How are we planning for this?
Trump 2020
Booker is a bought and paid for shill for big pharma. Exploit the very same attack angles that the regressives use against him.
If he #FiresKushner, #FiresIvanka, and gets rid of the other globalists in his administration (the ones Kushner and Ivanka told him to hire), then and only then will I vote for Trump again.
Oh, and he needs to follow through on his campaign promises, like repealing ALL of Obamacare.
Assuming Hillary is dumb enough to run again, back some super far left Bernie Sanders type retard against her, preferably a black muslim woman for extra identity politics points.
Then sit back and watch as the Dems eat themselves alive again.
If they decide to run another wackjob liberal again, we got this no problem. If they want to run someone normal like Jim Webb, well...
>loses Wisconsin
I think he may gain Minnesota, possibly lose Arizona and/or Texas. He can afford to lose one, but not both. He can beat Booker or Zuckerberg easy, maybe Warren or Bernie, and would be fucked against Biden or Gabbard. Also with Puerto Rico possibly in the mix, it could complicate things.
Lets say if he doesn't fire Ivanka, Kushner, but gets rid of some no name globalists, and partially repeals Obamacare with full repeal promised on his second term - would you still vote for him?
Perhaps. I would certainly applaud the move, but regarding if Kushner and Ivanka were still in his administration, it would depend on how much of an influence the globalist-commies Kushner and Ivanka were having on Trump and his policies. And right now, their influence is guiding Trump and we did not vote in globalist-commies, so he needs to get rid of them and send them both back to NYC.
>partially repeals Obamacare with full repeal promised on his second term
Ooops, did not notice this part. No. If he cannot fully repeal and replace Obamacare in his first four years, I certainly would not trust him if he said he would do it his second four years. Both the House and Senate are Repubs right now. He claimed throughout his campaign that he was a "genius" and got things done. So, get it done. Or you lose my vote. End of.
Even if it means giving the House back to the Democrats? They will be emboldened, and most likely use Trump's ousting as mandate to implement more Sanderista socialism.
>Even if it means giving the House back to the Democrats?
You assume that would happen. The only ones benefiting from Obamacare are the illegals and the minorities. Normal, average Americans are suffering under Obamacare. And if Trump is so smart, and has all the "greatest brains": as he claimed working on a replacement, why would people hate it. Go back to what America used to have, the time up until the late 1980s when America had the best medical care and research in the world, and Catholic charity hospitals dotted America, and they were the ones that took care of those who had no insurance.
You sound like a concern troll, and not an actual Trump supporter.
Consider the following scenario:
>post-2018 midterms, "Republicans" lead a charge to primary Trump.
>Democrat voters switch party affiliation to vote against Trump
Let's get the nomination before we plot the general.
Trump will resign before then because of the Russian investigation you heard it here first
You're fucking retarded
I am a huge Trump supporter, was from the moment he announced. But, he has done things I absolutely disagree with, like hire Ivanka and Jared and other commie-globalists.
Anyway, hope your thread gets more traction. I need to leave now so hope others join in.
I doubt Booker can get that many states.
He has no charisma and Dems are so divided after Bernie got cucked by the DNC.
If anything Trump will win due to voter apathy
>t. Kushner
No we hear it everywhere non stop.
>The only ones benefiting from Obamacare are the illegals and the minorities.
This is categorically untrue.
There are millions of young white people who benefit by being able to stay on their parents plan
It should really be Bernie Sanders on the democratic side.
He could bring gigantic improvements in terms of healthcare, consumer protection and green energy which would improve the life of so many millions of average americans.
>fucked against creepy sleepy Biden
>PR ever being a state
>I think he may gain Minnesota, possibly lose Arizona and/or Texas.
this is damn near irredeemably stupid as FUCK to even type this out.
yep, it checks out. probably a canadian moose fucker, too.
- Steer a shitload of infrastructure plan spending to the rust belt
- Manage to hold on to one of the three rust belt states he won in 2016 (MI, PA, or WI)
- 4 more years
>How are we planning for this?
Trump doesn't get impeached
Trump doesn't start a 3rd world war
The economy doesn't crash during Trumps presidency
Liberals keep digging their graves and don't change what lost them the election
>do i even need to say anything
>reply to wrong post
well, there's the most retarded thing i've ever done
>corey booker
please no. democrats you are smarter than this
Implying the democratic party wont fucking implode by 2020
kanye, rock, trump and ellen degnerous
Where Kikelburg at?
I don't think the 2020 Dem nominee is going to be one of the "new" guys like Booker or Harris. I think it's more likely to come down to three choices like Warren, Kaine, and perhaps a governor like Inslee or O'Malley . Also, Booker has a weird look in his eyes that gets to me. I don't know what it is.
Ill vote for trump if he stays out of war for the next four years and stops being pro globalism and returns to his anti-NATO stances he had during the election. Otherwise I'm voting Libertarian.
Warren running is perfect. If she loses all her supporters are going to throw a hissy fit and end up not voting. If she wins she'll scare away the centrists
The interesting thing about Warren is that she's considered by many to be an extreme leftist like Bernie. While she does use some of that rhetoric, there's no indication that she's nearly that far left. She's a liberal for sure. No doubt about that. But I'm holding off on lumping her in with Bernie for now. Also, like Trump she draws big crowds wherever she goes even in conservative areas.
Joe can't go 4 days without saying something stupid, 4 years is asking alot
I'm honestly not voting for Trump again if I don't see wall progress
Her banking stuff is pretty damn radical left. She's a complete moron. My financial investor friend refers to retards as "Elizabeth warrens"
We have to attack Kamala Harris. If you saw how Obama was groomed from 2000-2008 you see the same in Kamala Harris
Tulsi Gabbard is who we need to watch out for
I'd probably vote for Webb
Sanders has no hope of winning the nomination in 2020.
As would I. I got my dad his book Born Fighting for fathers day. We're Scots-Irish so yeah.
>voting for blumf
Are you guys for real? After all the flip-flops and globalist shit he made? We are six months into his presidency and no real progress is made into the wall, healthcare or anything. trump just turned out to be a kike puppet.
Here's what will happen:
>republican lose the senate and probably the house too in 2018.
>drumpf presidency is effectively neutered.
>drumpf will start talking about how great his presidency was but won't run in 2020 to save his face.
>if he decides to run, he will lose, bigly. Remember Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin were only won by a few thusands votes.
Screencap this.
hes playing that 4d chess. letting social tension rise to the point where he can just kill all illegals and nuke mexico
You need to actively study your local and state politics. Understand who is up for re election and who is running and where they stand in comparison to Trump on issues
2020 will be easy if Trump people get their shit back together in 2018 to dominate midterms
There should be a group planning a massive free spech / support Trump event. Call it Trumpfest and make it a huge fucking deal, bigger than any tea party shit and just showing loyalty and support for our great President and our personal freedoms
lol muslim