Why haven't you read it yet?
Sort yourself out bucko
Why haven't you read it yet?
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I read it. Its full of shit. Vanila for girls in highschool.
If you want to read about gulag try Shalamov - Kolimskie stories
Thanks Ruskie Bro
Just finished it a couple days ago. Pretty ominous. There are definite parallels to certain things happening today, not so much in camps but in the attitude of the populace towards each other which led to an authoritarian regime.
Most likely most is bs but still a good read
Despite almost every other account of life in the gulag by former prisoners agreeing with him? Good thing we have the word of his ex-wife, a faithful communist and loyal to the USSR. Clearly her words are unbiased.
Do you Slavs really have to read the whole thing in school?
What method of sorting, do you think Peterson would approve for programming?
Can you summarize it for me?
Damn son. What's your flag called. I want the red pill flag too
I've read the first two parts. I think there are either 2 or 4 more parts left to go.
Found it online and read about 100 pages, then ordered it from thiftbooks along with 1984
gonna order some more peterson approved lit next month
It's a travesty that we aren't taught this in american schools
Fuck off, weeb.
What's wrong with Gulag Archipelago and why the other book better?
A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich is good too.
I read it in 1989.
I'm taking it with a heavy grain of salt, just like holocaust testimonials.
it makes sense to me and doesn't go beyond what the scope of human indecency.
Need to finish parts V-VII in the aggregated version
Because its not a story from gulag or about gulag. Its a very stupid and boring book. The second book is a real story full of stress and horor
This is it
thanks comrade gonna order it next month
thanks for the suggestion, wanted to read more about the subject after finishing the Gulag.
Little evidence there is Solzhenitsyn did care about western marxists and wanted to expose them.
He started to avoid media, politicians and everyone else and lived in Vermont not communicating with (you).
His later untranslated political pamphlets express indifference to foreign affairs and he just thinks how to get rid of this: youtube.com
Soviet communism was a local debacle and perceived as part of Russian history, not of universal humankind history.
>What's wrong with Gulag Archipelago
Maybe nothing but
Natalya Reshetovskaya, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's first wife, wrote in her memoirs that "The Gulag Archipelago" was based on "campfire folklore" as opposed to objective facts. She wrote that she was perplexed that the Western media had accepted The Gulag Archipelago as "the solemn, ultimate truth", saying its significance had been "overestimated and wrongly appraised". She said her husband did not regard the work as "historical research, or scientific research", and "The Gulag Archipelago" was a collection of "camp folklore", containing "raw material" which her husband was planning to use in his future productions.[14] However, it is possible her memoirs were part of a KGB campaign, orchestrated by Yuri Andropov in 1974, to discredit Solzhenitsyn
"possible" like how its "possible" the official communist party line that the communist who was caught burning the reichstag down was helped by the National Socialists - was just damage control bullshit. Gee, were the communists lying as damage control? You can trust commies, right?
>However, it is possible her memoirs were part of a KGB campaign, orchestrated by Yuri Andropov in 1974, to discredit Solzhenitsyn
Yeah, that's always something to consider. I've read the first two parts and it certainly does paint a bleak picture of the camps and the structure surrounding them. But Solzhenitsyn's own experience in the camps was much easier than the other stories he tells. So he could be picking out a lot of extremely bad instances of things that really did happen but weren't the norm. Then again, I really have no clue.