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Oh wow that's fucking nothing

Nights always watch and do nothing...usually laughing and.chimping out and filming

dey dindu nuffins, dey piecefull

can we send them all back?

Were they white though?

reminds me of snow on the bluff.

Any bourgeois scum who lives in a two story house deserves this

I'm unironically amazed they tried to help him in the end.

>I'm amazed they tried to help themselves to his shit.

Fixed that for you.

its so crazy how they laugh. The thrive on bad behavior. They are always laughing and joking and taunting when people are fighting or crimes are being committed. The black community seriously needs to crack down on behavior like this. They need youth programs and community watch that can talk to kids like these and get them doing something constructive instead of this kind of bullshit.

Keep in mind those people went through the same educational system as we did. They are genetically deficient. That girl recording from beginning to end thought it was hilarious and she sounds like a grown ass adult. Think about this going on in a white suburb. They aren't drunk, and it's broad daylight.

True, lots of those kids dont even go to school. Yeah if this happened in a white suburb i can imagine someone pulling her away from the house or at least running up and trying to stop her. These people are waiting and wanting for it to happen. I do think there is a problem with schools in these black areas. I have seen videos of the teachers and they speak just as ghetto as the kids. The black community can has to change this kind of culture themselves from within, there is nothing whites can do to help and if we try or say anything we are deemed racist.

I have read about a gene that a lot of blacks have that makes them more impulsive and violent. I truly believe that this is the reason they act the way they do. Its not in all of them, i forget the exact number but i remember it being around 65% that carry the gene.

Could anyone hear the deceased's screams?

whoa, wait
> blur the face of the criminal
> bitch burns a house down and all nogs can do is loiter and laugh?

>Could anyone hear the deceased's screams?
>w-world STAR
>w-w-world stahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

> The black community seriously needs to crack down on behavior like this.
don't hold your breath. This kind of accountability is exactly what the black community has been running away from for over 60 years

> They need youth programs and .....
shut the fuck up, faggot
the only thing they need is ZERO subsidies for living like shit and the fullest prosecution of the law to eliminate the threat to civilization that they are.

The black community is steeped in THINKING ERRORS. It is the backbone of their "culture", they take pride in it. It is a pathology that has nothing to do with their skin tone.

People don't like blacks because of their pigmentation, its because of the way they behave. Even niggers don't want to be around other niggers


they were kicking the door but I thought they were beating down the dude as he was trying to get out

Although your words are harsh you make a pretty good point.

The black community seriously needs to crack down on behavior like this. They need youth programs and a community watch that can talk to kids and people like these and get them doing something constructive instead of this kind of bullshit. Its disgusting how people are laughing while someone is burning alive. The only time they care about doing anything was when it was already too late. Call the fire department, call the police, interact with the people who are there to help. Every area like this should have an active community center reaching out to the youth to educate them and teach them to care about life and their community. Its not racist to talk about it, without frank conversations nothing will change. Its the culture that has to change, and African Americans are the only people that can change the attitudes from within.

I saw a comment on the video about hearing screams but I couldn't catch it myself. Anyone have a timestamp?

Not one person helps
Everyone laughing
Hooting and hollering
But no wait hold up traffic because a guy was shot by cops
Black lives matter

Nice copy pasta from the bideo tho.

what they need is to be sent back

It is not their culture, it is their iq. People often say it's culture because it's the cancer they can point out.
Their 'culture' if one can call it that is due to their subhuman iq. Not he other way around.

They really need to be exterminated, tbqh.

She didn't kill him, that probably weren't her motive. I don't know why she's lighting the house on fire but you don't know shit that old man can't climb out the window maybe if he weren't in there she would've been fine. White folk always stretch the story to make it their narrative

can we blame this on Scientology?


MAOA 3-repeat allele

>t. white nigger who has the sequence


Your run on sentences are indecipherable nigger.

Shut up redneck innocent til proven guilty

There we go thats the one. Actually I read on the wikipedia its only 4.7% of blacks that have it, but there could be other undiscovered genes as well that potentiate the impulsivity and aggressive behavior.





They should execute every single person that was outside while this happened.

But how can we blame this on white people?

Always relax

I thought I've seen it all but American blacks are the worst, of the worst. Never though people like that will let others set fire a fucking building and laugh about it, where's the fucking moral code? are these people the lowest of the lowest? I mean we all hate muslims because of their backward ass society but fuck at least they have a fucking culture. This is just nomadic, barbaric and very uncivilized, these people need to be eradicated.

>12th & Wright
Safe to say that it was a nigger who died.

I would laugh if they ran in all heroically only to see them come out with a tv and jewelry while the dude is burning in the background

"awww naww, dem british mofockas burn dey shit and dey gotz gibz and new house n sheit, Murica juz raciz"


Points deducted

if you separate nogs from their tribal mentality of gimmedat (THINKING ERRORS) they can contribute and that is where you see the bell curve outliers

You are offering no solutions other than the final one. That isn't realistic.

The operative issue is how to keep their toxic effect from destroying humanity. Its simple; hold them accountable and expose their pathological behavior for what it is. No well-meaning SJW can justify a person when they embrace those 10 rules. Understanding this also exposes that "white oppression" is a complete myth. Yes, there will be blacks treated poorly by whites as 1% exception, but even when blacks are treated as equals, they will still perceive whites as da devil because of how they process the world around them.

>Implying nigger know what happened in someone else country
Niggers only keep up with news from their block.

The fuck is that in pic related?

fair point, I mistook them as unselfish human being for a second there.


>::basketball bouncing intensifies::
>still cant hold phone horizontally while recording

oh my gaaaaah

Niggers are not human. Stop talking about them like they are. Someone give this guy a graph showing niggers vs whites in adoption and income.

i will say this, at least they did try to help at the end. but their lack of foresight is disturbing. did they not predict that there were people in there when she lit the fire? the time to act and get people out of the house is right when the fire started, not sit around and fucking post it on twitter for 3 minutes.

>at least they did try to help at the end
They were trying to rob the house.

>They need youth programs and community watch
>They need youth programs
>They need programs
oh no you di-int

>Niggers are not human
no one is debating that, you faggot mongoloid.

I pointed out exactly the reason why they are incapable of assimilating. All you're doing is pissing your pants with "Fire bad!" chants.

Raise your game, you LeafFag

>lets help
>smash windows and open doors to let more oxygen in to the fire
good job niggers

niggers are absolutely karmic retribution for slavery

No, I'm shitting on your faggot liberal 'help 'em out' attitude.
You're such a huge idiot you actually believe they are capable. They aren't capable of anything but screaming for mo gibs, mo money and how whites oppress them. They are a negative to output at the very most foundational level and are utterly retarded. Thos outliers you mention just have subpar kids.
Live with the niggers if you love them so fucking much.
You are a blemish to the flag you chose. Keep hiding.

They need to die.

It's the laughter and excitement from the nogs that gets me. I've noticed that they love anything that makes their place 'ghetto'. It's another story of the depravity, violence, worthlessness of their area that they can use to tell others how ghetto their hood is.

They also like to pose in front of that shit and act like "dayum he done did dat!" and refuse to intervene in any way.

>your faggot liberal 'help 'em out' attitude
I said the exact opposite, you degenerate leaf

Same way they gloat over being violent or stealing something. They worship crime and ghettoism.

>Not one person helps
>Everyone laughing
>Hooting and hollering
>But no wait hold up traffic because a guy was shot by cops
>Black lives matter

When someon yelled out that there was someone inside, a whole bunch of guys tried to kick in the front door. When they got it open, huge amount of smoke poured out and they could do nothing.

A haiku for this thread:
Black heads are empty
I fucking hate nigger scum
Please cops kill them all

Shit's on fire, yo.

Others be standing and not preventing her. Degenerate america.

It took them a full minute before they decided to look for something to put the fire out

I do that too though, I laugh at fights and watching black people hit each other and steal shit. It would only bother me if they attacked a person

Where is black lives matter to protest the innocent life that was robbed ?????????

That gene is only a small part of it, there are many other differences

I honestly don't think she thought that would happen. I don't think she has a good enough understanding of how fire works. Actually, I think that about every one of them that stood by and watched her light gasoline inside a house.

Milwaukee is such a shit hole.

Literally the only place in Wisconsin full of niggers and people wonder why it's a dangerous shit hole.

>nobody does anything or says anything
negro fire fighting skills folks

Those same people watched her pour that gas inside and light it while laughing.
There were multiple people in that house
They knew and you're a piece of shit Canadian.

you were not oppressed
or victims of strategic
covert gangstalking blacks are
en mass 247 or you would
be seeing a shit ton of malcom Xs

It wouldn't help. There is nothing that can help black people.

Blacks just need Christ.

>needs more proof.

Imagine seeing a house full of full of people go up in flames and your only reaction being to laugh and jump around like a chimp.

This is America's punishment for slavery

Ay yo we wuz fire starters, twister fire starters.

That dude has so many white ancestors.

No wonder he exploits the shit out of black people.

they think going to church on Sunday makes them immune for all their gang activity
im not talking about little old black women in big hats here

blacks have very low empathy.

they live among you, they breed and they VOTE

Again, another instance of how niggers are completely bereft of the ability to consider their actions, the consequences of their actions, and the future.

The bitch was mad at some dude, so she tried to burn down an entire multi-story building with who the fuck knows still inside.

It's more our punishment for fostering the conditions that led to this eventuality.

Believe it or not blacks were relatively morally upstanding on average before the government stepped in and started giving them all sorts of gibs. It corrupted their entire culture because it robbed them of their desire to better themselves and live a responsible life.

That wouldn't work. Ignoring all the genetic factors, the only way to get rid of this would be to completely destroy black culture. We'd have to take all black children away from their parents at birth like the Canadians and Aussies did with aboriginals. That is the only way to actually fix them to any extent, and I don't want to pay for that shit. I just want them to fucking leave. It would be solved so simply with that.

I have that and I'm white. That's actually extremely common. You're thinking of the 2-repeat version. That's the one that makes people hyper-violent, though its true that 3-repeat allele is a bit more violent than the mutations making it longer. Too many repeats though and people get depressed because MAOA is the enzyme the destroys dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, et cetera in the brain.

Moar plz :3

How do you know you have it?
How can I find out if I'm a carrier

I'm chronically depressed and nothing seems to excite me anymore, not even irl pussy. I literally give no shits about finding a wife

Order either a 23andMe or AncestryDNA test, spit in a tube & mail it back, wait, get results, download the 'raw data', and run it through (look up the SNP on SNPedia).

The specific SNP in question is "rs909525".

Promethease (pic-related) is fucking awesome and you can learn A LOT about yourself. If you have any questions later on ask on leddit's (I know it's gay trust me I hate it too) 23andMe subreddit and I'll help you.

If you smell something funny when you walk down the street, you're in Coon Town.
You look and see garbage all over the street, you're in Coon Town.
Up and down the street there ain't nothing but trash, nigger girls trying to get a nigger boy's cash.
Then you even see a spook with a big moustache, in Coon Town.

On the corner there's a nigger with a drink in his hand, that's Coon Town.
Trying to bum a nickel from whoever he can, in Coon Town.
Don't be surprised, you can make a bet, if you go back tomorrow he'll be there yet.
He's trying to get drunk and drunk he's gonna get, in Coon Town.

Niggers never bother about going to work, in Coon Town.
They seem to think that work is for jerks, outta Coon Town.
They don't do nothing but sleep and doze, he don't wake until his eyes are tired of being closed.
It's half a day's work for him to scratch his toes, in Coon Town.

It amazes me to see the way they live, in Coon Town.
They do all the taking while we have to give, to Coon Town.
The White man worries, the nigger don't care, cause at the end of the month his check will be there.
Every nigger earns his living off the old welfare, in Coon Town.

Every nigger earns his living off the old welfare, in Coon Town.

***(OR look up the SNP on SNPedia)

Even ghetto got cameras. I guess technology did bring us a way to solve degeneracy, at least gave us evidence to solving it.

>Vertical Video

Fucking apes.

inb4 europe has problems

hol up, hol up. he on fire but he juss need some milk yo. he b a'ight

Why the boons talk so loud?

lmao... enough Sup Forums for you user. you need to take a break.

How can you be white when you're sandwiched between the two blackest countries in the Western Hemisphere?

Uruguay knows what a border is