More mad webm from China

no wonder

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pls no







what the fuck, most chinese people have no fucking soul

>Jumping around like a monkey
Typical chinks


ohhhh no






>those fucking robot chinks watching with no reaction


> 世界明星 !





>driver's ed in China

>video from china
>the vehicle actually stopped


likely died 5 minutes later

Definitely. Internal bleeding causes death in up to 30 min.

What an incredible close call. That would leave me believing in god.

Reminder you can be tried for murder if you attempt to help someone and they die from previous injuries

This is why no one in China every stops or even notices dead people, if they do anything, it's their fault



Aren't they supposed to be pacifists or some shit? Or is that just my white colonial oppressor brain kicking into whitesplain mode?


>"ATTENTION PASSENGERS. Our next stop will be: HELL. :D"

>Great another daughter

that looks pretty fun


Dissapointing lack of kung fu in your webm.


Shes died

These people have no self fucking awareness.

> Crashing this bus

I watched this on a loop for like 5 minutes. The look on the face of the guy in the white and green shirt is insane.
He looks like he wanted to help the driver. then took a look out the window and said "this is it".


by the height of that car I dont think the driver noticed her sitting there… speaking of playing at garage entrance

>mother doesn't have the instinct of making sure her child is at her side at all times while going across a fucking street

Asians really have no empathy at all. Failed whites.

its true


>every day its new gifs

>never repeats

What the fuck goes ON in this country?!

>my son just got run over
>no reaction

why are they so bad at driving?

>terminator chase scene

nah, monks are kinda bad ass

I would eat that

I hope after the shoot she got the holy fuck outta that country. Looks like Dubai or any number of 'No Fun Allowed' theocracies. They could not have been happy.



When you're arguing with some North Airbender about which temple is best and things get a little heated


>Someone actually helped

Im confused.


Tiny eyes, plus 5 centuries of nothing faster than an ox.

why is it that every time this happens, the driver of the offending vehicle just fucking SITS THERE and doesn't react.

holy fucking shit it's like they get a kickback from the government for every baby they successfully kill.



Aren't they supposed to go full ching chong erect Tiger dick punch or some shit like in the movies?

that's sad :(

it is Shanghai, thats their local tv tower; I do agree with the expelling such degenerates tho


>when you're so used to eating Van de Kamp's fish sticks you actually get offended by fresh food

>Shanghai is in an atheist-state

at least they couldve gutted it and severe the head

Because the Chinese legal system is so fucked that it's better for you to sit there and do nothing than it is for you to help someone. Basically, in China, they have this law that says if you get into an accident, you must pay all of their bills - so there have been many people who fake injuries in innocuous accidents to get cash. So now, in China, if you run over someone, it's better to just run them over again and make sure they're dead than it is to try and help them.



>le Asians are bad driver meme

Americans seem buttmad at Japanese driver's won.

Freshest fish in town!

desu i thought id seen some shit but these china threads fill me with unprecedented hate

>b-b-but muh chinese IQ
They're like little fucking monkeys with an ability to memorize and repeat shit well. That's it. In every other way they're as dumb as niggers.


This is not true at all. You are running off of outdated information.

Holy shit that was awesome

I believe the chinese have discovered the cure to child obesity

what are baffles?

suc amazin kun fo

china is suprirotr

Probably didn't notice them sitting there but once u feel a significant bump that you ALSO never saw, what would your natural reaction be?

To stop and investigate, or just continue and hope for the best.

>thinking that a kidnapped girl being forced into a marrige or whatever is sad means I am from reddit
i bet you would get all mad and butthurt if it was a white girl being kidnapped by some blackies.

also, fuck you

Ya. Girl is toast. Sucks.

he was probably fine, kids are pretty much indestructible because soft bones. I read a story where one in wisconsin survived getting run over hy a steamroller and went on to be a prominent kekistani

is she ok?

Someone needs to realign their chakras.

>feeling empathy for gooks
reddit for sure

Maybe in China. But here, most States have "good samaritan" laws on the books that protect you from civil and criminal liability if you are trying to assist someone like this.

Was expecting some sick Kung-Fu, sad.

>crazy manlet veers you off the bridge
>that moment when you reach zero g and for just a brief moment you're flying

worth it desu

>When your noggin starts jogging

Only subhumans would come up with a legal system that fucked.

So what's the reason then? Why are they so inhumane and nonchalant when a fucking BABY GETS RUN OVER BY A TRUCK.