How the fuck does this happen? How can we accomplish anything if we can't even keep fuckin lead out of our baby food. Is it deliberate?
How the fuck does this happen? How can we accomplish anything if we can't even keep fuckin lead out of our baby food...
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consuming (((baby food))) other than natural boob milk is blue-pilled senpai
Goyim, didn't you know lead is useful for bone strength, if more of these white children have this baby food, you'll be stronger, trust me, my uncle Moisheberg Goldstein did a study on it.
> Made in China
Trusting anything CNN says.
Made in China and Mexico...
Do they even say how much lead? I'm sure there are acceptable amounts you can consume without ill effects.
Lead is poisonous, you gotta get rid of it somewhere. Same with fluoride.
>How the fuck does this happen?
FDA is corrupt now.
it's in the ground water
so it's in all the fruits and veggies
you can't stop it now
>He doesn't know breast milk contains mercury and lead
Oy vey goyim, feed your babbies meat and grains. Make sure you feed them lots of wheat and soy!
Stay away from evil fruits and veggies
Good thing we have a bureau to check for food safety
>get food from china
>expect it to be lead-free
lead's the least of burgers' dietary worries...
Holy shit brb fapping
There is no safe level of lead exposure. It will deteriorate the brain even at the smallest doses.
How are you supposed to eat this from a logistics stand point?
I don't believe you
Open mouth, insert food
Yeah, the out-of-breath, "I ate too fucking much" feelings, along with the stomach pains, gas, burping and then the sprint to the bathroom for horrific diarrhea that gags everyone in the house are so fucking epic, do want
Totally worth the 5 minutes of pleasure
Shut the hell up, its not edible food. That shit looks terrible.
you degenerates must be purged.
Shut the hell up, its not a sustainable government. That shit is terrible.
>implying communism isn't veiled capitalism that ends up putting some pretty low common denominator people in power due to Marxist hoodoo beguilement magic
That's just like your opinion. I love cheeseburgers and the bigger the better.
You degenerates need to be gassed
He doesn't know that at some point babies eat solid food.
This is wack. How can they do this to babby and at home?
>implying that if that's what communism looked like Sup Forums wouldn't unanimously support it.
Fake News.
WTF someone made a Spurdo version of me
What burger place advertises attack on titan?
I'm sorry user.
USA solves problem of underweight toddlers.
Me too
You have to give them baby food so they can learn how to eat. Yes you could make it yourself, but a container of baby food is 50 cents and can be stored indefinitely.
>Is it deliberate?
No goy, its a ((((((((pure coincidence))))))))
just mash up fruit for them, but thats probably too much work for americans
With an erection
Oh ok, well carry on then .
lol nigga these white fat trailer trash moms be feedin they're kids mcdonalds and shit and saying too surveys "OH I WAS FEEDIN BABEH HEALTHY VEGGIES AND JUICES"
When I told a baby to eat lead, this isn't what I meant.
Stop posting sexy cartoons
u = virgin too
How much lead? It could literally be a nearly zero amount
Sadly I fucked an ugly fat woman in the dirt behind a shitty bar years ago. I wish I was a virgin. All I have left in life is 2D.
It explains a hell of a lot though.
>lead in baby food
They're just building up a resistance to bullets tbqh. We take "eat lead" quite literally. Gotta get the babies immunized
Food from China. But Drumpf said China aren't currency manipulators and are BASED so suck it up
>What is lead poisoning?
Lead causes brain shrinkage.
(((They))) are trying to create a nation of untermensh
also just make your own babyfood with a food processor
I could maybe have a crack at the one on the left but the one on the right is dog food. You have to compress them.
Why do you think fluoride is in everything?
Yea, same reason.
> Trusting anything CNN says.
CNN is a fake news network... They spread fear propaganda in order to help their masters control markets or change public opinion.
We wont wring out our own babies for their precious oils and powders. The best alternative is go to china for their overabundance of infants.
Oy vey goy nothing to see here simply an accident goy no shoahs are involved
>Is it deliberate?
check where it's manufactured.
that's all I'm saying
>compress them
Make em fat, stupid, and docile.
Oh hell yeah it does. That looks fucking good. I havent had a burger in a week. Damn jelly. Gonna hit up wendys and get a quadstack burger
One simple trick to lower baby weight and intelligence
this is why we need a global free market for all products, including foods
end national subsidies for farmers, those are a hindrance and laughable. If produce from other parts of the world is cheaper, we should buy it from there.
>I don't believe you
well, most people wouldn't notice a .1 point drop in intelligence
both sources state that no safe level for lead has been established
Jews poisoning all non-Jews with lead. What a surprise.
shut up and eat your lead you poor trash
Is this also what will happen with the nuke waste?
lol this shit is just more stupid tax. its like people that think dogs can only eat dog food because why else would they call it 'dog food'? women need to take them time to be mothers again. there was a time when (((machines))) didnt make everything for us, and its surprisingly simple to prepare your own food with fairly cheap produce. cheap fruits and vegetables arent exactly great, but its better than the 'baby food' scam.
>the levels were not identified by brand
Isn't this the libertarian utopia Sup Forums wanted? Better learn to enjoy that lead, folks.
>In particular lead affects children’s brain development resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), behavioural changes such as reduced attention span and increased antisocial behaviour, and reduced educational attainment. Lead exposure also causes anaemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity and toxicity to the reproductive organs. The neurological and behavioural effects of lead are believed to be irreversible.
Is that the free market ancaps dream about?
Feature, not bug, goy.
This Exactly!
Seriously though, why can't a machine mash up the food, put it in a sterile container and sell it to me for far less than I could possibly do it myself LIKE NEARLY EVERY OTHER FUCKING PRODUCT I CONSUME?! It's like you missed the entire last 10,000 years of human society where we specialized in individual tasks so that we could provide expert value to the economy instead of just sustanance value to our own meager lives
>a container of baby food is 50 cents and can be stored indefinitely.
and you're surprised to learn it's full of poison?
you sure must hate your own baby if you're not willing to put in that very small effort of cooking your own babyfood