborted it after reviving the patient.
Bikes are fun.
Bikes are dangerous because of the autistic dweebs, soulless chinks and blind old ladies driving around in steel cages with zero situational awareness. You have to be aware of them and expect they will try and kill you.
If you can't stay in the the zone, awareness wise, from the moment you get on till the moment you get off, then don't. Even then you can still lose through no fault of your own. Someone else crashes, oil on the road, pot hole. These are real life examples of friends of mine who have wiped out.
A plus point is its cheap transport if you need to save for a house.
Chicks will not ride with you if the weather is inclement. They don't like getting wet.
Chicks will not ride with you if they don't think you are a completely competent and confident rider.
My suggestion? Become a track racer. Good road surface, good visibility around bends, you can make friends, gain confidence and build control. This will change the way women look at you. Stick to a car on the road.

You see people text on a motorcycle? Christ. I can't even picture myself doing that.

>cant drive mates around or talk to passengers
>cant eat/drink and drive
>cant transport shit
>high chance of being run over by some gook or shit driver.

only gang members, dweeby engineering students or mid life crisis losers drive motorbikes

So you're unable to stay in your own lane?
In your example staying in your own lane and checking your mirrors is all thats required. Is that special care to you?

>Can't fit sheepfriend on pillion seat.

niggers of the road. can't stand them.

The only time I've seen people act like dickheads on a motorcycle was in California. Dickheads used to split lanes (which is legal, I know), but the faggots would constantly clip cars and knock of side mirrors. Now I'm in the northeast and I don't see anyone being a dick on a bike anymore.

>check mirror
>no one coming
>change lane
>a motorcycle right on my ass all the sudden
>apparently i cut him off because he's going 140% the speed of traffic
>a large smile creeps on my face

I feel great about motorcycles.


1800 cc Honda VTX. 800 pound bike, also my first one. Been riding for just over a year. 10/10 best shit ever

Had two family members die riding one a drunk driver was trying to light a cigarette and came across the line. I've thought about getting one myself but I feel like drivers in general are getting worse. A lot of pricks that think they own the road drive them too.

Civilian use of motorcycles is degenerate.

I'm a firefighter/Paramedic...

Want to know what we call bikers? Organ Donors.

Those things are not safe.

Kill yourself

It also helps that they're useful and can drive over less than ideal conditions when SHTF.

That looks like an overgrown scooter.

I got my transplant from a donorcyclist, so I'm happy if more of them ride them. I'll need another one sooner or later.

>1800cc bike as first bike

Lol, BALLS OF STEEL. I've been riding for less than a year, but mine is just a little 550, and guys told me that was too big for a first bike. What's your 0-60 time?

Fun and gives you something mechanical and interesting to learn about. But you have to be mindful of the risks unless you're a fearless cunt.

I bought myself one, it's my first bike and to be honest I absolutely fell in love with it.

Pic related, Husqvarna Nuda R

Motorcycles are dangerous
t. been riding for 4 years

Don't ride to get poon. You are literally thinking like a filthy animal. People like you taint the community.

If you want to ride, ride. Get your license. Buy good gear. Don't be a squid.

>check mirror
>little cager brain only expects cars and literally dismisses anything that isn't a car or truck as noise
>thinks he isn't in the wrong

You lack adequate spacial reasoning. I hope you run down a child and tell the parent "they came out of nowhere".
People like you are actually incompetent, arrogant and too stupid to know it.

What happened to his shoes?

i hope a speeding biker crashes into my rear end and i can sue his family for a new bumper, which i will spend on 'fuck biker' stickers

The only people who should ride something like that have vaginas.


Who else rides and likes bike gore?
Nothing better than learning from other people's fatal errors.
>tfw in superstitious awe of dumptrucks with huge open wheel-wells

Get a bike you pussy. It will absolutely change you in a way you have no idea. It will make you a new man. More confident, more courageous, more skilled on the road, better with mechanics. Every man should do it.

You forgot the part where people aren't expecting anything going +40 mph over the speed limit to come up behind them, especially if it isn't ems or police blasting their siren.

Heh. Sweet

>i get a kick out of watching them struggle with all their might, swerving, slowing, doing anything to avoid having to actually come to a complete stop at a light or stop sign
>stupid cager doesn't know that's part of the fun
I like to see how slow I can go without putting my feet down, there's nothing quite like that careful dance of brakes, throttle and clutch engagement, plus it's a skillbuilder for stop and go traffic conditions.

>I think riding a motorcycle could improve my luck with the ladies

An autist on 2 wheels is still an autist.

solid advice.

When I was in college 8 years ago now, the block I was in was on a hill, and my most prominent memory is some fucking moron showing off going down the hill, slamming into a tree, and then seeing a memorial there for the rest of the time I was at college.

Don't try to show off

>Riding a motorcycle between lanes
>It is every other driver's responsibility to know that somebody might be driving where he isn't supposed to be, much faster than the speed of the traffic

This is why I feel good when I read about a motorcycle rider getting their head ran over in a crash

Lol, I watched a whole bunch of China motorcyclist .webms and then rode for 70 miles after yesterday.

It's much more likely that you'll merge into a biker, t-bone one at an intersection when they have right of way, or rear end a biker while they're stationary at a light.
You live with blinders on and are too stupid to realise it.

because leather is brown.
can you explain this shit?

pretty cool OP
go for it


Your indecision might also be a self assessment. I would never force someone to ride a motorcycle in traffic because for some it would be just as good as marching them to their death, its really not for everybody.

If you do decide to get one make sure you never fall into the assumption that obeying the laws and operating your motorcycle safely and responsibly is all you have to do and other drivers SHOULD handle their own responsibility as well, it always works like that til it doesn't. You should pretend that at some point some other vehicle will sneak up on you and suddenly try to kill you and just always be ready and on the look out.

Example: Was once stopped at a red light on a busy 3 lane road with concrete divider. I was in the left lane with a dozen cars in front of me and atleast one large SUV behind me. ALWAYS leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front to go around if needed, and move your head a bit to a spot where you could catch whats going on behind you in one of your mirrors, in this case I couldn't see anything because of the SUV.
All of a sudden I heard a sleight screeching/squealing sound and it was getting louder, without knowing what was going on I pulled forward to the left next to the concrete barrier and passed a few cars. CRASH, some moron in a honda civic going 80mph had locked up his brakes somehow and crashed into the SUV that was behind me, and sent it into the car that was in front of me. I might have been ok but then again I might not.

Another example being road debris, within 2 minutes of each other I was almost hit by a trash bag on the highway, and a large strip of rubber from an 18 wheelers tire that got rolled under the car in front of me and flipped up and almost hit me.

That and some deusche in a van tried to hit me on the highway because he thought I was going to fast and apparently in his book that made it acceptable to try to take my life.

These are just the first examples that come to mind.

best thing about it is he'll be far too injured to catch my license plate when i speed off

I only have a motorbike, no car.

I get free parking in the city, can move up traffic jams on the highway/in city. Get free city parking, cheap fuel costs, can do minor servicing myself in an hour, major services are far cheaper than a car. Bike is cheaper to register and maintain. etc etc etc

Bikes are awsome. The downside is you have to have a place at work to shower/get changed if you dont have a car for wet weather. You have to be hyper aware at all times. Other people may be the ones at fault but that does not keep your neck unbroken. You must take responsibility for ALL drivers around you as well as your own conduct because you will be the one paying the price.

Bikes are great, but require extra responsibility.

my dad died on a donorcycle. so yeah, not for me.


Because we want shoes in any color we want and we aren't beta pussies who go "Well, the leather is brown so I guess we're stuck with brown shoes. Oh well."

I didn't forget anything. My point, which went over your head, is that people don't see what they don't expect. That's their fault.
Yeh. It is your responsibility to be aware of other road users. If you don't like it you can ride the bus.

Any near misses?

ITT a bunch of virgin faggots that couldn't ride a scooter who shit their pants when a motorbike buzzed by them going 100+

i had to avoid an actual garbage can on the freeway this morning. Gotta be sharp 100% of the time.

pic title "hip-hop shoes"
>asks for explanation

Mate was sitting at lights on his bike and was knocked into oncoming traffic by an 80 yr old woman in a hatchback. He died. Bikes are fucking worthless

Keep riding your motorcycle recklessly in traffic, please. It will be better for everyone in the long run.

If you're making any decisions based on getting ladies you've already fucked up.
Make decisions based on how it will improve yourself don't be a cuck and do it for others.
Motorcycles are fun but there are risks like anything.

Thank god that guy was wearing a helmet.

Helmet cams are a thing. Enjoy prison after committing a hit n run.

>How does Sup Forums feels about motorcycles?Motorcycle riding is extremely alpha. Vid related. To do this your nuts need to weigh more than 2 tons.

Plenty, but only one I didn't see coming. Bout 6 months ago a woman in the far right lane decided she suddenly had an overwhelming need to turn left so she cut across 4 lanes and almost took me out. Had to run into the gutter not to get side-swiped. Reported to cops and there was a traffic camera on the intersection so she may get done for reckless driving. Wont know outcome unless it goes to court and I get called.

All other near misses I have seen coming, there is just a particular behaviour/vibe to pants on head retarded drivers you learn to pick up on.

What are you talking about? Riding a bike is not some grand accomplishment, my 350 lbs 57 year old burger aunt still rides her harley. The reason people don't ride isn't because of difficulty or learning curve, it's because they have no interest in getting their brains splattered across the highway.

>when you're splitting lanes driving 30 mph faster than everyone else, it does take special care not to kill you

I once saw some college kids merge onto the highway and hit a motorcycle from behind... No idea where he was looking to not see the vehicle in front of him, luckily he only tapped it and everybody was alright, but the check twice save a life stickers are more about reminding people to keep their own stupidity in check than anything else, and they do need to be reminded.

>What's the difference between a Hoover and a Harley?
>The location of the dirt bag.

>My grandma can ride
Yeah dude that is totally in the same league as this.

Who cares? Biker lives don't matter.

>not having a bike
ya goof'd op.

riding is fun but it wont get you laid. you should do it because you enjoy it. if you're concerned about safety, it's pretty easy to not die - just have good awareness, assume everyone doesn't see you and will do stupid things, and ride within your limits on public roads.

t. faggot who's been riding a decade and lane splits to work in NYC regularly.

>implying i havent stolen your helmet as a trophy

What makes you think I ride recklessly to begin with? I'm just arguing with a bunch of incompetent drivers who aren't capable of seeing other road users if they don't expect them. Something I deal with daily, and I don't even lane split since it's unnecessary where I live.

Well It's more that leather is more durable and higher quality. But I guess america likes everything cheap with shit quality like plastic spray painted shoes.

ayy nyc fag here
good parking on 39th and 8th by the HARAM cart.

way to move the goalpost. I was referring to "ITT a bunch of virgin faggots that couldn't ride a scooter" and your brainless response is to post professional motorcycle racing, as if that's some sort of rational equivalent to the "scooter" comment.
This is why you should have worn a helmet.

>all the while watching them recklessly speed, cut off cars, and text message.

Not all motercyclists.

But no really that was probably me, never seen any others texting while riding.

Smart fellow. Dirt is the way to go (trees don't run stop signs. :-D although they can have a nasty habit of jumping out in front of you once in a while)

I miss my 3 wheeler (185S). I'm too old now anyway, though. :-/

i work in chelsea so i park around 18/19th and 7th. dat ASP bruh, make sure you check the sign

Been a biker for 15 years, you are taking your life into your own hands. It's no lie about the feeling of freedom. Then it was night time and I hit something and ended up impaled on a fence post for several hours 60 miles away from a hospital. Still not sure how I made it out of that one. They had too carry my intestines in a bag when they put me in the ambulance. I still ride.

oh wait you actually pay a lot of money for your spray painted shoes. It's just the manufacturer that doesn't

so true i am gonna make a BLDM bumper sticker for my car