Oh god, the SJW baseball team got interviewed...
You Cringe, You Lose!!!!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>a jew professor being called a racist by SJWs
I can't believe that they think their terminology resonates outside of their bizarre academic bubble. They seem so confident while spouting utter bullshit.
Mate, I'm ill. Vomiting rainbows. And you, you wanker post this.
>I can't believe that they think their terminology resonates outside of their bizarre academic bubble. They seem so confident while spouting utter bullshit.
it is obviously insane. But it works. People are scared of these people because they will ruin your life. Say some gardener at the university walks past and says "god, you are fucking idiots" - they will ruin his life by various legal and illegal means.
>fuck free speach
Liberals truly are the shittiest people
Are you scared Nazi?
We must revoke the voting rights of women so we can fix the damage and save western civilization
>"I have to pee"
>"Ummmm, Hold it."
Cuck levels I didn't think possible.
>implying they know how to use what their holding in any other way than posing with it
gotta stop using that word. They wield it like a weapon. They are leftists.
>Part and Parcel of the modern college campus.
Hoisted by his own petard.
Holy fuck that President is the most cucked man I have ever seen in my life
Living in a rural area most of my life, it's just hard for me to imagine people like this actually exist.
>bringing blunt objects to a gun fight
Sounds like something a woman would do.
>constantly radicalize kids
>it works
>be upset with outcome
Because the SJW indoctrination worked perfectly. Is he just pretending to be upset? He's worked his whole life to achieve this.
I think he's just upset that it happened before he could retire.
he's upset because he has not realized he is an useful idiot and part of being an useful idiot is never realizing it until you are dead
damn that was pathetic. what the fuck is going on at that school? if any school needed a school shooter to cleanse it, it's that one.
>Well, this is part-and-parcel of their central mode. They're just shutting down somebody that they don't want to hear from.
Oy vey, the goyim are shutting us down. That's our job.
Fast forwarded it to when they get interviewed and made it 15 seconds
This is like a much gayer version of A Clockwork Orange.
It's funny how much liberal arts colleges look like psychiatric hospitals. These kids are literally insane. I'm so fucking glad I went to a stem college. I mean, sure there were some aspies at my school but this is another level all together.
prepare yourself
Hamplanet hands freak me out
You guys better start lifting, reading as much as possible and making some fucking cash, because the future for us, for westerners, for white people, looks fucking BLACK.
We are losing this battle. There is so much resentment based on envy and on our capacity to strife, that basically everybody is just waiting for the moment to fuck us up. And that moment is coming.
I don't know what's gonna happen, but right now, the only clear thing is that we're losing the war.
guess again mate
>ruining a gardener's life
So he goes back to mexico?
wtf am i looking at
Burgess really nailed it didn't he? Those kids were about as faggy as anything the guy could have imagined.
does emptying the contents of your stomach into the trash bin count as cringing
I equally hate how small their feet look when their legs and ankles are really fat.
A western spy who can't squat properly
comments section on vid...
>"These "liberals" are poisoning the actual left. They are just as bad as the white supremacists on the right. They use surprisingly similar tactics."
>Sup Forumsacks == SJWs.
Has Sup Forums, dare I say, been BTFO? ...And by a youtube commenter no less.
Jesus christ
What country is origin?
Whats a bat going to do against a firearm?
I have to know where this is from.
Pretty sure that Britain. You get arrested for defecating in public in the states and our building don't look that historic.
im lurking but there are so FUCKING many reactions in youtube
>its just a lady massaging her sore heel
Man what the fuck it went south extra fast
I lose
the pic was enough
What does this have to do with ear centipedes
Thank you, OP. Your video has brought joy to my heart and a cackle to my lips. I don't understand why that video has so few thumbs down though.
Are they all able to puke on command because we bombed their ancestors?
holy shit, i'd only seen half that webM before. It gets so much better.
>hysterics over a television death in a show where everybody dies
I typed out four different angry sentences but none fit quite the level of vitriol inside of my guts
Real masculinity
I always thought this was a myth
Her eye's are just soulless
lmfao that dude is from Sup Forums, i bet 1 million dollars.
Im surprused she didnt get all sassy on his ass
>the black girl is the most fuckable of the group
The worst part about these videos is the god damn finger snapping. What the fuck is that shit?
Where the hell is this? Modern art is fucking atrocious
That sounds like a violent insane threat
for real, it's that look, the dead fish one
what the fuck is she doing pol?
wtf? sauce? this kind of shit makes me want to start hunting humans.
kek, the guy's expression at the end.
look again stranger
It's the innsmouth look that H.P. Lovecraft wrote about
The mind virus
Snapping her fingers because clapping is a microaggression.
I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "well, could she ...?", how lucky do you feel?
Why the fuck do the students think they have authority over the teachers?
wow, she sure showed me by doing irreversible damage to her body and bringing on a slew of health issues that will likely kill her by the age of 50
how will thin people ever recover from this fatal blow?
lmao whys that chick on the couch holding red jerseys hand while cuddled into yellow jersey
lmfao women
yellow guy looks gay asfuck my dude
I can't be the only one that laughs whenever someone is brutally killed in these shows. I don't have whatever people have that makes them feel so fucking attached to a fictional character.
Also, what is with SJWs and fucking finger snapping. Makes me want to punch a wall.