Shame on you, Sup Forums.
Shame on you, Sup Forums
>Paint bright colors on roads
>Surprised that roads are dirty
You cant expect writers at buzzfeed who dont make any money to know what an automobile is, and what the rubber tires tend to do to roads.
Those aren't skid marks
Well damn. It seems cars actually use streets to move around. The more you know.
Pretty sure every street had skidmarks. It's just you can't see them on asphalt
Yeah, I'm not sure they can definitively say it was intentional vandalism. Particularly since crosswalks usually also have lights, and people often peel out on a green light, or skid into a red light.
>people driving on roads is vandalism
>vandalized with skid marks
>said the fag
Do they seriously not understand that skid marks aren't always voluntary, and that painted surfaces tend to attract the shit out of them?
Who authorizes the spending of over $10,000 on these things when the rest of the streets are covered in pot holes? Who didn't see skid marks on the road coming? Why don't we just gas these people?
No this was intentional because buttfucking.
fuck you
The left looks deliberate but the right is just dirty tires. They werent gonna stay vibrant and beautiful forever. Cant wait how theyll react when the road settles and the bricks get warped
>illegal in America
Wtf is wrong with this country?
good job
needs more paint tho
>pay $100,000 of taxpayer money for city art
>award contract to cultural marxist who pushes his political agenda
>paint ground bright colors
>requier $15,000 a month to maintain
>original $100,000 allocation is now $180,000 annually in perpetuity
>removing "art" is now a hate crime.
Those aren't skid marks those are just the added black stripes
A couple of days later, someone poured tar dumped manure on the crosswalks.
It's pretty clear the skidmarks were intentional, which is fine by me.
in b4 salon article: Is time racist and homophobic?
>gays are good
>skidmarks are bad
Getting some very mixed messages here.
>Dirty roads
Cars shouldn't be able to drive here!
>illegal in America
It's in Canada.
This is illegal.
Not us. If it was us, it would have been a swastika or a rare Pepe
>area where cars start and stop frequently
>not expecting skidmarks
3rd post best post
It's a street, skidmarks will happen, that's how it is.
>Paint poopdick flags on roads. Be shocked when people drive on roads. Whew!
Except, you know, street paint typically holds up pretty well under tires. Plus the manure. Plus the tar poured on the paint.
>ruin the crosswalks with gay shit
>pedestrians everywhere
>act surprised when cars have to slam on the brakes
Coming up next:
Water: Is it really wet, or is it white supremacy?
Imagine if they checked the traffic cameras and arrested the person who made the skid marks. Then it turns out they just stopped suddenly for a red light. Would they still get prosecuted to appease the PC mob?
>This means niggers, and homosexual causes are getting ran over
Why are tires rasis?
you know the answer
hanged, drawn, and quartered
Tires can't be racist, they're black.
>street paint typically holds up pretty well under tires
No it doesn't, we just don't notice it because 99% of it is on parts of the road we don't drive on.
Look at any crosswalk and you'll see it's not a solid, uncut line unless it's freshly made.
I'd have poured diesel fuel on it
The white walls be raysis n sheeeet.
>Plus the manure.
You'd think gays would be used to that
I wonder how much that shit cost to paint.
I mean they do say its "father" time
I completely forgot about Matress Bitch. Whatever happened to her?
I hope they do this in Seattle. I'll take my evil racist, Nazi 5 series down there and light up the 265's all over their gay faggot crosswalk while blasting Ramstein.
Saw an article yesterday that said the crosswalks in Texas cost $4k to paint rainbow colors on. They'll get tired if spending the money before people will get tired of dumping tar onto it.
>bright paint shows tire marks
imagine that
I said the same thing when this got painted. "It's going to get dirty like any road and they'll see it as some kind of hate crime"...
Fucking retarded.
>Emma Sulkowicz is back, in barely any clothes, and getting tied up in public. Her most recent stunt features a professional dominatrix binding, berating, and hanging her from a ceiling
So she's just a fucking psycho, just like everyone knew she was.
People literally defended this nutcase and blamed muh soggy knees for her own mental illness.
And they wonder why people loved Trump.
This is a wake-up call.
shouldn't have used house paint.
epoxy or gtfo
I'm sure they definitely can't say it was intentional vandalism.
How else are they supposed to embezzle $12,000?
there was a small scandal in the town I used to like in that someone from the city council paid some people to steal or destroy some art that was on a crumbling wall that the artist wouldn't allow to be torn down.
Paint it on a wall if you don't want it to get tire marks you fucking cucks. Actually, just keep painting it on the road. That way it can get destroyed.
They're already saying high latitudes are islamophobic so I wouldn't put it passed them.
I dare someone to get some black spray paint and cover one or two of them.
Or maybe a swastika would be a nice touch. Sounds edgy but it would piss the left off.
Who payed for those crosswalks?
Good, should bring some Indians in to take care of it.
Imagine how many meals for the homeless you could have made instead of this.
>marks on the street
>hurt someones feelings
In Houston (Westheimer and Taft) some shitty company paid $15,000 to paint their shitty ass gay pride flag on the cross walks.
I live just about of Houston but still nearby the area.
thinking of "accidentally" dropping a bucket of black paint all over the crosswalks.
mmm yeah
*be careful of accidents!*
Somebody was trying to add some brown to the racist rainbow. Those rainbows are exclusionary for POC just like Sk.ttles bite size candies are!
heh, nothing personal kid
that was their plan from the beginning duh
arent the skid marks a metaphor for a leaky asshole due to buttsex
Just use turpentine or acetone. If it doesnt peel it off, light it on fire
Looks more american now, I think thats great.
so is faggotry
They are literally searching for reasons to be offended at this point.
>Dude wtf we poured paint on the road where cars drive and the cars drove over the paint this is a hate crime :(((((((
Use this instead
Didn't know driving counted as vandalism now.
Painting the road with those colors was really stupid not to mention a waste of money. Look how fast yellow and white lines on a road turn dirty in a few days. Take that gay shit and paint a building instead it's a bolder statement of your privileged stupidity!
They spent 14k on painting 2 crosswalks like this in my town
>Paint crosswalk
>everyone crossing falls and breaks their ass bone and sues the city.
There's a sodomy joke to be made here
If I see one of these gay ass fucking things at a red light I'm gonna leave my mark.
East of broadway on 10th and 11th.
Put your money where your mouth is faggot. Post pics
the ones on the left dont look like ksidmarks, just dirt
In other news, a poll was hijacked by trolls and voted the opposite of what we wanted.
ITT sodomites that don't understand how roads work.
obviously everyone has to buy rainbow tyres. They are only black because of coloured additives. A special tax for non-degenerates should cover it.
Turn them inside out so they'll last another week.
>how can there be roads to vandalise if there is noone to build the roads
It's obviously white heteroexual males that are to blame.
Τι ήθελε να πει με αυτό?
>make rainbow colored toilet
>"wow people are shitting in it how homophobic"