Dont FUCK wit my MOTHA FUCKIN president
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Not sure if satire.
some of the funniest shit i seen all day man fuck outta here
bump for magathug
i laughed
fucking nigs man
the hood fucks with trump on the low
das rite
let me explain it to the hippies and foreighners. Mexicans are black gangs main enemy. trumps getting rid of mostly illegal gang member's from ms13.
Not quite the Alt-Right White nationalist I was expecting but we cant be so choosy these days if we want to defeat the jews.
As long as Ho-Teps kill kikes and oppose non-white immigration they are alright in my book and should be spared on the day of the rope and to sweeten the pot we should let em take non-white females as warbrides.
There's a reason one of the cartels tried to perform an ethnic purge in california a while back
black people love tough guys who talk shit. and they hate the media too.of course they like trump.
>666th view
Damn Sup Forums he's satans soldier, ruff ridin fo dat Trump
I know mexicans who love trump too.
Trump is the thinking mans nigger..,
keep my MOTHA FUCKIN PRESIDENT name out ya mouth..FUCK NIGGA
Wtf I love blacks now
real niggas are down wit trump
bump for a worthwhile nog
Misser Trump know bout dat hustle namsayin?
Based black man
he's been namedropped at least 67 times in hip hop songs:
no shit niggas love the hustle and trumps the gold standard for hustlin